Hmmmmm I think fungicide on our barley is probably not going to be a good ROI unless applied with 50,000 gpa water.
Dug down a foot and hit some clay that doesn’t powder up right away. Glad we have lots of carryover straw and some barley in a bin too since we’ll likely need to buy some instead of selling the excess.

The roots seem to end at 7 inches though so that explains the yellowing.
Pastures that haven’t even seen cows are burning up. At least the hay is drying quickly. Phone is ringing with guys looking for some already. The alfalfa pellet plant threw out a price of $180/t so that’s the floor price for the area now. Probably only going up.

We planned on grazing a couple quarters of hay but maybe we’d be further ahead to sell our yearlings now and make hay and sell it instead……… Kinda sucking all the fun out of having cows when the grass disappears after only a month of grazing.
Next year country here we come in a big hurry with +36 and 50 kph wind today. ðŸ€