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    Originally posted by caseih View Post
    But it’s ok for you to criticize a rodeo , hockey game , baseball game ?
    Here’s a news flash for you , you arrogant piece of work
    Rules are rules , you or your band of liberanos don’t get to decide which ones to break
    You broke the law when you attended that rally
    I followed the rules, it was legal to travel when I did , your little outing was not
    You and Your god broke the rules , AGAIN
    Criticize him
    And don’t F U C K EN call me racist ever again
    Sick of that chickenshit comeback from your manual
    I am probably the least racist person on here and I really take offence to that
    Many of the posters on Agriville complained that Trudeau should have shut the border to travellers earlier but that wouldn't apply to those who went on unnecessary vacations?

    Why do you and many conservatives only call out the BLM rallies for breaking covid rules when there were lots of more ongoing blatant anti mask, anti lockdown rallies and other conservative anti covid events?

    Hmmmm.... not a peep about those rallies from you or many of the frequent hypocrites on Agrisilly! Why is that?

    Instead you criticize those who wore masks and attended outdoor marches and rallies against racism and police murdering people of colour?

    Why are you and many of the frequent flyers silent on the issue of racism, bigotry and hate against people of color? In fact many posters deny there is even an issue of racism and push back.

    If you are opposed to racism and racists and support african americans, indigenous canadians and all people of colour, now is your chance to say so.


      Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
      Chuck where were you condemning of the PM on his recent trip to western Canada with zero masks and zero social distancing???? Ag star ?????
      Yup Fukin zero
      I thought you are opposed to mandatory public health measures, lockdowns and wearing masks?

      If you have two vaccinations you are now able to go without a mask in many places and especially out doors.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        I thought you are opposed to mandatory public health measures, lockdowns and wearing masks?

        If you have two vaccinations you are now able to go without a mask in many places and especially out doors.
        answer the question please?


          Forget him.
          The agent of change he believes himself to be, the world has seen before.


            Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
            Many of the posters on Agriville complained that Trudeau should have shut the border to travellers earlier but that wouldn't apply to those who went on unnecessary vacations?

            Why do you and many conservatives only call out the BLM rallies for breaking covid rules when there were lots of more ongoing blatant anti mask, anti lockdown rallies and other conservative anti covid events?

            Hmmmm.... not a peep about those rallies from you or many of the frequent hypocrites on Agrisilly! Why is that?

            Instead you criticize those who wore masks and attended outdoor marches and rallies against racism and police murdering people of colour?

            Why are you and many of the frequent flyers silent on the issue of racism, bigotry and hate against people of color? In fact many posters deny there is even an issue of racism and push back.

            If you are opposed to racism and racists and support african americans, indigenous canadians and all people of colour, now is your chance to say so.
            i am opposed to racism , of any description , against any colour or religion ,i have made that very clear on here many times . i have had more dealings with natives , inuit , etc. then you will ever experience in your little sheltered corner, in the rest of your days. most of these guys and gals that worked with me could outwork anyone around here
            but burning , cars, wrecking their neighbours business's , burning churches , destroying property , well thats not OK
            if you are opposed to what this govt is doing to this great country , this is your chance to say so?


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              Many of the posters on Agriville complained that Trudeau should have shut the border to travellers earlier but that wouldn't apply to those who went on unnecessary vacations?

              Why do you and many conservatives only call out the BLM rallies for breaking covid rules when there were lots of more ongoing blatant anti mask, anti lockdown rallies and other conservative anti covid events?

              Hmmmm.... not a peep about those rallies from you or many of the frequent hypocrites on Agrisilly! Why is that?

              Instead you criticize those who wore masks and attended outdoor marches and rallies against racism and police murdering people of colour?

              Why are you and many of the frequent flyers silent on the issue of racism, bigotry and hate against people of color? In fact many posters deny there is even an issue of racism and push back.

              If you are opposed to racism and racists and support african americans, indigenous canadians and all people of colour, now is your chance to say so.
              FYI Black Lives Matter is racist!


                The matter of African American history in America is long, and complex. And doesn't exist in Canada.
                Identity politics has consumed our thoughts and is doing so to our society.
                SJWs no longer notice when they say things like "police murdering people of color". It of course should read " police murdering people"; full stop.
                And to condemn anyone who points that out is equally as sinister as the original crime itself.


                  Even my lefty sjw neighbour isn’t as unrelenting as our one. Don’t mind a foil but I swear the condescending browbeating is what loses me. You call us all racists when backed in a corner and have no idea what our backgrounds are. In times of turmoil there is no right side to be on. Just the lucky one.


                    Originally posted by biglentil
                    This study out of the UK shows otherwise. Better get those endless experimental boosters..
                    Do you ever take even 1 second to think whether or not what you post is complete garbage making you look like an absolute moron?

                    Perhaps finishing grade 8 would have helped. Hopefully you can read, get someone to help you with the big words. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-delta-vaccinated-idUSL2N2OD2CJ https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-delta-vaccinated-idUSL2N2OD2CJ


                      Freedom is near Canada is over 50 % fully vaxed. Cases of covid are dropping. USA is 48% vaxed but have stalled out. Covid cases are up in 45 states.


                        Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                        Freedom is near Canada is over 50 % fully vaxed. Cases of covid are dropping. USA is 48% vaxed but have stalled out. Covid cases are up in 45 states.
                        So 2% is all that's standing between freedom and another lock down? Sounds like doctor math.


                          Originally posted by jazz View Post
                          So 2% is all that's standing between freedom and another lock down? Sounds like doctor math.
                          "I don't care any more. I don't care how many people die with covid anymore. I don't care which countries abuse their citizens anymore.

                          All I care about is in the glorious land of western Canada, masks, lockdowns and insane socialists are a distant memory. Reply With Quote "

                          And yet your back, even though you've got the Covid jab, helping out the Root Cellar Dweller Sheepies as they spend their days cutting and pasting reassurance for each other on Agriville.

                          Ya, we all know you guys aren't getting the Covid Vax, who gives a shit anymore Western Canadian farmers are suffering a major drought.

                          That's the concern.
                          Last edited by foragefarmer; Jul 13, 2021, 20:05.


                            http://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-05/fccc-lpr050621.php http://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-05/fccc-lpr050621.php

                            Darn cheap treatment, I’ve got a few gallons kicking around I usually get a good dose when doing cows.
                            Last edited by DaneG; Jul 13, 2021, 21:29.


                              Still posting garbage about ivermectin. Go drink it if you think it will save you. These kind of misleading studies of studies are some of the reason the U.S. will continue to see more sickness in the unvaccinated.




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