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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Having computer issues typed the whole report and had a spelling mistake went to Fix and whole report disappeared then did another and it happened so hopefully this time I rebooted and it works. ****ing Mac.

    Rain will help some farms but it won't make the dead plants rise or fill dead wheat and barley heads. What it will do is help late seeded and fill the wheat and barley that is there. Dead stools don't regrow and make a new head and if they do you will have bigger problems come harvest.

    I have one question for this week, Do we have a Federal Ag Minister and when is Skippy coming West to take a selfie in a dead wheat field or does western canada not mean a thing to this group of useless politicians from the east. Really dairy farmers had a little loss do to the use canada free trade and they got what 3 billion, yet a total massive drought and not a peep. This is why I hate the East. We are not part of Canada.

    Here is the crop report.

    Some south of the QuAppelle valley to Weyburn got a very nice rain the last few days. Like some got up to 4 inches and a few miles away 1/10. South of valley from Edgelley on to Manitoba got 1 to 2 inches. We had a freak shower cross the big hole in the ground and gave our farm a whopping 1/10. So for the month of July that is three 1/10 showers. You can't grow a crop on 1/10. Total for the year our average is 4.3 with most of the rain 3 inches coming before June 10th. So yea its not going to be a normal harvest for us. Actually it will be opposite of the 2010 floods this time the hills or higher spots will have nothing much and the low areas will give you something.

    Ok rain will fill wheat spikelets with seeds developed and fill pods that are there with bigger heavier seeds, yes some will see flowers on later seeded fields and odd flower in thinner canola because some plants were below can make a plant now. But will be later come harvest and could be green seed.

    Nice to see some get the rain, the rest of us just keep looking at the sky and wondering will we get some or is 2021 the year of the 1/10.

    HRS is filling and most spikelets are 10 to 12 not 16 with 4 rows not 10 seeds so my thinking is the crop is 1/3 less than last year. 90 is the new 60 or 60 is 40 or 40 is 30. One rain would still make bigger seeds but one more week of no rain and light seed is in the equation. Wheat can take heat and will fair better than most crops but still production will be down.

    Barley ever one grew and every one knew with drought barley doesn't do well. Ours caught one 1/4 shower in June and had good moisture up till then but it is lacking after that. Most did come out of the boot but about 10% are stuck 1/3 in. It will be less than 2/3 of last years crop. Hopefully the rain comes and fills a bigger seed because right now that's all we have left for potential is more weight.

    Oats doesn't like heat and it is showing up with brown spots and short short crops. Only seen a few that would be considered normal on my sask tour.

    Flax that was thin is still thin but flowered and is making a ball. Not a lot of extras just one nice one and call it a year.

    Peas didn't like last Saturday and some spots infield just said **** it and quit doing anything. Some spots on late seeded won't produce a pea pod at all. Early seeded wins this year but not by much. Infared phots from crop satellite show the problems double seed a slough and it wasn't a good idea. 70 will be 40 40 will be 20 and 30 will be 15.

    Lentils are trying and still flowering and producing seed might make out good but they say the price is to high now so you know what will happen.

    Canola is not having a good year the first heat wave it survived and recovered each night the last Friday and Saturday bake oven it didn't like and it shows. Fields shut down and nothing will bring them back. Late seeded and wetter ground that caught a shower looks better but still nothing awesome. On our farm it will be 50% crop from last few years if were lucky.

    To the idiot who said a 18.7 mt crop you are an idiot and did change it to 16 or lower. The truth is this is a sub 15 mt and could be lower one little corner of Sask can't make up for the whole province.

    I wish I had better news on Canola but harvest won't be fun it reminds me of our 1988 crop we bought two 30 ft swathers that year and traded our 20 ft and 25 ft off. Felt better with a thicker swath but the result was still the same at the end only needed a few bins. But combining you felt better. Might need to double swath 60 ft this year to feel better.

    Pastures are ****ed and guys are going to have maybe a few weeks left big problem is most water sources are gone. Lots buying tanks and hauling water.

    Hay crop is good on newer fields. Old fields have issues and late seeded green fields and millet is having big time problems making anything.

    So in a nut shell the drought continues for most. The odd ones in Se won Lotto max and will have more bushels.

    Ottawa still doesn't know where Western Canada is and doesn't care. Crop insurance will force most to harvest their fields and lots will be spent on 10 to 20 BPA crops most will be just over their crop insurance and Ag stab won't pay for what two years from now. Private insurance probably isn't any better.

