You’re talking about staying within the current parameters of
The system we have.
It really doesn’t sound too good when the grain co is stuck with
9 buck loss does it? So why is it acceptable for the farmer to
Bare that risk? We’re richer or what? One of the problems
Is this fake pricing in the fall. Never more evident than
Last year prices were based on a fake production number
That who was promoting? Grain companies were. I’d like to see rhe
Books on who bought what at 11 bucks and got sold at 20?
The system we have.
It really doesn’t sound too good when the grain co is stuck with
9 buck loss does it? So why is it acceptable for the farmer to
Bare that risk? We’re richer or what? One of the problems
Is this fake pricing in the fall. Never more evident than
Last year prices were based on a fake production number
That who was promoting? Grain companies were. I’d like to see rhe
Books on who bought what at 11 bucks and got sold at 20?