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    52 week high, highest inflation in 30 years. Higher dollar and higher commodities coming after a setback. I have a 2.05 RBOB target and 1.98 HO target. Not sure HO will get there due to the spread. Central banks are boxed in. Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt. This is gonna be a blood bath. And yes im long into May. 103.25 on yr end and upside target is 200
    Last edited by macdon02; Nov 10, 2021, 14:31.

    Thanks as usual for the contribution.
    Aside from the obvious fundamentals that the US economy has going for it compared to everyone else, it appears to me that much of the fuel that will drive the USD to those levels will come from all of the bearish bets against it. It seems that every pundit and armchair expert is proclaiming the end of the USD. All of them evidently blissfully unaware of what is going on in the rest of the world.





        Good points MD...

        The alternatives are telling... China, Russia, Nigeria, India... few want to dance with the EU and North America... we are linked and much stronger together... Biden has been wise enough to keep this on track.

        China has been built on quantitative easing[leveraging western ingenuity]... how we work together determines the outcome... confidence and societal stability... creative ingenuity... = outcome/results!

        Interesting economic history being created!


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