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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well, I looked to the sky all summer and prayed for rain and the Big guy might deliver the next week. It's two months too late but it's a builder for 2022 since 2021 is a bust.

    We have had a not bad run and got all the Barley harvested and in the Bin, plus most has been baled up. The peas should be done by the time the first spit hits today.

    So here is the Crop Report.

    Harvest is at 16% for our area with peas and lentils and barley off and some wheat.

    HRS is for the most part shut down and some are harvesting without shut down. Some are going days later but it's in the bin and dry or sort of dry with help from the air. For us, Yield will be Half of normal. I swung the bat to hit a home run this year and went for the 100 Wheat that I oh so want to get once to say I did it. Well like all dreams some turn into a nightmare and you wake up and realize it's ok you can do it another day. This year like everything some are ok and some are shit within a mile of each other. One rain and less heat would have helped. So again 1/2 normal will be the result.

    Peas it's the same story the heat took yield and most are in the half to below last years by a long way. The seeds are smaller but most fields are clean as a whip.

    Lentils have heard some 30 BPA where rain to low of 17.

    Barley is the crop that took the heat not very well. Never in our farm's history has our barley crop been this poor. Even the year the geese had a hay day when it rained. Yield is over half of our long-term average. Half.

    Canola some have started to swath but with the wind event that never happened, they will continue again when the rain starts. Some have started to shut down Canola but it's taking its fricking time. Yields are going to be way down. I have a problem getting the math right on Canaola but this year its short the pods are the same and some blanks or lots of blanks and dead plants. This crop is 70% less than Normal will be the average. So if you use to 60 you're getting 18. Yes, some fields will be way better maybe double but then you will have some that's total shit. I am still sticking with 12.7Mt but starting to think the great area will just have an average so it mathematically cants makeup enough to get even close to the 16.9 the Sask Canola has out. My Oldest variety might be the winner on our farm and the winner in our district are two guys with old 5000 flexicoil for most even and not bad.

    CAnary is swath or will be knocked down soon.

    Flax is one that took it hard thin and cant be great.

    Pasture and grass are dead. Cows are starting to stare at the ditches and think that the fence isn't that strong. The water supply is drying up.

    So that's about all for the week. We had a total of you guessed it 1/10 Wednesday. 1/2 in for the month of August and 4.09 for the tear with 3 inches in April to June time. Nothing to speak of in June and July.

    Be safe let's get it done and remember others have it way worse than you some very few have a good crop.




    Our best wheat


      The sad part of a tenth every day is it shuts the combines down.


        The reporter who finally asked Trudeau a question might have saved Canada.

        His answer monetary policy isn’t important to this gov.

        Ladies and gentleman I present our moron PM.


          Yes, a 1/10 stopped everything yesterday. We were able to go in peas but have a shit show with the straw to deal with. It's only 100 acres so not that crazy of a mess.


            We at 36% done.
            50 acres of bly left on land that is by drainage ditch and floods every spring so that will be our best yield.
            Yield good enough considering the rain
            Canola has nice swaths but didn't think pods could be that small?
            But combine will tell.


              Here we are done the lentils and 1/2 section of Durum. Yields are better than you would expect with the heat and drought. Maybe we won’t throw this seeding system away-yet. We were able to go for about 6 hours yesterday and getting an early start today. One red soldier is down for chopper fix.


                Peas coming off. Some barley. Hoping done peas by Sunday, rain forecast, hahaha. Porch wet this am.
                My Screw Trudeau flags are up.
                Agriville peaceful with Chuck blocked.
                Last edited by blackpowder; Aug 19, 2021, 08:36.


                  45% done. Wheat worse than expected, canola better. Take whatever we get. Need a good week to get er in the bin. Dryer will be firing this afternoon.


                    Done cereals and peas
                    Waiting on canary and canola
                    10 days likely



                      Spraying Pea ground before I work it black before winter if it rains.


                        Hopefully get done the hrsw today , and start the CPS
                        Barley still has green in it , not going to swath that with forecast, it can’t stand for now .
                        Any luck we should have the CPS off Saturday
                        Then try strait cutting barley

                        Swathing canola ...... like walking on the edge of a cliff , just don’t look down and look ahead ...
                        canola be worst crop here by far .

                        So far yields are 25% or less to 60% of normal. The 60% is an oddity on a few fields of very good land


                          Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                          So far yields are 25% or less to 60% of normal. The 60% is an oddity on a few fields of very good land
                          I'm thinking that's about the best way to talk yields this year. It's all relative... my single digit peas are about 25% of long range crop insurance average, which in bu/ac is a brutal number, but so is 25% of 80bu/ac wheat if that's what you're used to.

                          First durum in local area is about 35% of long range crop insurance average. Have heard numbers as low as 5-10% of average in in-laws neighborhood for cereals. Expect to hear anything from 10-40% for remainder out there.

                          Oddly mustard for me was about 80% of average. Go figure? Hoping my cereals will be in that 30-35% neighborhood. They go next when mother nature decides to be accomodating.

                          Lentils anywhere from 5-40% of average.

                          Haven't heard any barley numbers (hardly any grown here)

                          Canola will start the very end of aug or first week of sept. It looks god awful.


                            Trudeau wheat all stalk and nothing in the head.


                              Rain here as we started the first wheat field.

                              Can’t figure out what I am doing wrong still no tomatoes


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