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Nov 11, thank you veterans and your families.

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    My FIL brother lied about his age to sign up when he was 16. Was there for D Day so would be one of the youngest vets if he was alive.
    He was small so they put him as tail gunner in a Halifax.
    Saw the ball for the belly gunner in a B17.
    Most 16yr olds wouldn't fit in with your chin touching your knees.
    Those airplanes were built for boy soldiers.
    A 16 yr old is grade 11
    He got a medal for doing 42 missions. All in like 6 months. That was way beyond life expectancy for airmen.
    Most were just kids


      My wife’s uncle, also 99, carried the wreath in Powell River BC. Seen pics and had to laugh, only one besides the piper who wasn’t wearing a mask. He has been in great health so don’t know if it was for a medical reason or making a statement. Proud moment for his family far and wide.


        I've taken a flight in a B17G. Rode in the plexiglass nose.
        And a B25. There's a tunnel you slide on your belly under pilot's station to get to nose. Not for a big guy.
        All kids.
        Next on list a B29 and a P51.
        I encourage anyone who has the chance to do so. Commemorative Airforce has several different vintage birds.
        The ball turret guy if too tall had to have guys above scrunching him in to close the hatch. If too damaged he had to bail out from there. Scrubbed off in a belly landing. Flying cigar tubes. Loud and cold!
        There's a ranch in Texas you can rent a Sherman on the list too.
        Oh to be a kid again. Cause that's what they were and a good thing too.

        I've gone to a shooting course put on by our own Afghanistan vets. Same breed. All marked by their service.
        Another neighbor served in Navy during first Gulf and many disaster recovery missions. He's full pension and living with his scars.
        It's not just the Greatest Generation. They all cast a large shadow.


          They had a P51 at Camarillo you could ride.
          Not sure since covid.
          It might have gone back to the owner.

          They also have an F8F Bearcat. Only one seat I think.


            How many useless politicians and bureaucrats stood at the Cenotaph, traitors to the ones they were "commemorating"?
            Has even more applicability than 8 years ago when it was written - (From the files)

            “Lest we forget”, repeated on Remembrance Day 2013, not so far in the past.

            Yet it seems that we have already forgotten. Or perhaps, we never really understood what it is that we are to remember on November 11. For it is not just the brave living and dying of the soldier that we should recall, or remember only our freedoms for which they gave their lives. For while we rightly commemorate the first and blithely enjoy the second, it would be a lesson wasted to ignore the kind of wrong-headed government that eventually draws people into the chaos of a war through which they hope to regain their freedoms.

            Of what use is it to stand at the Remembrance Day ceremony and pay tribute to the bravery of those who unselfishly spilled their precious life-blood in defense of our freedoms, only then to retreat to the Commons or council chambers to snipe away at those freedoms with pernicious pens, spilling cheap ink in writing more oppressive laws, or raising taxes, driven by cowardly self-interest?

            The worst of it is - these misdirected, scattershot laws, like bullets gone astray, always cause collateral damage, blindly injuring non-target populations while the intended target frequently marches away unscathed. Or the inflicting of unjustifiable taxes (fees) is shrapnel tearing through flesh and bone, bleeding us out while impairing and maiming the ability to function.

            For a recent, local example - someone now proposes that we should pay for a permit to strike a match. I propose that we, the people, fire anyone who might attack our freedoms through such trifling means. They obviously do not have enough worthwhile work to do anyway and are merely looking for a way to justify their needless existence. Nonproductive sappers are what they are; creating encumbrances that only dull the sense of personal responsibility necessary in a healthy society. Will council’s decisions be guided by cool rationality or shrill hysteria?

            This is no longer about “protecting the people” as some sanctimonious elected officials like to proclaim as they try to order the rank and file into proper columns. Rather, it is all about protecting a system of governance that has grown so bloated and unwieldy that it is fast losing its functionality. And with its integrity long gone, its real mission forgotten, government has turned into a force as destructive as a vacuum bomb. Who is the real threat to freedom today?

            Thus, the proud display of respect at the Cenotaph on November 11 has turncoated into a grave disservice. Shame, shame on our local leadership which will be remembered as the municipal government that has done more than any other in our history to erode the rights and freedoms that soldiers died to protect.

            My hat is off to those who paid the price in wartime, as well as to those who presently stand in resistance against those who, through their officious high-handedness, would capture our rights and freedoms like prisoners of war.

            If you want to fittingly remember those who died for freedom, pick up the phone and call your councilor (or whoever it need be) and state your disagreement with invasive laws and bylaws, such as a permit to strike a match.

            Far better to engage small tyrants with peaceful, rational discussion before they become big dictators who eventually incite violent reaction. Take heed and remember, because the enemy threatening our freedoms can just as easily appear in a suit and tie and carry a pen, as wear a uniform and carry a rifle. “Lest we forget”.


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              Gets worse, vaxx nazis at work on this sacred day as well. But since its just a memorial for our war dead, you wont hear a peep from our divisive PM. He owns this.

              Hey Jazz, any comment on the other sides actions? Funny you left the other side out of it. Also really classy comparing Nazis to modern day protestors on Remembrance Day. Ask anyone who spent some time in Auchwitz if today is anything like their experience you #$#.



                For all those of you calling anyone who you disagree with Nazi's I have to share the following which comes from the new Alberta school curriculum which the UPC government wrote and is currently trialing. I first seen this on twitter and could not believe it was real so I went to the Alberta government website and turns out it was word for word as written on twitter. Here is what is included in the guidelines for teaching the UCP curriculum. READ BULLET 2 CAREFULLY. Money/Economy trumps Nazi atrocities in Alberta apparently

                Click image for larger version

Name:	alberta curriculum.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	82.5 KB
ID:	772057

                Interestingly, since this appeared on twitter this AM and I read it on the Alberta website before 9:00, it has been taken down off the Alberta government website; in fact none of the guideline document can be found. I wonder why.
                Last edited by dmlfarmer; Nov 12, 2021, 13:47.


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