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Wheat does it have legs to Run!

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    Wheat does it have legs to Run!

    Well does wheat have the legs to go? I think so.

    Paris milling wheat has had an awful crop and quality is the order of the day. Canada, USA have shitty yield crops.

    Yep is my guess but not to the highs of a few years back.

    I want 15 my bins are locked. that would be 12 dollars, Min.

    What are others thinking?

    WTF are you posting marketing shit for ?
    don't you know this is a covid/global warming/fear mongering/site??


      It will now! foresure because I sold all the little I had.


        I told all our companies that buy from us start calling me at 12 or higher I want 15. We have half the crop so let’s have some fun less to haul and make some real money with half the crop.

        Can I say it again half the crop!




            How much will the corn price affect the wheat price? The U.S. is harvesting a good corn crop. France has a good corn crop as well. Will moderating corn prices put a cap on how high wheat can go? A few places in Alberta at $12 now for #1 13.5 CWRS.


              3 bucks would be a fantastic basis. About 2.25 at some places now.

              There's a mark on the charts at about 10.80 MW


                We don’t see $15 unless drought continues in to spring, $13-$14 Jan-Mar. If drought still persists into June we scream past $15.


                  even with 2 to 3 inches we would still be in a drought situation.

                  Most areas are 10 inches deficit for moisture.


                    Trouble with wheat is buyers do not get too excited over production issues as much as other grains because through out the world there is multiple harvests per year.A run is possible but needs many factors to line up right.


                      We had a small amount of CPSR left over our contract , sold it for $11 , so HRSW should easily get over $13 .
                      Once contracts get filled and they have nothing left to “take in” they will have to buy something. HRSW is the only thing that will be left with any sort of volume in this area. The rest will be very very small amounts after contracts are hauled out with the exception of a handful of producers from small pockets that actually had a crop. And they are sitting tight for the most part
                      Like oats , they had to actually buy it now .

                      But just when one gets too bullish the farmer tends to get whacked out of no where and the bottom falls out, so time will tell on How high things will go
                      Last edited by furrowtickler; Oct 18, 2021, 09:36.


                        Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                        We had a small amount of CPSR left over our contract , sold it for $11 , so HRSW should easily get over $13 .
                        Once contracts get filled and they have nothing left to “take in” they will have to buy something. HRSW is the only thing that will be left with any sort of volume in this are . The rest will be very very small amounts after contracts are hauled out with the exception of a handful of producers from small pockets that actually had a crop. And they are sitting tight for the most part
                        Like oats , they had to actually buy it now .

                        But just when one gets too bullish the farmer tends to get whacked out of no where and the bottom falls out, so time will tell on How high things will go

                        Good comments plus don't forget the guys with deep pockets that have grain to offer at their price.

                        Not the grainco's price.


                          Canada is a small player in the world HRS market arent we?

                          Cant really see direction in this market without knowing whats happening in EU, Russia, FSU, Australia, Argentina etc.


                            you need to mix shit wheat with quality wheat to give a nice loaf of bread. Other wise you have a shitty loaf.


                              Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                              you need to mix shit wheat with quality wheat to give a nice loaf of bread. Other wise you have a shitty loaf.
                              This is some of the best wheat we have grown
                              High protein , all #1, very high falling number
                              If they need to buy it they can bloody well pay for it .
                              We have to pay outrageous prices for absolutely everything we need now so if anyone says grain prices are too high they have absolutely no clue or care about the situation most of us are facing as actual grain producers.
                              Even more so in the cattle industry, the actual producer needs to get paid way more than they are getting . It’s so disconnected now it should be embarrassing for the ag industry as a whole .


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