Originally posted by dmlfarmer
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Originally posted by dmlfarmer View PostMostly , I hate BS and will call it out on this forum when I see it and know for certain it is BS.
I didn't know BS was partisan.
Originally posted by dmlfarmer View PostSorry Hamloc, did not read your post until today. Unlike many it seems that frequent this forum, I do not spend every waking moment on Agriville. I have a life outside this forum and actually am still able to talk to people in my community instead of some posters who I expect have been excommunicated due to their continual conspiracy theory harping and agriville is the only audience they have left. I check in occasionally to make sure the world is not coming to an end and that the whiners and complainers are still actively proclaiming it is happening. The day these people say all is right with the world is the day I will start to worry.
Now to your question - but before I answer, what difference does it make where I live? If I identified as a US grain farmer, or a Quebec dairyman, or a PEI potato grower, or a Nova Scotia christmas tree grower would that make my opinion worth less than if I am a prairie broad acre grain producer? Why is it so important to you for you be able to pidgeon hole me?
I have posted before that I am a Canadian and a farmer. I have also posted before that I am a very private person. I do not brag about my farm business, nor complain about losses I have suffered due to weather or other factors over which I have no control. I do not give a running update about what I do on my farm on a daily basis, because in reality who the hell actually cares. If I wanted that information I could drop by the local coffee shop or hockey to hear the braggards tell how much richer/better/hardworking they are especially considered to non farmers/or eastern Canadians. I comment if a question is asked about which I have experience or knowledge. Mostly , I hate BS and will call it out on this forum when I see it and know for certain it is BS.
Now you can insinuate anything you want about why I did not answer your question (which as I said I did not see) if my desire for privacy does not suffice. Here, let me help you out with some more conspiracy theories: maybe I am a government official spying on farmers, maybe a company I am also part of does not allow its employees to participate on social media platforms, maybe I am an elected official who does not want to be associated with the conspirators on Agriville, maybe I have a very sensitive public position which would be impacted by my participation on this forum, maybe I am just embarrassed of the ignorance/obnoxiousness/racism/bigoted/prejudice exhibited by many posts and do not want to be identified in any way to these views or those expressing them.
I do not give a damn where you or any other poster lives or who they are and could care less that you feel I should identify myself in any way on this forum. I will continue to come here for the occasional marketing commentary that is provided by some very intelligent and knowledgeable people even if it means having to put up with the rest of the garbage on this site.
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostYet again you make this claim, even after denying that you made this claim in the past. Yet you have never called out the BS coming from Chuck on a constant basis. Such as the proven fake news he was spreading about Ivermectin poisonings.
I didn't know BS was partisan.
Poison control centres in Canada and the US reported an increase number of calls about self administered ivermectin.
Health authorities in both countries sent out warnings about using ivermectin to treat or prevent covid.
As usual you defend the antivaxers and ivermectin pushers. Do you really want to be on their side? Or have you received the vaccines?
Originally posted by chuckChuck View PostYou have some balls calling warnings about invermectin as a treatment for covid as fake news.
Poison control centres in Canada and the US reported an increase number of calls about self administered ivermectin.
Health authorities in both countries sent out warnings about using ivermectin to treat or prevent covid.
As usual you defend the antivaxers and ivermectin pushers. Do you really want to be on their side? Or have you received the vaccines?
Duped into passing off fake news even though the media sources you copied from had long since acknowledged, apologize and retracted that obvious misinformation.
Originally posted by chuckChuck View PostYou have some balls calling warnings about invermectin as a treatment for covid as fake news.
Poison control centres in Canada and the US reported an increase number of calls about self administered ivermectin.
Health authorities in both countries sent out warnings about using ivermectin to treat or prevent covid.
As usual you defend the antivaxers and ivermectin pushers. Do you really want to be on their side? Or have you received the vaccines?
So even though you were caught lying you justify it, and continue to do the same thing without apology, because you think the cause is that important.
This is the exact same thing that is going on in the global warming community. So you have had very adept role models to learn from. They justify any data fudging, outright lies, exaggerations and falsifications because they believe that their cause is so Noble.
After perfecting it in climate change, we see it being used in the covid debates just as unabashedly As you just demonstrated for us.
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostAnd may I add, what a perfect example of noble cause corruption this post was.
So even though you were caught lying you justify it, and continue to do the same thing without apology, because you think the cause is that important.
This is the exact same thing that is going on in the global warming community. So you have had very adept role models to learn from. They justify any data fudging, outright lies, exaggerations and falsifications because they believe that their cause is so Noble.
After perfecting it in climate change, we see it being used in the covid debates just as unabashedly As you just demonstrated for us.
Just more distraction instead of dealing with the real issue. You are siding with the rabid antivaxers and ivermectin pushers.
From the FDA
Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
Here’s What You Need to Know about Ivermectin
The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.
Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing.
Taking large doses of ivermectin is dangerous.
If your health care provider writes you an ivermectin prescription, fill it through a legitimate source such as a pharmacy, and take it exactly as prescribed.
Never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans is dangerous.Last edited by chuckChuck; Oct 24, 2021, 07:32.
Oct. 20th
Health Canada reports increase in calls to poison control centres over ivermectin usage
TORONTO -- Health Canada is reminding Canadians that ivermectin should not be used to treat or prevent COVID-19, after poison control centres saw an increase in reports about the anti-parasitic drug over the summer months.
In an update to a warning on its site, Health Canada said ivermectin has been authorized for human use as a prescription drug to treat parasitic worm infections. It has not been authorized for use against COVID-19.
“There is no evidence that ivermectin works to prevent or treat COVID-19, and it is not authorized for this use,†Health Canada said.
“Health Canada has not received any drug submission or applications for clinical trials for ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.â€
It added that prescription drugs should only be taken under the advice and supervision of a health-care professional.
Health Canada first issued a warning against taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in August after receiving reports that people were using veterinary ivermectin to treat and prevent COVID.
Veterinary ivermectin is approved for use in animals to prevent certain heartworm diseases and other parasites, but it can be dangerous for humans, especially if taken in high doses, Health Canada said.
Side effects of taking veterinary ivermectin can include vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, and death in serious cases, said Health Canada.
“Canadians should never consume health products intended for animals because of potential serious health risks, including seizures, coma and even death.â€
Scientists have been warning against taking ivermectin for COVID-19 since as early as January 2021.
I see. So you are justified in lying about it then.
Noble cause corruption.
And just like how the supposed fact checkers in the media turn a blind eye to blatant fake news, our own self declared fact checker dml, also gives you a free pass.Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Oct 24, 2021, 08:12.
Originally posted by Hamloc View PostWith a quick google I found that since 1964 Alberta has payed over $600 billion more to the federal government than we have received back in transfer payments!! Wow! Quebec has done considerably better!
The simple explanation is Alberta is richer per capita and has more fiscal capacity than most other provinces for a long time primarily because of the luck of sitting on very large and lucrative oil reserves.
Whether your numbers are accurate or not, the reality is Alberta has still had a big advantage over other provinces when it comes to paying for provincial programs. And Albert still receives some federal transfers.
Most provinces would like to have Alberta's advantage of being too rich! Its such a big problem! LOL
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