Early seeded lentils are being combined near us now. The first farmer out is always the first farmer out harvesting. The sample is beautiful but many small lentils in mix. They are yielding about 1000 lbs. 320 acres times 16 bushel equal 5120 bushels. That land got about 5 inches of rain this year and was Canaryseed stubble. The later lentils may not yield as well. Ours are grass-green (I’ve seen fatter pods before) and being protected from grasshoppers by air and perimeter spray. The planes haven’t stopped and won’t be anytime soon as hoppers also threaten what little Canola is there. The durum looks good from the road but you can be certain that the kernels won’t be too fat. The gumbo isn’t cracking like in other years as we haven’t lost a hammer yet this year. 😂 It’s anyone’s guess about the need for half the bins or a bit better but if these temps stay in the thirties, i am pretty sure filling half those bins will be a challenge. We are a lap away from the finish line and any rain would still help to cool her down. Maybe tonightðŸ‘
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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!
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This isn’t my area but pretty much sums up the devastation that is out there. Anyone that has “something†should be very thankful for what they do have. It might not be 50 durum 70 wheat or 60 canola, but most of western Canada will be wondering if it’s worth while pulling out the combines.
I know of one guy combining 3 bu lentils.
It’s going to be a long winter for grain companies, and everyone else connected with ag. Small towns will look like ghost towns, cities will feel the effects also, but will never admit it.
Take care everyone!!
Here’s a different angle
Honey producers are feeding bees instead of extracting honey
Dumb fu cks in govt have no idea how huge this is
If there is a quality problem with your contracted grain just leave it in the bin until problem goes away
Harvest Happy hour with fuz, ergot , etc in attendance, has officially been cancelled
Bigzee. For farmers this is definitely not what we want but maybe that dumb *** in Ottawa will see how real jobs are made and lost when there is nothing started at the ground floor. Gonna be lots of truckers looking for product and snake oil sales men like the Maytag repairman.
Canary seed deep in the (ex) swamp with 4 “ rain
You see all you experts , Neil , etc. , you can’t have 6 weeks of 30+ and have anywhere near an ave crop
Some of you ****ers need to get out of your air conditioned office
And you worthless pricks that are talking about a 19 MMT canola crop?
What the f u c k is wrong with you
You are a complete waste of time and so far from reality it is ridiculous
But it’s funny how countries that have a long growing season can’t see our days are numbered after June 23 rd days get shorter nights get colder and soon as the first killing frost is only sept 15 which is 45 days away. So a rain now would kill a green headed crop if it actually was delivered now. Rain at end of July just fills what’s their normal more addition to yield and it helps bring it in faster. Your just building or filling the moisture gas tank for 2022.
If you like math when the best place in Manitoba has fu k all canola the shit areas need 3 times their usual to equal out so do the math it will be lower.
In sask one area around Indian head has a good one but bot his best I have seen his best this isn’t even close. 30 plus for a month don’t make a great crop boys and girls.
But what do I know I’m just a stupid farmer.
Fill your contracts boys and take a advance or what ever you can and tell them all to go **** them selves with the big yields. Or if your just stupid deliver to them and smile as they apply the lube.
Either way all the useless info on this crop is screwing all farmers world wide.
In the garden of eden this year in our tiny, tiny spot. But even the garden of eden is below average crop. Like 60 to 80% of a crop. And not a lot of acres in a five by five mile chunk of land. I’ll take some pics. Case, maybe I can send them to you and you could put them up for me?
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