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What the new UN report warning of climate impacts means for Canadians

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    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
    Climate lockdowns coming up next
    Well that’s not so bad if the West has an in-your-face screaming, stomping, education-shouting gathering on parliament hill forbidding the transport of Saudi-oil on ocean ships that can harm the environment and also belches out carbon via fuel!

    Could be a fun weeker. Better yet, at the port in Maritmes. I’ve never been there. Could be fun with whiskey and fresh lobster!


      Originally posted by parsley View Post
      So pleased you read my sermons, forage.

      No need to pat yourself on the back Parsely

      I have never searched or read any of your social media platforms and don't intend to, nor do I open any of the links you provide on Agriville.

      Your posting on Agriville are more than enough to figure out that your best before date is approaching fast and you'll eventually fade away like the SUN NEWS NETWORK.

      Ture Farmers are far to busy running a business and contending with the drought!
      Last edited by foragefarmer; Aug 10, 2021, 10:01.


        Last time westerners took to the hill, the leader of the country left. Would be easy to take over the country.


          Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
          No need to pat yourself on the back Parsely

          I have never searched or read any of your social media platforms and don't intend to, nor do I open any of the links you provide on Agriville.

          Your posting on Agriville are more than enough to figure out that your best before date is approaching fast and you'll eventually fade away like the SUN NEWS NETWORK.

          Ture Farmers are far to busy running a business and contending with the drought!
          Regret you were unable to recognize my facetious post to you, forage, when you read it on this social platform. Pars


            Farmers now being dragged into the climate farce. Beware.
            Click image for larger version

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              Strange that they let the cat out of the bag about climate change is just a wealth transfer scam and yet it still carries on as climate change


                Never read the article as it will have much better coverage from about any other source.
                Dod scan the comments. That is realy scary. Most are 110% on board including banning beef.
                We don't need it there for no need to produce it.
                A small sampling of the electorate that has influenced our current policy.
                Strange world out there and getting much much stranger.
                Too much for me.


                  UN’s Agenda 2030 mandate is to destroy the cattle industry and end private ownership of land. Read that again.And carbon tax farmers out of both.

                  Climate change will be the excuse, and constant manipulated weather buggering will facilitate your withdrawal from farming.

                  Real Climate change causes?

                  1. “Microsoft’s MSFT -0.7% billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect.”

                  2. Did you pay attention to this test? “With the help of Gates’s greenbacks, Harvard scientists are attempting to determine whether they can dim sunlight to cool down planet Earth. The administrators of SCoPEx, or Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, plan to test their sun-reflecting, particle-spraying balloon in Sweden in 2021”

                  3. Farmers should contract papers written about all kinds of causes of weather modification rather than funding new varieties of crops that get sold under your noses by University, to the Third world, for which you pay, and get no benefits. How’s about a study on weather modification in Saskatchewn? “The controversial subject of geoengineering or weather modification – which was popularized, and oversimplified with the term “chemtrails” – is once again stepping from the shadows and into the light of public scrutiny. “

                  4. “And it may soon be a reality as Harvard scientists plan first ever experiment to spray particles in the sky to dim the sun.” (Written in 2019, parsley has to ask what effect chemtrails have had on Western Canadian weather. Chemtrails around the Moose Mountain Park have been relentless. Is climate change being imposed on you? )

                  5. “Bill Gates is backing the first high-altitude experiment of one radical approach called solar geoengineering. It's meant to mimic the effects of a giant volcanic eruption.”

                  6. Years ago....“A US-based research body, Silver Lining, which has received $300,000 from Mr Gates, is developing machines to convert seawater into microscopic particles to be sprayed into clouds. Scientists believe this will increase the whiteness, or albedo, of clouds and increase their ability to reflect more sunlight back into space, reducing global warming.” (“A major report on the subject by The Royal Society last year also warned of the unknown side-effects of cloud-whitening, including, changes to regional weather patterns and ocean currents.”

                  Weather patterns... did you catch that?

                  7. “Based on available data, there are a number of known objectives including but not limited to solar radiation management (SRM), weather warfare, over the horizon radar enhancement, controlling food production, and probable biological testing. There are likely many more aspects and agendas related to the atmospheric spraying which we can not yet know.” I note hmmmm....FOOD PRODUCTION affects your bottom line. Have you read any studies done for farmers? ... I thot not.

