I actually have first hand experience with this. When I was about 4ish, I was "helping" dad put shingles on a wooden grainery.
Dad being very concerned about safety kept warning me that I was going to fall off.
And he was right, and I did fall off, right onto the pile of lumber laying beside the bin, which reduced the distance I had to fall, but wasn't as soft and forgiving as the ground might have been,
I picked myself up, cursed the pile of lumber for being there, and probably climbed back up.
I know it is possible to get off of a 5 ring (westeel size rings), bin after the ladder blows down, and the bin is about to over flow, twice in fact. Wouldn't want to try it with any of the bins now though.
Dad being very concerned about safety kept warning me that I was going to fall off.
And he was right, and I did fall off, right onto the pile of lumber laying beside the bin, which reduced the distance I had to fall, but wasn't as soft and forgiving as the ground might have been,
I picked myself up, cursed the pile of lumber for being there, and probably climbed back up.
I know it is possible to get off of a 5 ring (westeel size rings), bin after the ladder blows down, and the bin is about to over flow, twice in fact. Wouldn't want to try it with any of the bins now though.