A reinsurer is a company that provides financial protection to insurance companies. Reinsurers handle risks that are too large for insurance companies to handle on their own and make it possible for insurers to obtain more business than they would otherwise be able to. Reinsurers also make it possible for primary insurers to keep less capital on hand needed to cover potential losses.
-A reinsurer provides insurance to insurance companies.
-The risks of an insurance company are spread out by purchasing insurance from reinsurers.
-Doing business with a reinsurer allows an insurance company to do more business itself by being able to take on more risk than its balance sheet would otherwise allow.
-Insurance companies pay reinsurers premiums in the same manner that individuals pay insurance companies premiums.
-The transfer of risk from an insurance company to an insurer is known as cession.
Reinsurance companies can also buy reinsurance themselves, a term known as retrocession.
Plus Sask Crop insurance makes the gov money most years where is our pat on the back for all the premiums.
Come on its bullshit you guys blaming farmers for this year's drought caused the budget to not look as good.
I call Bullshit.
A reinsurer is a company that provides financial protection to insurance companies. Reinsurers handle risks that are too large for insurance companies to handle on their own and make it possible for insurers to obtain more business than they would otherwise be able to. Reinsurers also make it possible for primary insurers to keep less capital on hand needed to cover potential losses.
-A reinsurer provides insurance to insurance companies.
-The risks of an insurance company are spread out by purchasing insurance from reinsurers.
-Doing business with a reinsurer allows an insurance company to do more business itself by being able to take on more risk than its balance sheet would otherwise allow.
-Insurance companies pay reinsurers premiums in the same manner that individuals pay insurance companies premiums.
-The transfer of risk from an insurance company to an insurer is known as cession.
Reinsurance companies can also buy reinsurance themselves, a term known as retrocession.
Plus Sask Crop insurance makes the gov money most years where is our pat on the back for all the premiums.
Come on its bullshit you guys blaming farmers for this year's drought caused the budget to not look as good.
I call Bullshit.