                  8. Toxicity? I read all stuff. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/global-weather-modification-assault-causing-climate-chaos-and-environmental-catastrophe-2/

                  9. Perhaps it’s time to quit talking about climate change and restart the convo about Bill Gates’ funded climate assault.

                  Your farms’ survival depends upon the weather. Truly.

                  Let’s get an update about today’s weather from someone whom we know has the interest of farmers at heart. Let’s not pay Bill Gates’ cheque-cashers to write a paper on precipitation control for us. Or climate change.



                    Particularly entertaining was the cbc author's own cut and pastes regarding urban heat islands.
                    My eyes bleed reading these mass assembled collections of merely semi related quotes.
                    I'm afraid I'm too intelligent to give Chuck any credence or satisfaction. He needs to seek a lower target audience. Or I need a higher entertainment source.
                    Good to hear from you again Parsley.
                    Good luck, this has become too depressing LoL.


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post

                      Expect more heat waves, fires and flood events in future
                      Nicole Mortillaro · CBC News · Posted: Aug 09, 2021 4:44 PM ET | Last Updated: August 9

                      The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) once again issued a dire report warning that without a radical reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions, we are on a course for global warming that will have grave consequences.

                      Monday's report, which examined several scenarios, including one of low carbon emissions and one of high carbon emissions, or a business-as-usual approach, said the planet has already warmed almost 1.2 C above pre-industrial levels. The IPCC is calling on world governments to reduce CO2 emissions to limit that warming to 1.5 C, though it appears we may hit that threshold within the next two decades unless drastic reductions are made.

                      We are already seeing the effects of climate change across Canada, including more intense wildfires, heat waves and drought. There is nowhere — and no one — that will not be affected.

                      Here are just some of the impacts we can expect across the country.

                      Deep changes in the Arctic

                      The Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of the rest of the world, and according to the report, it's "virtually certain" that it will continue for the rest of the century. And that comes with many consequences.

                      Polar regions have begun to experience extreme heat events at more than three times the global rate. According to the report, this is expected to continue and will lengthen the fire season.

                      Permafrost has been thawing in the Arctic since the 1980s. This is particularly concerning because it releases methane, another greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

                      While winter snow may increase in the far north and central Arctic, the length of snow in the spring has been declining and will likely continue to do so.

                      Then there's the ice. Arctic sea ice cover is at its lowest level since 1850, and the Arctic is projected to be practically ice-free at its summer minimum in roughly 30 years.

                      "We have already committed to more warming, more ice loss from glaciers and ice sheets, and more sea level rise," Ella Gilbert, a post-doctoral research assistant at the University of Reading who was not involved in writing the report, said in a statement.

                      "We will probably see summers without Arctic sea ice before 2050 and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets will continue to shrink. We may even be hurtling towards unpredictable and irreversible tipping points in the climate system."

                      All these changes have a snowball effect. Polar regions are deeply important to regulating the global temperature. Less snow means more sunlight is absorbed by the darker water that's been exposed, which in turn leads to further warming not only of the region, but of the entire planet. It's what is referred to as a positive feedback loop.

                      These changes deeply affect those who live there, particularly Indigenous people who rely on snow cover and the cold weather.

                      "These aren't surprising issues. [The] Indigenous world who rely upon the well-being of their environment and the well-being of their climate and the land and the waters and everything that we depend on for our food source has been impacted for many, many years," said Siila Watt-Cloutier, an Inuit environmental, climate change and human rights advocate, who was not involved in the report.

                      "And we have been signaling these messages for many, many years."
                      Children play on Hot Sands Beach in downtown Kelowna, B.C., near Okanagan Lake on July 30, 2021. The William R. Bennett Bridge is barely visible due to heavy wildfire smoke. (Winston Szeto/CBC)
                      More heat events

                      In a summer where fires continue to rage across British Columbia, and the hottest temperature ever recorded in Canada was reached in June — 49.6 C in Lytton, B.C. — it may not come as a surprise to many Canadians that heat events are only expected to worsen.

