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Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostYou would be correct, I have not voted for Paul Martin. I was too young to vote for him throughout his early career and as an Alberta in a strong conservative riding , my vote is irrelevant so I rarely vote federally. And I did not live in his riding.
But if you care to check back through my posts on Agriville, you will find I am a big fan of Paul Martin, considering him to be the only fiscal conservative we have had at the federal level. I consider myself to not be partisan, I do not blindly support anyone along party lines.
People with actual business experience such as Paul Martin are exactly who we should be attracting into politics to run what is the essentially biggest business in the country.
But I'm afraid any actual businessman/woman wouldn't stand a chance in this current environment, regardless of party affiliation.
What a dud, $140.00/barrel of oil and still ran deficits and didn't get F-all done for the Canadian oil industry.
Originally posted by foragefarmer View PostGood post AB5, Martin was good for Canada, unfortunately voters were fooled by the PC highjacker Harpo.
What a dud, $140.00/barrel of oil and still ran deficits and didn't get F-all done for the Canadian oil industry.
Originally posted by Taiga View Post2008-2014 was an incredible boom period for the oil and gas industry. Maybe you missed that from eastern MB. It was insane here.
Question to you, why didn't Northern Gateway pipeline that was purposed in 2008 by Enbridge not get done during this boom and maybe you missed who was P.M. during 2008-2014?
Originally posted by jazz View PostGood job Calgary - commie marxist elected. Mission accomplished. Canada is finished. Time to get out
Better to move now, before Notley 2.0 puts on a "Moving Out of Alberta Tax"
A forgotten past .....
under the Sask NDP , Sask lost population of the young work force tremendously, had near zero growth and was virtually stagnant for the entire term , catering to unions ...
Anyone remember that ????
You can’t build wealth without resources, ever .....
Short memories I guess .
Originally posted by beaverdam View PostTime to move those oil company Head Offices to Regina !
Better to move now, before Notley 2.0 puts on a "Moving Out of Alberta Tax"
On the Time it is split 50/50 on the early results!
We don't deserve the Honourable Premier Jason Kenny.
Perhaps Kenny will resign and let Notley 2.0 will have her way with us again...
This province, further this country are ungovernable... as is the USA.
There are too few folks left with any decent morals... no possibility it seems of any way of cobbling any kind of rational responsible coalition together...
As predicted in the $1T coin thread... 'Free money'... further the Love of free money has rotted the foundation of our western civilization... responsible economics are beyond the reach of society.
We will get Exactly the Government we deserve... China and Russia win by default... Iran, North Korea, get their Nukes...
Will be a really hot time here on planet earth... China and Russia have head faked Western civilization into accepting corruption and deception as good for humanity. Covid is the perfect example... like the frog in the pot of water on the stove... the burner has been cranked up... we are comfortable and warm... God help us all.
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