    Fun times on the farm as the drought of 2021 continues. Talk to any one who will listen and remember most are in the exact same boat as you with a shitty crop. No one has a bumper some have a average at best but not one area is a bumper.

    Phone a friend and chat, all we have is other farmers as Ottawa couldn't care at all about the west. Where is BoBoo probably talking to Girl Scouts about cookies made from Cheap wheat.

    Oh fun fact yesterday’s stupid Ag canada manipulation number did cause speculators to leave the canola contract in a huge dollar a bushel way. These idiots still get paid for false information.

    We need better service from our idiots at Ag canada.

    But if your weak at the top post BoBoo I’m talking to you. The whole department is weak.

    Our barley same spot each week a section this year square.

    Wheat will make something but the yield isn’t even close to the last few years.

    Ugly areas and some not bad but this one did catch a small rain.

    Sand ridge is gone

    Peas are ****ed.



      Will seal the deal for the vast majority that got virtually no rain this past month.
      In a way hopefully it stays dry through September now , let us get this harvest over with . 2002 was much the same up till now , but then turned wet and harvest was a long and tortured event . Let’s hope that don’t happen again

      That year the areas where the crop was so poor the combines never came out actually got very lucky. Collected crop insurance and combines stayed in the shed . Dealing with a poor crop , downgraded grains and wet conditions was very costly at the end of the day
      Last edited by furrowtickler; Jul 22, 2021, 07:16.


        Rain won't help now...might as well finish up harvest and do rain dances on the last pass.

        Maybe get a chance to spray this fall...

        Sort of worried about 2022 ...if you think about how dry it was coming into 2021...it isn't looking good for next year..

        Crops will be cut as short as possible...no snow capacity. ...

        Lerner says 2022 could be worse....he called things accurately for 2021 since early in the year.


          Thanks again Sask for the report. Someday I will take the time to figure out how to download pictures onto agriville. My crops look similar to yours. Wheat a little more advanced, canola some fields still are flowering, they had pretty well quit then the smoke and cooler temps hit and they flowered again. My peas actually look not too bad except that it was one of the first fields I sprayed with a new to me Case sprayer that was having aim command issues. Combine that with Viper’s somewhat spotty performance and you have a mess.

          Barley is certainly taking it on the chin, in my crops barley will certainly take the biggest yield hit.

          Pastures, lighter land they are brown, going backwards every day. Hay a quarter to at best half of last year.

          As I have said before Trudeau’s power base is Quebec, Ontario and the Atlantic provinces. In Western Canada there are to few votes. Reading this morning that Quebec just turned thumbs down on a proposed LNG export facility that would have exported western Canadian natural gas. The hits just keep on coming.
          Last edited by Hamloc; Jul 22, 2021, 07:28.


            Big rain this morning. No it’s the car wash . Trying anything to get a rain. 30% now


              I traveled 2600 km in the last couple of weeks through many areas in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

              There are many ugly crops and pastures out there. There are also some good looking crops in some areas. What the final yields are, only harvest will tell.

              Untill then you can speculate all you want about the size of the crop and most will take it with a grain of salt. Many farmers don't even tell the truth about their own actual yields, let alone guessing other peoples yields on a drive by.

              It also appears that many farmers failed badly in their weed management this year. Lots of Canada thistle, kochia, foxtail, wild oats, volunteer RR canola and various annual weeds showing up especially in peas, flax, soybeans, lentils and other less competitive crops. Some weeds seem to thrive in a drought and heat while the crops struggle.


                I dont hear any reports on the lentils up in the NW growing region. Surely there cant be a disaster in that crop too?


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  It also appears that many farmers failed badly in their weed management this year. Lots of Canada thistle, kochia, foxtail, wild oats, volunteer RR canola and various annual weeds showing up especially in peas, flax, soybeans, lentils and other less competitive crops. Some weeds seem to thrive in a drought and heat while the crops struggle.
                  Farmers failed? It was too cold to spray for anything before seeding, nothing was growing and glyphosate is bad. Group 2 resistance in Mustard and kochia is hardly farmers fault. And spraying in high winds and low humidity isnt ideal either.

                  I think farmers did a bang up job getting the crop where it needed to be until mother nature crapped out on our late june rains.

                  But you are going to see the glyphosate fly this fall.


                    Chuck chuck

                    Let me give you the chemical rep response...

                    Too hot...too dry...too wet..too cold...too windy...so sad

                    Too bad.

                    You really can be ignorant without knowing it.
                    Last edited by bucket; Jul 22, 2021, 08:03.


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