                      In northern North America, which includes most of Canada, the report found that "temperature increases are projected to be very large compared to the global average, particularly in the winter."

                      "Heat waves, and changes in fire weather — that is the frequency or the likelihood of getting the combination of dry, hot conditions that lead to wildfires like the ones we're seeing this year — those increase along with temperature," said Greg Flato, senior research scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada and vice-chair of the IPCC group that authored the report.

                      "The higher the temperature gets, the more frequent, and the more severe these heat waves will become and the more frequent and more severe the fire weather conditions will become."

                      A toll on our oceans and water

                      One of the effects of a warming climate is rising sea levels. The report found that it is "virtually certain" that sea levels will rise around the world throughout the 21st century and will "continue to rise for centuries to millennia."

                      That's not only due to a warming ocean which then expands, but also a result of melting glaciers and ice sheets, something that we're seeing now across Canada, but also in Greenland.

                      "So sea level rise will continue to increase. And the rate of sea level rise will depend on future emissions," Flato said.

                      "But for coastal communities that has implications then for the frequency or the likelihood of severe inundation flooding, high sea level extremes … so depending on where you live, that will be an increasing threat."

                      However, the report found that the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean has warmed slower than the global average or slightly cooled. But it has also increased in salinity, which can affect ecosystems.
                      A hoary marmot perches on rocks near the Saskatchewan Glacier, the longest outflow glacier from the Columbia Icefield near the Alberta-B.C. border. Glaciers around the country will experience further melt with a warming climate. (Christine Boyd/CBC)

                      In the Rockies, the glaciers are melting which may create more glacial lakes. Due to temperature differences, experts also expect to see shifts in when rain transitions to snow and the range of snow and ice conditions over the next few decades.

                      In Ontario, parts of Quebec and the Atlantic region, it's very likely that there will be increases in the amount of rain as well as extreme precipitation. This means there is likely to be more flooding not only along our waterways, but also in places that normally don't flood.
                      Hotter cities

                      Most people across the world live in cities and Canada is no different. But living in these concrete jungles means that the effects of increasing heat waves are exacerbated. This is referred to as the urban heat island effect.

                      This is because tall buildings close to one another prevent natural air circulation and also absorb more heat. That heat is then re-emitted at night.
                      The City of Toronto sets up cooling centres during heat waves. The new report said cities across the country will experience hotter temperatures due to the effect of urban heat islands. (Bruce Reeve/CBC)

                      Increasing urbanization has made temperature extremes in cities worse, particularly for nighttime extremes.

                      In many cases, this means that air pollution worsens as surface ozone particles increase. This is exacerbated by rising fires and smoke.

                      More urban development and more frequent heat waves with more hot days and warmer nights will only add to the heat stress in cities.

                      Climate change means even more parts of Canada will need to prepare for stronger hurricanes, report suggests

                      The difference of the intensity and frequency of these projected impacts matter with even percentages of a degree. The IPCC's special report released in 2018 titled Global Warming of 1.5 C illustrated the difference between warming of 1.5 C and 2 C. It illustrated that consequences and effects on humanity increased drastically at 2 C of warming. That's why it's important to cut emissions now.

                      "What these low emission scenarios illustrate is that we do have the capability to limit warming if, collectively, we're able to reduce emissions quickly enough and get to net zero by the middle of this century, we can limit warming to one and a half degrees or somewhere not too far above that," Flato said.

                      "From my perspective, that's kind of empowering in the sense that there's something we can do about it. It's not an inevitable consequence. So we have agency, and we can act. We can act individually; we can act collectively."
                      So more or less what I read here is that we’re screwed anyway. Unless we get at it and everyone on board. So I would imagine population control is the first step. Who do we euthanize first? How do we do it? What do we do about countries not too willing? Next who is sterilized? Then I we need to get rid of all animals kept for food and pets. They use enough resources. I’m sure the technocrats have it figured to save what few are left. I don’t deny we can do a better job looking after our world but the alarmist draconian media from the UN and wannabe technocrats wreaks of totalitarian tendencies. Like really if we are screwed either way what is the point of living? Chuck do you ever think about that? If our existence is miserable and no promise of anything better.


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