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Is history repeating

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    NO, just parallels between the fearful who think facebook and bitchute posts qualify as actual science with the rioters in Montreal in 1885.

    If you don't want the vax, don't get it, Just stop spreading mis information like "gene concoctions" implying that there is something wrong with it.

    And by the way, when have I ever worn black face for Halloween or ever for that matter which you just posted I do. Or do you just like attacking people and spreading hate and misinformation?
    Last edited by dmlfarmer; Aug 11, 2021, 13:24.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      The death rate is a lot lower for covid so far.

      But we also vaccinate people routinely for measles,mumps and rubella and a lot of other less fatal diseases. Why you ask? Because its good public health policy to reduce the burden of disease on the population. It reduces complications and death, saves money, reduces sick days and is generally good for the economy.

      But most of the covidiots can't figure these sorts of things out.
      Again with the names Chuck2, can you post without using insulting names or terms?


        Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
        I was going to respond by comparing his analogy to his forcing everyone else to pay for his imaginary solar power folly. Same thing, expects someone else to pay for keeping his lights on.
        his lights are on ???????????????


          Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
          Hamloc: I was not comparing Covid to Smallpox. I was comparing the reaction of some people to a scientifically proven way to reduce death and/or seriousness of a disease by use of a relatively safe vaccine. The exact same reasons, arguments, and misinformation was used by the french Canadians in Montreal in 1885 against small pox vaccination is being used by those opposed to covid vaccines today.

          And I really wonder if those reasons are overshadowed by politics. Then it was the french canadians blaming the English. Today it is a combination of western alienation, opposition to Liberal government, Trudeau, and what most feel is dominance of Quebec in our governments.
          Case in point, when vaccines were first approved in January, many of the same people opposed to vaccines were all up in arms because of supply issues, and the vaccines the government prebooked. Many posts claimed Canada would not begin vaccinations until now at the earliest with some claiming no vaccines until 2022. Yet Canada is now one of the leading nations of being vaccinated yet not a whisper from those complaining about vaccine supply. Instead their complaint now is of being rushed to get a vaccine, or having to get a vaccine to begin with.

          Of course Covid is not nearly as deadly as small pox and to insinuate that is what I meant is offensive. But Covid is deadly, as can be confirmed by 26,660 proven deaths in Canada from it, 634,698 deaths confirmed from it in US, and officially 4.3 million deaths world wide, (roughly the same as from some estimates of the Spanish flu) and is likely much higher due to undercounting in India and third world countries. In my opinion, Covid is likely as deadly if not more so than the spanish flu. the only reason death numbers are not higher is we have ventilators, ecmo machines, better hospital facilities, and new drugs not available in 1918. And this present pandemic is far from over!

          So a simple question for you Hamlock, how many deaths are needed before you consider Covid to be serious enough that mis information about vaccines and those promoting mis information should be challenged, or is a repeat of 1885 warranted in your mind? We already have seen antimask rallies. Why do you not think some antivaxers will resort to more violent protests if they are not allowed to visit their favorite bar unless they are vaccinated or if covid vaccines are mandated be it by business or governments.
          Personally I am not anti vaccine, am I anti Justin Trudeau, absolutely. What I find offensive as an example, I was listening to Warren Kinsella on Charles Adler the other night while chopping silage. Warren whom at times I have agreed with was going on about how they have done studies and anti vaxxers are predominantly male, rural, poorly educated and ultra conservative. I have 2 women whom I know very well, one has a bachelor of science degree and the other is a LPN, neither has been vaccinated, neither is religious. Not anti vaxxers, just not interested in getting this particular shot. I find the attitudes of the public, in general, that people who haven’t been vaccinated yet are really stupid and that vaccinations should be mandatory offensive. Just getting tired of the messaging in general!


            Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
            Hamloc: I was not comparing Covid to Smallpox. I was comparing the reaction of some people to a scientifically proven way to reduce death and/or seriousness of a disease by use of a relatively safe vaccine. The exact same reasons, arguments, and misinformation was used by the french Canadians in Montreal in 1885 against small pox vaccination is being used by those opposed to covid vaccines today.

            And I really wonder if those reasons are overshadowed by politics. Then it was the french canadians blaming the English. Today it is a combination of western alienation, opposition to Liberal government, Trudeau, and what most feel is dominance of Quebec in our governments.
            Case in point, when vaccines were first approved in January, many of the same people opposed to vaccines were all up in arms because of supply issues, and the vaccines the government prebooked. Many posts claimed Canada would not begin vaccinations until now at the earliest with some claiming no vaccines until 2022. Yet Canada is now one of the leading nations of being vaccinated yet not a whisper from those complaining about vaccine supply. Instead their complaint now is of being rushed to get a vaccine, or having to get a vaccine to begin with.

            Of course Covid is not nearly as deadly as small pox and to insinuate that is what I meant is offensive. But Covid is deadly, as can be confirmed by 26,660 proven deaths in Canada from it, 634,698 deaths confirmed from it in US, and officially 4.3 million deaths world wide, (roughly the same as from some estimates of the Spanish flu) and is likely much higher due to undercounting in India and third world countries. In my opinion, Covid is likely as deadly if not more so than the spanish flu. the only reason death numbers are not higher is we have ventilators, ecmo machines, better hospital facilities, and new drugs not available in 1918. And this present pandemic is far from over!

