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    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
    Tut tut tut from our libertarian friends who hold free speech in such high esteem except when the don't. Save us from the pretend outrage A5. LOL

    More deflection from the usual suspects because they don't have any response for Trevor Tombe on the equalization discusion?
    First off Chuck2 I haven’t read any of your Trevor Tombe posts. Having listened to him being interviewed on this topic and having read some of his articles in the past I am familiar with his outlook.

    I am also quite cognizant of how equalization works and the fact that Albertan’s have on average higher incomes and therefore we pay more federal tax. Off the top of my head I believe Alberta accounts for 11-12% of Canada’s population and about 15-16% of the federal government’s personal and corporate tax revenue. The problem I have and the reason I voted yes in the referendum is Alberta contributes the most to the federal government and receives the least back in per capita transfers and yet our industries are treated like a pariah. The picture of a milk cow as Canada always comes to mind, with western Canada feeding the cow and Ontario and Quebec getting the milk. I think voting no would give the rest of Canada the impression that Albertan’s are happy with how we are treated by the rest of Canada and in my opinion we are not.


      Originally posted by Hamloc View Post

      One thing I am still curious about Dml, I make no secret that I live in Alberta yet for some reason you still won’t tell us what part of Canada you live in. Why is that?!
      Hmmm, no response, why do yo suppose that is?!


        Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
        First off Chuck2 I haven’t read any of your Trevor Tombe posts. Having listened to him being interviewed on this topic and having read some of his articles in the past I am familiar with his outlook.

        I am also quite cognizant of how equalization works and the fact that Albertan’s have on average higher incomes and therefore we pay more federal tax. Off the top of my head I believe Alberta accounts for 11-12% of Canada’s population and about 15-16% of the federal government’s personal and corporate tax revenue. The problem I have and the reason I voted yes in the referendum is Alberta contributes the most to the federal government and receives the least back in per capita transfers and yet our industries are treated like a pariah. The picture of a milk cow as Canada always comes to mind, with western Canada feeding the cow and Ontario and Quebec getting the milk. I think voting no would give the rest of Canada the impression that Albertan’s are happy with how we are treated by the rest of Canada and in my opinion we are not.
        And the reason is, you have higher per capita incomes and a higher fiscal capacity than all other provinces.

        Nobody really feels sorry for the rich guys who pay more taxes and don't get more federal transfers because they are richer!

        It sucks to be so "disadvantaged" because you are so well off. LOL

        Just why would a federal government transfer program with the stated equalization goals be targeted to provinces that don't need it instead of provinces that do?
        Last edited by chuckChuck; Oct 23, 2021, 08:12.


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          And the reason is, you have higher per capita incomes and a higher fiscal capacity than all other provinces.

          Nobody really feels sorry for the rich guys who pay more taxes and don't get more federal transfers because they are richer!

          It sucks to be so "disadvantaged" because you are so well off. LOL
          Chuck2 I certainly don’t think of myself or of Albertan’s as being disadvantaged. What I don’t like is provinces like Quebec looking down their nose at us and our way of life while they are benefitting from our hard work. I will be honest I would be much happier western Canada as a separate country but that will never happen so it makes sense to me to do what we can to make changes within Canada.


            Many westerners have looked down upon French Canadians or Newfoundlander with the same disdain.

            Not to mention all the complaining on this site about city people generally.

            So don't cry us a river about how Alberta is looked down upon.


              With the 2 new mayors nothing good will happen in Alberta.


                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                Many westerners have looked down upon French Canadians or Newfoundlander with the same disdain.

                Not to mention all the complaining on this site about city people generally.

                So don't cry us a river about how Alberta is looked down upon.
                I am not crying you a river, I am stating a fact. Premier Legault has said there will be no pipeline for Alberta’s dirty oil. Therefore there shouldn’t be a pipeline for our dirty money from Ottawa to Quebec! And do I believe there is a large difference in outlook between myself and many people in the larger cities? Absolutely! But I am thankful every day when I walk across my yard that I don’t live in the city!


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  Already did in post 69.

                  So why not use your own words and respond to the issue of equalization?

                  Do you disagree with what Trevor Tombe said in his opinion piece? And if so why?
                  again ; my own words; did you not see the answer i gave you??
                  Well let’s see Chuck ?
                  ONE province collects every year since inception ?? To the tune of 51% or $221B
                  No , can’t be anything going on there ?? Really ?
                  FMG , no wonder you swallow so much shit ,
                  what do you think , in your words , of one province getting 51% of total equalization dollars ever paid, even though they only have 24% of pop of canada, and have the lowest cost of living in canada??? again in your own words please


                    Originally posted by caseih View Post
                    again ; my own words; did you not see the answer i gave you??
                    Well let’s see Chuck ?
                    ONE province collects every year since inception ?? To the tune of 51% or $221B
                    No , can’t be anything going on there ?? Really ?
                    FMG , no wonder you swallow so much shit ,
                    what do you think , in your words , of one province getting 51% of total equalization dollars ever paid, even though they only have 24% of pop of canada, and have the lowest cost of living in canada??? again in your own words please
                    With a quick google I found that since 1964 Alberta has payed over $600 billion more to the federal government than we have received back in transfer payments!! Wow! Quebec has done considerably better!


                      Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
                      Hmmm, no response, why do yo suppose that is?!
                      Sorry Hamloc, did not read your post until today. Unlike many it seems that frequent this forum, I do not spend every waking moment on Agriville. I have a life outside this forum and actually am still able to talk to people in my community instead of some posters who I expect have been excommunicated due to their continual conspiracy theory harping and agriville is the only audience they have left. I check in occasionally to make sure the world is not coming to an end and that the whiners and complainers are still actively proclaiming it is happening. The day these people say all is right with the world is the day I will start to worry.

                      Now to your question - but before I answer, what difference does it make where I live? If I identified as a US grain farmer, or a Quebec dairyman, or a PEI potato grower, or a Nova Scotia christmas tree grower would that make my opinion worth less than if I am a prairie broad acre grain producer? Why is it so important to you for you be able to pidgeon hole me?

                      I have posted before that I am a Canadian and a farmer. I have also posted before that I am a very private person. I do not brag about my farm business, nor complain about losses I have suffered due to weather or other factors over which I have no control. I do not give a running update about what I do on my farm on a daily basis, because in reality who the hell actually cares. If I wanted that information I could drop by the local coffee shop or hockey to hear the braggards tell how much richer/better/hardworking they are especially considered to non farmers/or eastern Canadians. I comment if a question is asked about which I have experience or knowledge. Mostly , I hate BS and will call it out on this forum when I see it and know for certain it is BS.

                      Now you can insinuate anything you want about why I did not answer your question (which as I said I did not see) if my desire for privacy does not suffice. Here, let me help you out with some more conspiracy theories: maybe I am a government official spying on farmers, maybe a company I am also part of does not allow its employees to participate on social media platforms, maybe I am an elected official who does not want to be associated with the conspirators on Agriville, maybe I have a very sensitive public position which would be impacted by my participation on this forum, maybe I am just embarrassed of the ignorance/obnoxiousness/racism/bigoted/prejudice exhibited by many posts and do not want to be identified in any way to these views or those expressing them.

                      I do not give a damn where you or any other poster lives or who they are and could care less that you feel I should identify myself in any way on this forum. I will continue to come here for the occasional marketing commentary that is provided by some very intelligent and knowledgeable people even if it means having to put up with the rest of the garbage on this site.
                      Last edited by dmlfarmer; Oct 23, 2021, 10:59.


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