Is it time to take a look at making some moves for 2022?
What will be the cinderally crop? Canola acres down? Wheat acres ? durum? Lentils? Pea acres make a comeback?
So much to talk about on the marketing front with the current prices.
Forgot flax but there is no money in that crop, hahaha.
With a good amount of rain this fall will prices into 2022 drop?
And what about Drew's forecast that this drought may not be over. A couple inches isn't going to grow a crop.
Or has the supply crunch finally scared enough end users not to be caught short?
Is hay worth growing for a tough quarter or two to get a clean up on?
Many topics to discuss.
I think they are all real marketing issues.
What will be the cinderally crop? Canola acres down? Wheat acres ? durum? Lentils? Pea acres make a comeback?
So much to talk about on the marketing front with the current prices.
Forgot flax but there is no money in that crop, hahaha.
With a good amount of rain this fall will prices into 2022 drop?
And what about Drew's forecast that this drought may not be over. A couple inches isn't going to grow a crop.
Or has the supply crunch finally scared enough end users not to be caught short?
Is hay worth growing for a tough quarter or two to get a clean up on?
Many topics to discuss.
I think they are all real marketing issues.