The last time there was drought the big exporters declared force majour (act of god) and cancelled all export sales then the market went higher. That pissed a lot of end users off.
I guess the exporters will have to import more canola this year, like they did this spring (so they can... reexport it? Likely keep crushers going though)
And what are the crush margins $250 ton?...?
I dont think the exporters should be short selling the growers! What happens if there is a drought ? I guess we will find out. They should be covering on the futures market in times like this, but are they?
I guess the exporters will have to import more canola this year, like they did this spring (so they can... reexport it? Likely keep crushers going though)
And what are the crush margins $250 ton?...?
I dont think the exporters should be short selling the growers! What happens if there is a drought ? I guess we will find out. They should be covering on the futures market in times like this, but are they?