Perhaps the comparison to the polio vaccine was a bit misdirected, dml, in several ways.
Does anyone know of leakage from the polio vaccine? (which, btw, is a classical vaccine)
Have the current jabs been oversold? Most of them are not classical, at least in part in that they have only been give emergency approval, and that none of them were time-tested as all classical vaccines have been.
Now the failures are becoming increasingly well-documented, if the Mayo Clinic research counts for anything.
The Mayo Clinic has released a study which show that shows a 58% failure in efficacy of the Pfizer jab for the Delta variant.
Is the jab resistance being proven to be justified?
There is increasing opinion coming from medical experts that says the Corona virus, which is believed to have originated from a Level 4 lab in Wuhan, China, is here to stay.
This seems to indicate that we are going to have to learn to live with it. What will the general public do when they realize that getting the latest jab will be an incessant requirement?
And if they refuse to roll up for the latest cocktail, that their expired vaxxport will not allow them entry to their favorite hangout? Their community event? Their job?
Keep your immune system healthy, take care to the extent that you need to, enjoy life and keep the ivermectin handy.
And all that before we mention the fact that the polio vaccine has never been known to precipitate a variant...
Does anyone know of leakage from the polio vaccine? (which, btw, is a classical vaccine)
Have the current jabs been oversold? Most of them are not classical, at least in part in that they have only been give emergency approval, and that none of them were time-tested as all classical vaccines have been.
Now the failures are becoming increasingly well-documented, if the Mayo Clinic research counts for anything.
The Mayo Clinic has released a study which show that shows a 58% failure in efficacy of the Pfizer jab for the Delta variant.
Is the jab resistance being proven to be justified?
There is increasing opinion coming from medical experts that says the Corona virus, which is believed to have originated from a Level 4 lab in Wuhan, China, is here to stay.
This seems to indicate that we are going to have to learn to live with it. What will the general public do when they realize that getting the latest jab will be an incessant requirement?
And if they refuse to roll up for the latest cocktail, that their expired vaxxport will not allow them entry to their favorite hangout? Their community event? Their job?
Keep your immune system healthy, take care to the extent that you need to, enjoy life and keep the ivermectin handy.
And all that before we mention the fact that the polio vaccine has never been known to precipitate a variant...