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Price of Fert Vs Wheat price. Don't add up to farmers making any money.

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    Price of Fert Vs Wheat price. Don't add up to farmers making any money.


    Hopefully, the link works it shows that at today's fertilizer prices we would need well over 725 a ton to make any real money on next year's crop. That's $19.73 a bushel. They are gouging and there is no other word.

    Then the idiot at Nutrient comes out and says farmers are running to buy expensive fertilizer this fall because they see an opportunity.

    The headline should be farmers are soil testing cutting back or switching to pulses for 2022 to prevent them from going broke with overpriced fertilizer.

    Reality is still ****ing dry over most of the west and the northern USA. Farmers are doing **** all.

    I love how also today another fert company said don't worry if it's dry or farmers had a bad year they will pay and pay dearly for fert and use more than ever because prices for next year could be so good.

    THis is all to make shareholders happy and buyers pissed right off.


      Nutrien has used tons of government handouts
      To create themselves a monopoly on supply just
      To screw us farmers. They are rhe worse ag company
      By far in our industry.


        IHS Markit's Fertilizer Report publishes a chart of fertilizer affordability. They only go back as far as 2010 so they miss the last time things went really stupid but it tells the story pretty well. They use a grain price index of 2010 = 100 and a fertilizer basket index of 2010 = 100 and plot the ratio of current indices to 2010. Then they take the grain price index and subtract the fertilizer index so 2010 is zero, anything positive means fertilizer is more affordable than it was in 2010 and anything negative means fertilizer is less affordable than it was in 2010.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	FertilizerAffordability.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	90.4 KB
ID:	771961


          Originally posted by bobofthenorth View Post
          IHS Markit's Fertilizer Report publishes a chart of fertilizer affordability. They only go back as far as 2010 so they miss the last time things went really stupid but it tells the story pretty well. They use a grain price index of 2010 = 100 and a fertilizer basket index of 2010 = 100 and plot the ratio of current indices to 2010. Then they take the grain price index and subtract the fertilizer index so 2010 is zero, anything positive means fertilizer is more affordable than it was in 2010 and anything negative means fertilizer is less affordable than it was in 2010.

          Affordable at what level of production? How does it
          Pencil out when your wipes out too short to
          Even bale? Any charts for that?


            Click image for larger version

Name:	fert.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	22.8 KB
ID:	771963.


              In talking with some local anhydrous ammonia dealers and their customers, not only has the price jumped dramatically but there were times this fall when they went days without product.

              Much of this is due to the expensive training and equipment needed to handle the product to satisfy the industry regulators. Not much wonder that some sellers dropped anhydrous altogether. With fewer players in the game, supply is inevitably going to tighten.

              Don't expect regulatory relief. Probably the opposite. The green lobby will welcome the bludgeoning of the fertilizer industry by any means possible.


                Nutrein didnt get to where they are by playing fair. BHP offered 39 billion for potash corp, Brad Wall immediately flew to Ontario telling politicians and business leaders how bad this would be for farmers and the province.The federal govt in a rare move said ok and blocked the purchase.Fast forward and agrium joins potash corp in a merger, not a peep out of our govt. Oh guess who happens to be an on a advisory board to agrium, yep BW.


                  CBC says cows are major contributors to methane emissions. Agriculture, oil and gas are highlighted. The spin doctors have painted a target on Alberta and Saskatchewan. The financial community vows to wean us off fossil fuels and….
                  Last edited by sumdumguy; Nov 3, 2021, 09:11.


                    What ever happened to the group of farmers that wanted to start their own plant? Weren't they they same ones that wanted to start a grain company with the CWB? Farmer controlled industry!


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