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AgriStability could be a game changer for 2021 – Don’t smash your screen!
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It was said that in Alberta market price is too expensive
Premium wise to buy??????!!!
Ding ding ding ding ding. We may have a
Bingo. So is our Saskatchewan crop insurance
Even at half the market price for coverage???
Big premium no coverage. All due to
Area weather extended patterns.
See any similarities??? Likely not but it’s the
Point of all this.
Get rid of yields in disaster years.
Get rid of agrisrability which only possibly pays
People that don’t need a payment.
Use that money for premium and
Coverage for market price or a dollar
Per acre flat insurance that way you’re covered
Price wise or yield to get your input cost covered
Then you actually can plan something. Done
Retroactive to this year. Make us on a level
Playing field with Alberta!Last edited by the big wheel; Oct 2, 2021, 11:11.
Just what is your cost/acre for crop insurance?
Variable price benefit is a completely different insurance but still based off of your crop insurance coverage. So if you have a 0 yield, but also trigger the variable price benefit, you don’t get more than your crop insurance coverage anyway. So I don’t see how it will help any more than what you have already. Plus you get to almost double your premium!Last edited by flea beetle; Oct 2, 2021, 12:55.
You know what, I have been thinking about it. And damn it all to hell. Let the money flow from the government tit. I want mine, cuz everybody else got theirs! Let’s see how far and how fast we can break this country. My kids and future grandkids don’t need a stable place to live anyway!
Jesus h Christ the country won’t be broke on what farmers
Net from government lots of learning for you
Before the ears are dry behind.
It will if everybody keeps asking for handout after handout. He got some, I want mine!
Let the sucker burn I say! Let’s live in the here and the now! The budget will balance itself! Might as well vote liberal next time around, and buy a red sweater!
F*ck me
P.S. seems to me my ears are plenty dry, and everyone else is taking a bath.
Your mommy and daddy subsidy is there
So you can talk big or more correctly
Like a cuunt. That’s fine pretty clear you
Hope the next guy without mommy and daddy
Subsidy and no good program go broke
And there you go more land to rent with mommy
And daddy equipment and inputs.
You got her made hairball good for you.
But a cuunt is a cuunt poor or not!!
I am fully on board with you guys…where are the hot spots to get the most whining to the most ears?
Waiting outside the post office for a gov’t cheque and pestering everyone as they go in? The coffee shop every morning, whining about how farming is so hard, and doesn’t pay?
I am a little behind on this, so would appreciate a few tips. I will do my best to get the message out, far and wide!
This is so liberating! It is no longer my fault for not planning ahead! I can do no harm!
Do you guys have a few MP and MLA phone numbers I can call until they get sick of me and don’t pick up because they recognize my number?
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