Man if I knew all it would take is getting myself banned for a week just to clear chuck and agstarr et al off the forum, I would have done it a long time ago.
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Originally posted by jazz View PostMan if I knew all it would take is getting myself banned for a week just to clear chuck and agstarr et al off the forum, I would have done it a long time ago.
Possibly he got a personal talking to and realized they really would take away his soap box if he continues misbehaving.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
I am happy to see y'all Republicans separatist are missing me. But there are lots of more interesting and productive things to do.
Now that several of the usual suspects have been sent to Siberia in rural issues where they can do little harm with only an audience of a few other scientifically challenged conspiracy theorists, there is not as much blatant stupidity to comment on.
After a while Agrisilly becomes boring, as many of the the threads are repetitions of the same themes.
And face it who wants to listen to a bunch of perennial complainers and naysayers all the time.
Originally posted by Blaithin View PostMen…
You moan and complain about someone being everywhere and repetitive and annoying. They take a break so then you stir shit talking about them until they come back so you can repeat the whole thing all over again.
Suckers for life’s little annoyances.
We like to have fun at Chuck's expense, and make fun of his misguided one man crusades, and his unusual choice of venue for foisting his off topic SJW issues.
But he deserves some credit for clearing up the fake news and never ending Covid threads.
Before Chuck et. al. went crying to the admin to shut down dissenting opinions, there was a broad range of opinions being offered. Now, thanks in no small part to his relentless efforts, and his war on fake news, the only posters remaining in the Covid debate are all on the same side, and it isn't his side.
No more repetitive proven fake Ivermectin news from Chuck.
No more insults and name calling from Agstar.
No more irrational rants from forage.
No more reasonable fact based posts from dml, or farmboy44( and many others).
Chucks campaign was a complete success, he silenced all of his allies, while the other side continues unmolested.
Then comes on here gloating about it.
Congratulations on a job well done. You seem to have a real knack for these things. Just look at how the CWB turned out, thanks in no small part to your contributions.
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