Originally posted by Sodbuster
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Who Soil Tests?
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A&L labs. GPS’d spots tested every year. This year very different results on every field. Some fields lots left and some not much. Very dependent how it yielded and the fertility applied last year.
Priced 2 dealers today and its jumped again $1150 46-0-0. There experts are telling then it should go up another $200 yet, that would suck.
Unloaded semis all day yesterday bringing our urea have one last load of straight 46 coming in today from cf medicine hat and will be covered for 22.
Based on above comments it's up 70 percent since I booked , hard to believe . Phos has moved up as well though not as extreme as nitrogen over the time frame since we booked will get that home over the coming month.
Speaking to our supplier he said he figures 60 percent now covered based on historical numbers with the drought and carryover I'd think the actual number could be 80 plus once soil tests are completed .As far as soil tests we use either A and L or down to earth at Lethbridge,we also take 10 percent of the samples and send those to the lab we don't use that year to compare and verify, have caught discrepancies before that way. Also if you look at the numbers and don't agree recheck, cheap compared to fertilizer that isn't needed or crop that isn't grown at these price levels for both.Last edited by mcfarms; Oct 16, 2021, 07:24.
Is there anyone that uses their input supplier to sample for them? Im watching a local winnipeg mafia employee cruise around on some of the neighbors fields.
Good god are they ever efficient!(sarcasm alert)
2.5 sections of real estate sampled in the amount of time it took me to put up 3 4x8 sheets of plywood on my roof which is roughly an hour and 20 minutes. I'd be amazed if you could punch a step-on probe any deeper than about 3.5-4" here, so I'm guessing they just stabbed a whole bunch of holes outside the door of their truck a couple times a section and called it "good enough"?
It'll be interesting to see what those samples return, but as far as I'm concerned that sort of sampling isnt even worth the paper that it'll be printed on!
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