            So a simple question for you Hamlock, how many deaths are needed before you consider Covid to be serious enough that mis information about vaccines and those promoting mis information should be challenged, or is a repeat of 1885 warranted in your mind? We already have seen antimask rallies. Why do you not think some antivaxers will resort to more violent protests if they are not allowed to visit their favorite bar unless they are vaccinated or if covid vaccines are mandated be it by business or governments.
            people haven't forgot that the science isn't always settled?

            Thalidomide was a sedative drug discovered at the end of the 50s, which caused a worldwide tragedy. The drug has been prescribed to many pregnant women in order to relieve pregnancy nausea.


              Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
              Case, it spat here most of the last two days, amounted to a total of 2/10”. No harvest here. Lentils are about a week away. The hot dry weather forecast (32 Saturday and 35 Sunday) should help. We always used to say if we weren’t combining lentils by August 15, we were in trouble just because it seemed to us that the weather would switch to cool damp nights and indeterminate crops thought it was grow time - not harvest time. 🤨 We’ll have a great birthday weekend of Sheapwheat Shisliki on our homemade Hot Ruski Mangle being designed in the worksop by “master designers”. The order is in for sourkraut perogies with those tender morsels. Thanx for asking Case.
              yes , his lamb is outstanding will need more soon , lol
              we have started peas on sunday
              rained every day since but hasn't added up to a tenth yet


                Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
                Is anybody there or north of you around CR doing barley yet?
                yes have heard north weight good , south not so much , the line is right at arborfield
                quite a few peas off , lotsa sad stories already


                  Originally posted by caseih View Post
                  his lights are on ???????????????
                  but no one is home...


                    Originally posted by caseih View Post
                    people haven't forgot that the science isn't always settled?

                    Thalidomide was a sedative drug discovered at the end of the 50s, which caused a worldwide tragedy. The drug has been prescribed to many pregnant women in order to relieve pregnancy nausea.
                    I was going to bring that up too. Countless examples:
                    leaded gasoline, which is still in our atmosphere, and we are still living ( and dying) with the consequences of.
                    Radium paint for glow in the dark watch hands.
                    Cigarettes, my dad was told by his doctor to take up smoking to relieve his allergies.
                    Black Powders example of human sacrifices.
                    Burning witches at the stake.
                    Blood letting

                    All of these things were officially sanctioned by the powers that be, and claimed to be safe and effective.

                    That doesn't mean that the vaccine isn't 100% safe and effective, but it should cause some sober second thought.


                      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                      I was going to bring that up too. Countless examples:
                      leaded gasoline, which is still in our atmosphere, and we are still living ( and dying) with the consequences of.
                      Radium paint for glow in the dark watch hands.
                      Cigarettes, my dad was told by his doctor to take up smoking to relieve his allergies.
                      Black Powders example of human sacrifices.
                      Burning witches at the stake.
                      Blood letting

                      All of these things were officially sanctioned by the powers that be, and claimed to be safe and effective.

                      That doesn't mean that the vaccine isn't 100% safe and effective, but it should cause some sober second thought.
                      In your list you missed Roundup (glyphosate) Any farmer playing the vaccine safety card as an excuse to not get vaccinated and using past products as examples of products now determined to be dangerous will no longer be using any glyphosate given its link to Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. And especially not having it sprayed on food crops to even ripening. Or is okay to risk others health, just not your own? And since IARC classifies diesel engine exhaust as definite cancer causing agent I am sure those against Covid vacs due to safety concerns have parked all diesel trucks and tractors for good. And we will likely see a higher birth rate too since most birth control pills are also class IA so no antivax families will be relying on the pill anymore so immigration will no longer be needed. Oh, and you must love tv ads for drugs that spends as much time listing possible side effects as they do telling what the drug cures.

                      Of course, your argument AF5 ignores the fact there has been a lot more research and testing done quicker into health impacts of a new vaccine compared to leaded gas, or radium paint on watches for example

                      Science is never settled about anything. It is the best we have until better science comes along and confirms or rejects what we know to be true today. And if we wait for new or better science we would accomplish nothing because there will always be more science.

                      There is a risk to everything in life. It is the weighing to that risk that counts. I would much rather risk be sick of a day from a tested vaccine than spend 2 weeks in an induced coma on a ventilator during harvest. And don't tell me this is not a possible outcome. Two middle aged guys I know well experienced that this summer. Six immediate family members of mine have had covid and the only one hospitalized was preschool aged. The oldest (80's) was quite sick but never required hospitalization. The rest had varying symptoms, with one long hauler having no taste and loss of hearing in one ear for months. One neighbor died from Covid.

                      Everyone in our extended family has had full vaccinations except those under 12. 3 were sick for 12 hours or less. Most had nothing more than a sore arm for a day. I had no symptoms at all, in fact, hauled grain immediately after the shot and the following day without even a sore arm.

                      Whether you get it or not is your choice. Just don't try to justify your choice by spreading internet BS about the vaccines or risk. And just like you have the freedom to decide whether or not to get it, businesses/governments/countries have the right to restrict you interaction with their employees, or travel to their country if they believe your not getting vaccination does pose a public health risk to their business, company or country. Live with your choice and STFU about it.
                      Last edited by dmlfarmer; Aug 11, 2021, 16:58.


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