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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Another nice week but the temps are changing and nights are now going past zero. Did get min worked as we had snow on Monday. Just an inch but still cold for a few days. Total rain for the year will come in just under 10 inches and most was since August.

    We finally got back in the fields and things went well. We're down to a half section to harrow and a half to work sloughs and clean.

    Most guys are done outside projects but now is when the big toys come out. Yesterday cats, Track hoes rock trucks pull dozers, sc****rs, etc were all working in our area. It's a great fall to clean up everything you think you need to clean up. Some guys say they got back up to 600 acres from the flood years.

    Those acres will grow next summer if it's dry again.

    The fertilizer game continues its a joke all farmers know that just the CEOs of Fert companies and share holders think we spend more because crop prices are good now. **** crop prices could be half next fall and we're going to pay double for fert. **** you.

    BASF said the price of liberty is going up, yep 26% funny if you wanted you couldn't buy up excess stock.

    Land deals are taking place in our area some juggling between renters and farmers. Funny some guys just don't get the program put it up for public tender get the better renter and get paid a decent price. Land purchases were just the massive sale to the Alberta farm company from Lethbridge. No, it's not the Hutts.

    Equipment is fun to look at and try to purchase. One piece we looked at a year ago is still priced the same but now has a 20000 steel charge so it's 20000 more money.

    Fun times.

    The organic guy swath his flax but the amount of green it won't be harvested till spring. Very little there maybe a bushel an acre.

    The late seeder has about 1000 acres to go barley is done now the wheat. Barley wasn't bad wheat didn't fair as good. With the weather changing and next week's snow, I would say he won't finish.

    Cattle are getting taken home. Bales are getting picked and late guys are still rolling straw or green feed.

    This will be the last crop report of the year since next Wednesday I'm heading south. Might do one from the road.

    To all talk to your neighbors be safe and have a great sunny warm day.



      If farm groups don't start waking up and realizing being nice with BOBOO and Trudeau isn't working. Make her Cry at the meetings next week, Call her out or we're going to get stream rolled by Ottawa.

      The 65 an acre ad for being a carbon sink is where it should be, farmers should be paid but if we let Ottawa handle it the middle man and Liberals will get rich and we will get ****ed in the deal. IF you cant beat the ****ers join them and take advantage.


        Thanks for the reports SF3 I read everyone. Hopefully we still get a few cocktail fridays from down south! Enjoy the time in the US, well deserved


          Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
          If farm groups don't start waking up and realizing being nice with BOBOO and Trudeau isn't working. Make her Cry at the meetings next week, Call her out or we're going to get stream rolled by Ottawa.

          The 65 an acre ad for being a carbon sink is where it should be, farmers should be paid but if we let Ottawa handle it the middle man and Liberals will get rich and we will get ****ed in the deal. IF you cant beat the ****ers join them and take advantage.
          there is a saskpulse director bitching about the NFU going to Glasgow on twitter. The obvious question is where is the Western Canadian farmer representation.

          Instead of shitting on the NFU , maybe its time they realize the rest of the farm groups failed to get a seat.

          This is what's wrong with these guys. The ag minister from Saskatchewan is an incompetent fool.

          Trudeau and Freeland just announced 7.5 billion for a CERB replacement and not one farm group mention that type of money would make up for the revenue shortfall on western Canadian farms.
          Last edited by bucket; Nov 4, 2021, 07:56.


            Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
            Sitting nicely in the lone green area. We had about 3 inches this fall. Very fortunate.

            If we get any kind of snow we should have a good start in the spring.


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              Sitting nicely in the lone green area. We had about 3 inches this fall. Very fortunate.

              If we get any kind of snow we should have a good start in the spring.
              I am in the red bullseye top left corner.


                Meanwhile the 3 irrigation districts ..Riverhurst, Outlook and Luck Lake will receive their 40 dollar an acre annual payment like clockwork and any rehabilitations to their gifted infrastructure , the bill will be sent to the taxpayers.


                  We are in the center of the red blob west of Saskatoon, 5.5 inches rain and 6 inches of snow since first week of July, 2020. That’s not much for 16 months and sure cools down your machine update ideas. A lot of farms said they haven’t bought fert. and won’t unless we see some good moisture. Bales are coming in but so are the cattle, going to be a long season on feed. One vet sent out a memo that, if you haven’t been grazing canola, don’t start. The sulpher levels are high enough to kill cattle. The ones grazing it for the last month are ok, built up resistance? Not harrowing anything, leaving regrowth to catch snow. Terracing low slope fields to catch runoff and allow to soak in. Not looking forward to next year with 300 cows. Guess we can handle that situation tho, good thing the price is so high. haha.


                    Cull cow prices are dropping week over week, and calf prices see signs of dropping. Hamburger prices haven't followed suit.


                      We are on the west side of the big red blob

                      Fairly close to my hand drawn amateur map from a few months ago ..

                      The amount of uncertainty for growers in this area is unprecedented and worrisome


                        Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                        We are on the west side of the big red blob

                        Fairly close to my hand drawn amateur map from a few months ago ..

                        The amount of uncertainty for growers in this area is unprecedented and worrisome
                        Hang on for 10 years and the problems will be solved.


                          Wow, that’s some map. One little green spot (I think it extended a little further east). Mother Nature must have gotten up on the wrong side of the universe in 2021. Bit if this great weather extends past Christmas, then 3 feet of wet snow would help a whole lot. Thank you in advance Mother Nature. 👍


                            Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                            Wow, that’s some map. One little green spot (I think it extended a little further east). Mother Nature must have gotten up on the wrong side of the universe in 2021. Bit if this great weather extends past Christmas, then 3 feet of wet snow would help a whole lot. Thank you in advance Mother Nature. 👍
                            I would differ on the snow. I will take a rain in the spring.Right now if it rained or snowed and froze up the top layer, everything would be in sloughs next spring.


                              Well, another day, and still Cargill cant pay.

                              Guys this is the bullshit I talk about what good will it do if I send them a 21% interest bill for what they owe me they will never pay and say take me to court were too big to fail.

                              Sad but once all farmers realize it's them vs us nothing will change.

                              Were getting ****ed over from the feds on down.

                              Maybe in my lifetime will all agree and take control.

                              Right now we're letting them have their way with us.

                              Does it feel good to get fu ck ed every day.


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