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Alberta following Texas

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    Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
    Financial Survival??? Albertans such as yourself, pay exactly the same federal tax rates as citizens in every other province. You are not penalized by paying a greater percentage of your income to the feds as anyone else making the same amount of income from another province. It is true incomes are higher in Alberta so more people are in a higher tax bracket than from other provinces so the amount the feds collect is higher from Alberta but that does not mean everyone in Alberta is facing financial survvival issues. In fact in order to pay at a higher tax bracket you have to earn more so your financial health would be better than people from other provinces. Oh, and by the way isn't it true there is no sales tax in Alberta that people in most other provinces have to pay so Albertan's pay less in other taxes.

    And equalization comes from tax revenue, collected from all Canadians again at the same tax rates. There is no additional equalization tax that Albertans or businesses pay.

    So you claim that westerners are facing financial survival issues unless they seperate when in fact they have higher incomes than any eastern provinces really falls flat!
    This is a big difference between left and right. You are looking at it from the greedy perspective of an individual, and the taxes we each pay. I'm coming at it from the perspective of what is best for the greater good of society.

    The country is going to fail, demographically the rest of Canada is a basket case, financially we will never dig out of this black hole of debt, politically, it will be impossible to ever elect a financially conservative federally again, and militarily we've starved and disrespected the military for so long that we are defenseless, and most of them wouldn't defend the current government regardless.

    So the question becomes, do westerners hold on due to some mythical pride and go down with the sinking ship, or accept the inevitable and join the only country which has a future, the country we already do most of our commerce with, and share a border with, and share common values with, share natural transport corridors, and who needs our resources, and our young demographics.

    For the greater good of western Canadians, this is the only option. Those who are opposed are free to move to the rest of Canada, and citizens from outside the west who can do math will move here in droves.


      A5 that's pure bullshit!

      The US has spent a huge amount on stimulus as well and has a higher debt ratio to GDP than Canada does.

      Only a dork would suggest Canada is about to fail as a nation!

      Alberta is more likely to go into decline as oil falls from its heady days as the most important energy source. Harper saw that coming a decade ago when he signed Canada on to a G7 agreement to stop using oil as an energy source by the year 2100.

      If the only solution is western separation, then you can separate and move to the US anytime you want.

      We don't need any wanna be american traitors in Canada. If you don't like Canada bugger off and leave it to those who do!
      Last edited by chuckChuck; Aug 13, 2021, 07:07.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        A5 that's pure bullshit!

        The US has spent a huge amount on stimulus as well and has a higher debt ratio to GDP than Canada does.

        Only a dork would suggest Canada is about to fail as a nation!

        Alberta is more likely to go into decline as oil falls from its heady days as the most important energy source. Harper saw that coming a decade ago when he signed Canada on to a G7 agreement to stop using oil as an energy source by the year 2100.

        If the only solution is western separation, then you can separate and move to the US anytime you want.

        We don't need any wanna be american traitors in Canada. If you don't like Canada bugger off and leave it to those who do!
        If you don’t like the way western Canada is go hobby farm in Quebec. See how long that goes without western Canada transfer payments


          Canada failed 40 yrs ago. Only AB equalization keeping it patched together. If Quebec had to send $20B to the rest of Canada the country would fold tomorrow.

          Only patriotic noble Albertans holding together the Frankenstein monster now. Lets see how long that lasts.


            Thank you chuck, for your emphatic enthusiasm to make sure you were included in the list of Canadians who can't do math. Not that we ever had any doubt.


              Originally posted by ajl View Post
              Will not happen smoothly like Norway and Sweden because those who can still think in central canuckistan know full well that without thefts of western wealth they are instantly in the third world. There are some there that know this. So this must be stopped no matter what even to the point of civil war. Any military hardware you see will be used against the separatists. Yes there are resources in Ontario and Quebec but then canuckistanians will have to do real job rather than government work. Can you imagine the horror.
              Sweden and Norway did not engage in one afternoon of polite disagreement. Sweden knew the Norwegians has had enough. Sweden knew talking time had passed and Norway was prepared to separate no matter what. Canada is at that point. We don’t need Eastern Canada. We will eat no matter what. Because we know how to work.


