My two cents. Well its just numbers.
Probability of needing ICU if vaxed/unvaxed.
Probability of dying either way.
Probability of getting sick from vax.
Until it's you in the number.
Until you yourself have fought tooth and nail for health care this last year and a half. Only to have constant Covid related setbacks.
The largest number I see is % of seemingly normal people who go full retard anywhere near this subject.
It's not even that complicated.
It's a virus which mutates annually.
It's an annual booster.
It'll pass.
Herd immunity one way or the other.
But eventually I will have wished it would have just ripped through killing all vulnerable right away. To hell with numbers.
Perhaps if they'd of had internet in 1918 it would have lasted twice as long.
Probability of needing ICU if vaxed/unvaxed.
Probability of dying either way.
Probability of getting sick from vax.
Until it's you in the number.
Until you yourself have fought tooth and nail for health care this last year and a half. Only to have constant Covid related setbacks.
The largest number I see is % of seemingly normal people who go full retard anywhere near this subject.
It's not even that complicated.
It's a virus which mutates annually.
It's an annual booster.
It'll pass.
Herd immunity one way or the other.
But eventually I will have wished it would have just ripped through killing all vulnerable right away. To hell with numbers.
Perhaps if they'd of had internet in 1918 it would have lasted twice as long.