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CDN Broiler chicken feed rations to change?

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    CDN Broiler chicken feed rations to change?

    We were talking to a broiler chicken farmer, and since the cost of feed wheat has increased perhaps double, the cost of feed for the broiler chickens is rising much faster than the returns for growing CDN chicken....

    Apparently the chicken growers were restricted to 15% of the feed ration allowed to be corn, the more corn the more yellow the chicken gets. Since the prices are controlled, CDN chicken growers are demanding to add much more corn to chicken feed rations perhaps up to 40%?

    This could decrease CDN feed wheat demand [since it is not a feed wheat year, No Feed Peas, little barley], and the corresponding increase corn imports ...more than most farmers may realize.
    Does anyone know more on the feed replacement rations, and unexpected trends?

    Thx, Cheers

    Interesting topic, I was not aware that there were restrictions or that it would make the meat yellow. Feed barley currently is mostly competitive with imported corn, but off the top of my head I suspect feed wheat is priced too high relative to corn.

    Does anyone know who sets these rules? Government entity, or the food companies?
    And why not let the consumer decide for themselves, if yellow chicken costs 10% less than white chicken in the store, I expect the consumers will tell the market which they prefer.
    Personally, I think all chicken is disgusting making it yellow really wouldn't be any worse.
    I will definitely be paying attention to this issue, since I seed almost half my acres to wheat intended for the feed market every year.


      The chicken in US grocery stores has the yellow appearance from a corn based ration. Personally I like it better for fried chicken but I like the wheat fed CA chicken much more roasted.

      I suspect the Chicken Marketing Board doesn't think Canadian consumers are ready for "yellow chicken".


        I have family in the chicken business and I don’t think there is a law (at least in Saskatchewan) but you have to work with the processor you deliver to.


          I would say it’s most likely a contract thing with processors. Customers aren’t used to yellow fat in Canada - ever see someone when they butcher their own chickens for the first time? Generally their biggest concern is what’s wrong with their birds, why are they so yellow?!

          Same can occur in beef. The yellow corn fed fat of American beef is off putting to people used to white.

          The feedlots will be feeding more corn this winter so obviously the beef processors are just going to have to deal with it. One would assume chicken would be similar? Although maybe the quota system gives those processors more control.


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