Originally posted by jazz
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Crop tour 2021 just one farmer with his 2 sons who farm.
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Not sure if this is a cruel joke or what ....
No one else calling for much
I guess time will tell
Unfortunately many crops it is far too late , drought damage is extensive now
Well here are a few observations.
On the West Side, I would love to know how many acres of Canola were seeded on that side of the province and SW part of Sask. Because if it's half the acres 1/2 are ****ed up real bad. Some spots look like more Canola than Niawian to Melfort. Honestly, it's more yellow south of Rosetown to Swift. So math wise because they have no long-term yields that have been discounted for 30 to 50 years with frosts and floods and droughts on the east side so our average is an average vs 10 great years of growing a new crop average. Just doing math because it's fun. So was canola seeded for a reason this year's best-payer in a drought.
When I worked for Sask Ag I use to say to others the SW and West can grow two things really well Lentils and Durum and we cant on the Eastside and north. We shouldn't be growing durum and lentils and they shouldn't be growing Canola and Spring wheat. Well, 2021 is proving that.
Anyway, what did I see in the last two days?
Outlook the irrigated Canola looks the shits until you look at where no water gets in the corners. Nothing.
Rosetown south to swift Lentils good big cracks in-ground and Durum will have to be combined. The big difference on seeding date later looks better than early seeded that's changing but is filling some on the main head. Peas changing also real fast like spray oh it won't work because to dry and harvest in 10 days.
Sweet spot at kyle or just a bit better in places.
Down to Rogers home town and south to shanavan over to Eastend the Bench is better but nothing to write home about. They Will have to harvest crops but on canola when you stop walk in and look at pods on the bottom nothing top and thin.
East end over to Limerick is awful then it starts to get better after Assinaboia to Pangman. Still spots with crap to ok.
The big thing is from their north to Regina. Looks way better thicker healthier but Canola has orange spots showing up if you look at the crop of Canola. Get out of the vehicle take a piss and crawl in. It's good probably the best I have seen but has issues showing up with the heat.
So in a nutshell the guy predicting 37.6 BPA is a ****ing fool. Maybe on his 20 clients farms in sweet spots but overall the average won't be there.
Lots will have to be harvested at 10 to 20 BPA lots. Some fields will not be harvested as to big of a waster of time.
The crop won't be 11 mt unless the heat continues and no smoke and no showers coming in and hitting the odd guy. No mass rain event will save this crop. Actually, a huge rain event would probably add to problems because I can just see it guys swath canola and then it rains and fields yellow as they try to harvest first shit. Been there it does happen odd times.
The crop will be Sub 15 at best. There are areas that have something decent enough but not massive. Nothing really massive anyplace on the tour which shocked me. Get ready for $800. quality seed hahhahaha it's worth every penny. Not.
Peas are making pods three in the shitty with 2 to three seeds 4 to 6 in better with 5 to 6 seeds.
Lentils like I said are looking good and flowering and making some seeds.
Durum likes heat and is trying to make seeds even on the burnt areas. That could be one seed per head but it's trying.
Faba looks shitty all over.
Flax you can see rows in most places.
Spring wheat some real thick some real thin.
It's province-wide except for the sweet spot getting rain showers in SE. That's it.
Like our farm some Good some not bad and some ugly.
Funny irrigated Canola doesn't look like a million-dollar crop. But when you see the corners with no irrigation you realize it does create a crop.
A tired truck needs an oil change and my spare tire fell off as I broke the cable on a rough road going to the Dam. Found the tire so just a repair on the Denali.
Going to be a lot of empty grain bins and elevators this winter.
By far the biggest worry for many will be half filled grain contracts. That will be by far the biggest financial hit that no one is talking about much yet at all.
Over the past decade farmers have been almost forced to do more and more forward contracts .
Input buying has been pushed earlier and earlier to a point of 10 months in advance. This has pushed farms to contract more grain than what used to be done to cover more and more earlier bills .
Then to top it off if you wanted to move any grain from September to December you literally had to have contracts to move anything or the elevators “had no roomâ€
This has created a perfect storm in 2021 that will be more devastating that the drought itself.
It started in this area 12-15 years ago with the big land grab . Those farms were getting all the space at the elevators tied up for at least the first three months from harvest on. The only way to haul anything was to have at least some contracts . Bills need to be paid and and n farm storage was always a concern in decent years .
Not everyone “had†to , but the majority did some forward contracts this year to take advantage of higher than average fall pricing .
Some went big on high volume crops ... it’s going to be a wreck for those .
But even at 20-25% in whatever crop , which is generally safe 95% of the time .. it will be an issue in some areas . Buy outs are massive this year .
That 25% of average is now in most cases probably close to 100% of what’s there .
I know some well over 50% of average contracted .... with virtually no crop or will be well below 20% average yields .
With futures still moving up , this is a train wreck in the making that will dwarf the drought talk after harvest .
This is why very very little crop will be cut for feed
Nearly Every acre will have to be harvested to remotely fill contracts ...... at much lower prices than the current market .
Better not get an electric car, you might never get home. 😂 Sure a wonderful sight this morning to see on Environment Canada, “Heat Warning Ended†a ENE wind and showers on the horizon. The crop has taken a beating all over. Thanx for doing that and reporting back. Good to get an honest perspective. The crop sprayers have interesting pictures from 15 feet up and we get those every few days. I gotta post some interesting posts of a durum field here that was seeded with a Quad Trac last spring. You would not believe the brown trac pattern this year(16 months later) . Guess gumbo compacts something fierce.
Last night we went out around Regina and saw later Canola that could benefit from a rain and bottom pods are filling, but a low field on gumbo with 6 inches of rain. We need a 2 inch shot of kool-aid to fill those pods.
We are heading out on the Lentil Canary Loop on Thursday. That’ll take us to Rosetown, Kyle, down Bigzee’s way, Assiniboia, (no stop in Plentywood this year), then across to Estevan, back through Stoughton, back home via Riceton-Grey.
Originally posted by Herc View PostAll you had to say was Wiener water soup for us peasants on the west side of the province....
The area is massive that is in big trouble
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