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Crude oil skyrocketing

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    Originally posted by jazz View Post
    Guess we have to explain it to chuck. Lets see, invest in unicorns, get pain. Simple as that.

    Europe was the idiot green leader in the climate farce. Stopped oil and gas, shut down nuclear, spent trillons on solar and wind thats now idle and now having to go to Mr Putin for survival.

    Sounds like the same stupidity our Pm Blackface wants to try.

    There is NOTHING on this planet other than nuclear that will ever power our economy and basic necessities.
    Yeah everything is simple for the simple minded like Jazz.

    Did you read the article from the Financial Times? It's not as "simple" as you think it is.

    France still gets 70% of its electricity from nuclear but high gas prices are driving up their electricity prices as well. So what is the "simple" explanation there?

    You are all hat there Jazz!


      Originally posted by jazz View Post
      Oh and how much money will Canada miss out by not having TMX and EE and Keystone online and all those LNG projects our Prime Retard cancelled? Probably enough to pay off our debt. We could be tankering it all to China and the EU now.

      Good job ESG loons. Get woke go broke.
      So the oil and gas industry is going broke at the current prices? LOL

      Weren't you suggesting it was going to go higher yet?

      And you are happy to be paying for higher fuel prices?
      Last edited by chuckChuck; Oct 14, 2021, 07:58.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        So the oil and gas industry is going broke at the current prices? LOL

        Weren't you suggesting it was going to go higher yet?

        And you are happy to be paying for higher fuel prices?
        Just Canada is going broke chuck. Our oil companies are a hell of a lot smarter than all the ESG crowd.

        I am happy to pay higher prices on anything thats made right here in Canada and creates wealth productive wealth for our country instead of just ringing up the credit card for the commies.

        Oil has been very good to our family. At this pace, my kids wont even need to go to university. Thanks Greta.


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          Yeah everything is simple for the simple minded like Jazz.

          Did you read the article from the Financial Times? It's not as "simple" as you think it is.

          France still gets 70% of its electricity from nuclear but high gas prices are driving up their electricity prices as well. So what is the "simple" explanation there?

          You are all hat there Jazz!
          The question is did you read the article Chuck2? 35% of the cost of electricity is taxes! Only 30% s cost of generation!


            Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
            Yeah everything is simple for the simple minded like Jazz.

            Did you read the article from the Financial Times? It's not as "simple" as you think it is.

            France still gets 70% of its electricity from nuclear but high gas prices are driving up their electricity prices as well. So what is the "simple" explanation there?

            You are all hat there Jazz!
            Extraordinarily high tax’s big part ??


              Checking in on Agriville feels like that Croc Dundee scene where he checks out a tv after 15 years, sees the same rerun and shuts it off again.


                Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
                The question is did you read the article Chuck2? 35% of the cost of electricity is taxes! Only 30% s cost of generation!

                Did you read the article Hamloc? Because you must have missed the pricing system explanation.

                "At the heart of complaints from some countries is the EU’s energy pricing system. It operates on a common “pay as you clear” model where wholesale electricity costs reflect the price of the last unit of energy bought via auctions held in member states.

                Generally gas is the fuel that is needed to make sure enough energy is supplied to meet demand.

                So even in countries such as France — where cheaper nuclear power provides about 70 per cent of electricity — gas is still driving the wholesale electric price. And as the gas price has soared, so has the price of electricity."
                Last edited by chuckChuck; Oct 14, 2021, 10:25.


                  WTF did all the climatards think would happen when they crippled the (canadian) oil patch and gave the middle east a free pass


                    Originally posted by caseih View Post
                    WTF did all the climatards think would happen when they crippled the (canadian) oil patch and gave the middle east a free pass
                    Case there you go spreading the bullshit that the price of oil went down in 2014 because of something other than supply and demand? Harper was in power so it must have been his fault?

                    It had nothing to do with falling demand in China and increasing supply in the world and especially in the USA our biggest market? And in 2020, covid had no impact on demand?.

                    So Trudeau "crippled" the oil patch by causing world prices to fall?

                    And then he purchased TMX for $4 billion and is spending another $14 billion to double its capacity to the west coast for exports. Sounds like the way to cripple exports by building a bigger pipeline. LOL

                    You should get your facts and story straight before you spread the usual bullshit that is disconnected from reality


                      TMX will never see the light of day with Trudeau.


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