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Honestly is there a more dense premier?

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    Honestly is there a more dense premier?

    So a day after the election slow Moe goes on
    The rampage attack of truduea. Well where rhe
    He’ll have you been during the campaign? If you
    Wouldn’t have fkd up covid like you did we d
    Have had a better chance to have another PM.
    Do you not understand you have a duty to work
    With who ever rhe PM is because the more
    Positive that is the better it is for us?
    Instead of lobbying for payments for carbon
    Sequestering is farmers are doing you pout like a
    Spoiled brat yet offer nothing else about anything

    Step down you’re an emberrassment!!!

    And if Wally is going to keep writing your
    Dumb speeches at least have brains enough
    To sign his name. Idiot

    I have liked Moes approach.Unfortuately the unvaccinated made it possible for the prime minister to make an example of what not to do.Moe did his hissy fit on the prime minister and unvaccinated.


      All hail Crying Ryan.

      **** me.

      Trudeau used our issues with non Vaxers to scare one area of Toronto to Vote RED.

      Sometimes the brain-dead area is easy to convince.

      Get the vaccine and don't go to die in the hospital taking up space for those that are really sick.


        Compared to Ford and other premiers, Moe looked like an amateur hyper partisan politician ranting about Trudeau. Ford moved forward with a plan to work together where possible. Moe wasted his breath and dignity.

        Instead, Moe has an obvious public tantrum about Trudeau, complaining about the $600 million that gets spent. The money is not lost. It pays for election workers, supplies, advertising, travel and gets redistributed in the economy.

        Moe would have said nothing about the money if Ohtool had a won.

        Moe should focus on his dismal pandemic record that has led to a healthcare crisis and unnecessary suffering and death.

        If he is so concerned about the welfare of Saskatchewan people he sure the hell hasn't shown it when it comes to the pandemic.

        Instead he reverts to Trudeau bashing to distract from the inadequate job he is doing following direction from another incompetent premier in Alberta.
        Last edited by chuckChuck; Sep 22, 2021, 07:07.


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          Compared to Ford and other premiers, Moe looked like an amateur hyper partisan politician ranting about Trudeau. Ford moved forward with a plan to work together where possible. Moe wasted his breath and dignity.

          Instead, Moe has an obvious public tantrum about Trudeau, complaining about the $600 million that gets spent. The money is not lost. It pays for election workers, supplies, advertising, travel and gets redistributed in the economy.

          Moe would have said nothing about the money if Ohtool had a won.

          Moe should focus on his dismal pandemic record that has led to a healthcare crisis and unnecessary suffering and death.

          If he is so concerned about the welfare of Saskatchewan people he sure the hell hasn't shown it when it comes to the pandemic.
          Sometimes you just have to say it the way it is! Much the same as people call out your bullshat on this site!


            My point is he was asleep until a day after the election
            Looks like a child that woke up mad about
            Being woke up and so had a pout on.

            There are issues we have to deal with that we
            Need federal help with so let’s get on with it
            Instead of pouting.

            We lost the carbon law suit so move on find a way
            To get back rhe carbon money it’s there if you
            Used your head. Every party has a carbon scheme
            So it’s not like it’s just liberals.

            Spend your 40 bucks and get 60 from the feds
            Save your dieing economy.

            Health care is in crises who are you going to need
            To work with?

            At least Kenney had the brains enough to realize
            The election was Monday and over today you need to
            Move forward.

            Same old crap just crying about the situation instead
            Of doing something about it.
            Last edited by the big wheel; Sep 22, 2021, 07:40.


              to the question at the top of thread......NO!


                Originally posted by wiseguy
                What are blaming Moe for ?

                He didn't create this mess !

                Blame chuck and his liberal buddies !

                No one's as dense as chuck !
                He took all covid measures off on July 11th so he is directly responsible for the exponential growth in covid cases and hospitalizations and an overwhelmed healthcare system. He dragged his feet on vaccine certificates while most other provinces brought them in. The buck stops with Moe.


                  I was hopeful until he caved on passports etc. Won’t vote for him next time, that’s for sure. But rest easy, the Covid “case” numbers will go down,(they already were), and nearly everyone will say, see, the masks work, the vax passports work. And the tyranny will continue.

                  Regarding the Trudeau “win”, he was bang on. 90% of Saskatchewan did not want that female groping black faced criminal, climate change idiot who should be in prison for twenty years minimum, to still be PM.

                  Put yourself in Moes (or any premiers) shoes. Just imagine having to work with that smarmy fake feminist. Shudder.

                  His very voice is offensive, fake, and slimy.

                  A proposal. Voters need to take a current events test to be able to vote. Questions would include topics like liberal ethics, debt, carbon tax projected totals on gas prices etc.

                  You pass, you may vote.


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                    Instead, Moe has an obvious public tantrum about Trudeau, complaining about the $600 million that gets spent. The money is not lost. It pays for election workers, supplies, advertising, travel and gets redistributed in the economy.
                    What year did you fall off the turnip truck?


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