Originally posted by dmlfarmer
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The country is going to fail, demographically the rest of Canada is a basket case, financially we will never dig out of this black hole of debt, politically, it will be impossible to ever elect a financially conservative federally again, and militarily we've starved and disrespected the military for so long that we are defenseless, and most of them wouldn't defend the current government regardless.
So the question becomes, do westerners hold on due to some mythical pride and go down with the sinking ship, or accept the inevitable and join the only country which has a future, the country we already do most of our commerce with, and share a border with, and share common values with, share natural transport corridors, and who needs our resources, and our young demographics.
For the greater good of western Canadians, this is the only option. Those who are opposed are free to move to the rest of Canada, and citizens from outside the west who can do math will move here in droves.