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    Originally posted by jazz View Post
    Thats some good qualifications for mayor of a major city now isnt it?

    How about running a failed federal portfolio in Trudeaus cabinet by which he financially fcked his home province?

    He is an incompetent idiot who shouldnt be anywhere near the lever of power even on the municipal level. What a farce our election are now, from PM right down to Mayors.
    Since you want to look at past qualifications of political leaderships, P.M. Harpo's job experience was a mailroom clerk at Shell which daddy had to get him.

    And of COURSE Ritz Cracker did soooooo much for Western Canadian Farmer. Do you raise F ken ostriches?

    And I guess Moe's Impaired driving record definitely shows someone who has good judgement!

    Jazz do bother trying to take me down that gopher hole.


      Originally posted by wiseguy
      Lefty radicals like chuck would rather collect equalization than work !
      Maybe there should be a referendum that RMs or counties not have to share their potash or oil revenue.and that money stays within that area and not shared with the rest of the have not province.


        I am not sure why anyone is surprised at the Alberta election results. The results mirrors the decline of right wing/populous governments world wide. IMHO the vote was as much anti-Kenney as it was support of left wing ideals.

        Covid really exposed the weakness of populous governments. Trump/Kenney/Ford/Moe/Bolsaro in Brazil etc.
        The response by rightwing politicians against the pandemic resulted in the highest cases and highest deaths causing voters to move left or stay away from the polls altogether.

        We have seen the defeat of right wing governments in US, Norway, Germany, and polls are showing similar decline of support in Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia. Here, even the O'toole Conservatives could not defeat the very weak Trudeau leadership with his slight move to the left.


          Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
          Jazz do bother trying to take me down that gopher hole.
          Sohi is single handedly responsible for Canada missing out on tens of billions in resource revenue. Guess he cant hurt Canada anymore, just the idiots in redmonton. Watch that city circle the drain now.

          An incompetent fool can do untold damage when put in underserving position of power. Mostly describes Trudeau as well. A generation of woke fools running major economies into the ground at every level.


            Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
            Since you want to look at past qualifications of political leaderships, P.M. Harpo's job experience was a mailroom clerk at Shell which daddy had to get him.

            And of COURSE Ritz Cracker did soooooo much for Western Canadian Farmer. Do you raise F ken ostriches?

            And I guess Moe's Impaired driving record definitely shows someone who has good judgement!

            Jazz do bother trying to take me down that gopher hole.
            You bring up very good points. So the better question I keep asking myself, is why does politics attract such low life unqualified individuals to start with? Or is it only those types who rise to the top?

            Is it our fault as voters for holding our noses and voting for the least worst option, instead of demanding better, or the party members for promoting such mediocrity and incompetence, or is it the way we publicly humiliate politicians, our unreasonable expectations of what they should tolerate, and give up and sacrifice, the compensation vs the private sector etc. that disuades most competent people from getting involved.

            I ask myself if I would want my kids to constantly see cartoon caricatures lampooning myself if I were in politics, reading vile social media attacks about me, having political opponents fabricating stories about my past. All that for compensation that is meagre by private sector standards, and requires giving up my current business enterprises.


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              Sohi is single handedly responsible for Canada missing out on tens of billions in resource revenue. Guess he cant hurt Canada anymore, just the idiots in redmonton. Watch that city circle the drain now.

              An incompetent fool can do untold damage when put in underserving position of power. Mostly describes Trudeau as well. A generation of woke fools running major economies into the ground at every level.
              So why didn't Harpo and Kenny get the job done when oil was $140/barrel rather then sitting with their fingers up each others ass. Two Calgary boys at the helm accomplishing F ALL.

              Just to busy trying to maintain the steady cheques they were getting while at the trough.

              Not to mention all the Canadian oil companies Closet Boy let be bought out by the Commies from China.

              Great track record eh Jazz!


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                You bring up very good points. So the better question I keep asking myself, is why does politics attract such low life unqualified individuals to start with? Or is it only those types who rise to the top?

                Is it our fault as voters for holding our noses and voting for the least worst option, instead of demanding better, or the party members for promoting such mediocrity and incompetence, or is it the way we publicly humiliate politicians, our unreasonable expectations of what they should tolerate, and give up and sacrifice, the compensation vs the private sector etc. that disuades most competent people from getting involved.

                I ask myself if I would want my kids to constantly see cartoon caricatures lampooning myself if I were in politics, reading vile social media attacks about me, having political opponents fabricating stories about my past. All that for compensation that is meagre by private sector standards, and requires giving up my current business enterprises.
                And how many times did you vote for Paul Martin AB5? At least Martin knew how to run a business, which Canada is.

                I'll bet the farm, NON!

                So now is where us Canadians are at, and your posting a synopsis which has been apparent for 14 years.


                  If this is qualified I shudder to think what unqualified would look like. Moe Kenny or Ritz never did a prison term that I am aware of. LOL

                  Click image for larger version

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                    Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                    And how many times did you vote for Paul Martin AB5? At least Martin knew how to run a business, which Canada is.

                    I'll bet the farm, NON!

                    So now is where us Canadians are at, and your posting a synopsis which has been apparent for 14 years.
                    You would be correct, I have not voted for Paul Martin. I was too young to vote for him throughout his early career and as an Alberta in a strong conservative riding , my vote is irrelevant so I rarely vote federally. And I did not live in his riding.
                    But if you care to check back through my posts on Agriville, you will find I am a big fan of Paul Martin, considering him to be the only fiscal conservative we have had at the federal level. I consider myself to not be partisan, I do not blindly support anyone along party lines.

                    People with actual business experience such as Paul Martin are exactly who we should be attracting into politics to run what is the essentially biggest business in the country.
                    But I'm afraid any actual businessman/woman wouldn't stand a chance in this current environment, regardless of party affiliation.


                      Does Redmonton have an extra few days to submit their referendum count? Hmmm-wonder why? Hope this does not end up turning into “ Shades of US 2020 Election. “


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