                Originally posted by Blaithin View Post
                I work with a guy that constantly says “I get no respect around here” It sounds just as juvenile coming from him as when Wexiteers say it.

                If you had a young person working for you and they claimed they don’t get any respect, what would you do?

                That phrase is almost exclusively 100% used by people who are mad because they don’t get their way.
                I think I’d listen to the words and tone and attitude of his boss to see if the young guy had a point.


                  Originally posted by Blaithin View Post
                  Yes it’s economic but do you think being a State is going to improve the scenario?

                  We’d go from supporting 25 million people to 300 million. Or you don’t think we’d be supporting places like California and New York?

                  A large portion of the climate people posturing against Alberta oil are Americans/Californians. So they’re just going to approve all the pipelines after shutting them down because we’re American? Oil is a resource in purgatory. Alberta has bet on it too hard and is paying for it. Why should we bet everything on it again?

                  It’s a pipe dream. America is going through its own resource revolution against climate change and add in severe drought and a huge population. They’d bleed us dry faster than East ever will.

                  The East built the West. They have a solid 300 years on us. If we can’t manage a few decades of supporting them then wtf do we think being part of a country is even about? As resources change and economics fluctuate and populations grow all countries will experience changes and supports. The idea that we can always be appreciated and supported is a pipe dream.
                  Norway would likely Do it all over again.They’re mightily successful. And happy. Sweden don’t give a damn.


                    Originally posted by parsley View Post
                    Sweden and Norway did not engage in one afternoon of polite disagreement. Sweden knew the Norwegians has had enough. Sweden knew talking time had passed and Norway was prepared to separate no matter what. Canada is at that point. We don’t need Eastern Canada. We will eat no matter what. Because we know how to work.
                    Very well said 👍👍


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                      Only about a dozen of yous on Agrisilly share Parlsey's brand of xenophobia, islamaphobia, bigotry and various other phobias mostly associated with mal contents. Meanwhile Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon and Winnipeg are all full of the people she hates.

                      What happens if Notley and the NDP take Alberta again?

                      You going to start splitting up the rural and urban areas into separate states? LOL

                      Let the small number of mal contents fantasize about separation. Gives them something to do.

                      And if they get really impatient they can always head for Alabama or Arkansas where the politics will be more to their likin.
                      Has name-calling become your calling card, chuck? Surprising tactic because you’re bright. Your sneer at Alabama and Arkansas folks was meant to be a sneer. And you, yourself, defined it as a political sneer. But why use such a tactic?

                      Partisanship is a passion. I understand that. But Trudeau’s leadership is designed to divide Canadians to mould Canada into a mere state of the United Nations. No more private ownership of land. A world army. Open borders. Forced vaccination. All are his political vision. iow, Communism.

                      But when politically based decisions are specifically designed to undermine, harm, bully, harass, propogandize, economically destroy, culturally decimate, professionally ruin, provincially target, personally malign, internationally disparage, and spiritually smother ordinary Canadians, whilst at the same time undermining the rule of law, lots of people begin to call out the political harassment in society.

                      Western Canadians are being continuously politically harassed by Canadians. Bullied. We can either follow along like a cocker spaniel, or draw a line in the sand; as did Norway. And mean it. As did Norway. What Trudeau is doing is purposely destroying Canada. Many Canadians are just catching on.

                      Peoplekind in Canada don’t like to be publicly maligned. They are. Especially Albertans. Jobs can be at stake. They are. Families rift. They do. Neighbours politically attack their neighbours personally on FB.

                      In other words, some Canadians have adopted the tried and true Liberal tactics of humiliation and alienation to bring about compliance for Trudeau’s vision.

                      You’re falling for these tactics, chuck. Using them. But in the long haul, people will take a stand. Alienated and humiliated, they’ll walk & not give a damn any more, as did Norway. Why? Because they have everything to gain. Norway gained everything they ever dreamed about for their families.

                      That’s what backing Trudeau style tactics inevitably brings. Pars
                      Last edited by parsley; Aug 13, 2021, 23:15. Reason: Spacing


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