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Do all farmers blindly support saskparty and federal conservatives

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    Originally posted by newguy View Post
    Are you sure your area would be included in the split?Lots of areas on Sask that enjoy a free ride from the oil industries.
    Good question. Politically this area is right wing. Righter wing than the Conservative party of today. So I think we could be added to the movement easily enough.


      The last thing we need is to join the Americans, do you see
      What’s happening there? Civil war is approaching.
      The dems are so far out on the climate and I might
      A girl today boy tomorrow nonsense the republicans
      Want to put in place dictators and end voting totally
      A few people from each state will just pick a president
      Which states are you going to join with? They’re all
      Nearly split 50/50 and rhe ones that aren’t have the same
      We have. Send your kids to war?
      No thanks
      Really what some want here is the oil industry
      To rule and guess who would be the dictators
      In that scenario??? The car collector guy who advises
      Lawyers how to build pipelines? Lmao very successful


        Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
        Good question. Politically this area is right wing. Righter wing than the Conservative party of today. So I think we could be added to the movement easily enough.
        Right wing has got nothing to do with if your area can not add to the new Canada.Is the movement mainly about having to send equalization money to the have not areas? Is your area a have not within sask?


          Originally posted by newguy View Post
          Right wing has got nothing to do with if your area can not add to the new Canada.Is the movement mainly about having to send equalization money to the have not areas? Is your area a have not within sask?
          No. We have the most productive farmland. We have oodles of potash and oil. We’d contribute IMO.


            Originally posted by newguy View Post
            Right wing has got nothing to do with if your area can not add to the new Canada.Is the movement mainly about having to send equalization money to the have not areas? Is your area a have not within sask?
            The movement is that the east is completely out of step with the rest of us. Morally, financially, work ethic wise, value of tax dollars, priorities in finance, oil and gas, agriculture, the climate change farce, the list is pretty much endless.


              You hate the eastern bastards, but you will gladly take a bailout from them?

              You gotta love the western separatists and mal contents who enjoy all the benefits the country offers, but then complain like hell about how bad it is when covid hits, the world oil price fell and then a massive drought hits. But send us a cheque as soon as possible!
              Last edited by chuckChuck; Aug 10, 2021, 06:23.


                Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                The movement is that the east is completely out of step with the rest of us. Morally, financially, work ethic wise, value of tax dollars, priorities in finance, oil and gas, agriculture, the climate change farce, the list is pretty much endless.
                I would guess the % of people that agree with you is alot lower than you think.Economies are very complex. Trump experiment was a massive failure if that is your dream world.The investment and money flow would leave as fears of an unstable economy.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  You hate the eastern bastards, but you will gladly take a bailout from them?

                  You gotta love the western separatists and mal contents who enjoy all the benefits the country offers, but then complain like hell about how bad it is when covid hits, the world oil price fell and then a massive drought hits. But send us a cheque as soon as possible!
                  A bailout? Where have I been a proponent of a bailout? I avoid bailout threads, because I don’t believe in them.


                    Originally posted by newguy View Post
                    I would guess the % of people that agree with you is alot lower than you think.Economies are very complex. Trump experiment was a massive failure if that is your dream world.The investment and money flow would leave as fears of an unstable economy.
                    I think you are wrong. If honest questions were allowed to be asked, and not stifled, I think you would be surprised. But since the media and many minions scream as loud as they can at people who have different ideas, it never helps those ideas get off the ground.

                    Trump? Really? What does he have to do with anything? I simply am shocked and confused as to why you would bring him into a western Canada debate? Again, it is not just the economy. It is the fact that the easterners are far, far left in every way, from climate change alarmism, to killing babies before they are born, to the debacle that is the lgbtq movement, we are not close to one the same page. Yet we i the west have to conform to their ideals, because they have the people. So they shut down our resources, because the people believe in climate alarmism. What country on the planet leaves their oil in the ground?

                    Honest questions, if allowed, I would bet would show us the real numbers. But hey, what do I know? I get banned from commenting on CBC for bringing up opposing but truthful views. Others get to wish death on unvaccinated people without being banned, much like tweety did on here.


                      Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                      A bailout? Where have I been a proponent of a bailout? I avoid bailout threads, because I don’t believe in them.
                      He just babbles whatever comes into his head sheep
                      Guess he never saw all the times you said you didn’t want one
                      He just argues to hear himself talk
                      Gives him a sense of worth
                      Which he is obviously sorely missing
                      Last edited by Guest; Aug 10, 2021, 07:38.


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