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A question to ranchers.

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    Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
    My question is how come your neighbour didn’t have an extra years worth of hay on hand? Any responsible animal owner does.
    That’s a terribly broad generalization.

    ANY responsible animal owner? Do people have a years supply of kibble on hand?

    I’m on a small acreage, I don’t have the space to stock up on years of feed. That would take up all my grazing space. I don’t mind having some silage bales as I’m comfortable carrying them over if I have a couple left overs. I also scrounged up some bales this spring as I was paranoid about prices this year. But there’s no way I can carry multiple years worth.

    In no way does that mean I’m irresponsible.


      Most years I feed as late as possible to give grass a head start.I usually have very little carry over.this year with a dry spring I took out much more rainfall insurance only grass.I bought another quarter of grass and also seeded a quarter to forage oats.i ended up with more than enough feed but you never know how long a person will have to feed for grass to get going.So as I understand j can collect 100 bucks a cow and bred heifers plus 15% of my herd of replacement heifers.but probably not eligible for the second 100 payment.


        I almost always have carryover of hay,straw and corn silage and this will be the first year in about 10 that supplies will be tight. Amazing how much feed you burn when your feeding in the summer months cattle that should be eating grass. Hope as many guys can keep there cows because I need those wet nose calves to make a buck. Don't think there's any program for the grass cattle that where fed this summer so I guess extra silage was out of pocket.


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