Originally posted by Old Cowzilla
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Kids should be like buying a house...don't have 50k saved up for downpayment, no kid for you.
How do people think "other" people and their offspring become burdens of the state? No self-control.
Buddy has 3 kids, spends every nickel he has. Wife tells him get snipped. He says, government is giving us 18k a year in support for these 3, lets make it 36k - that's more money than he made gross each year for the 3 years of the first job he had.
Another guy I know has 10 kids. Unfortunately his oldest just turned 18, so his 60k annual child payment is now only 54k. I don't know how he will be able to survive a hit like that. He might actually have to get a job after leaving his last one almost a decade ago.
Both of these guys, born and raised farm kids. So never think it is just the city dwellers after the government money.