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    Originally posted by bobofthenorth View Post
    I agree with most of what you wrote there Tom but this is flat out wrong. France & Germany are diverging 180 degrees on their nuke policy. France is continuing to grow nuclear capacity while Germany is shutting theirs down. I don't often agree with French policy but they're spot on this time.

    Putin has got Europe right where he wants them. He's been playing chess while the EU played checkers.
    Google seems to disagree with you on France... however this appears now [Since COP 26 last month] to be fluid and now uncertain... as President Macron wants to shift back towards N...

    People also ask
    Is France phasing out nuclear power?
    While historical dependence on nuclear is large and seen by President Macron as France's sole asset in the fight against climate change, the government is actively phasing out its use. ... The safety of nuclear reactors is ensured at the development and operational levels through numerous measures.Aug 30, 2021,

    Why is France closing nuclear power plants?
    Environmental activists have targeted the plant on the Rhine river for decades, complaining it was located in an area prone to seismic activity and was at risk of flooding. Among several safety failures over the years, cracks were found in a reactor cover and internal flooding in 2014 forced an emergency shutdown.Jun 30, 2020,

    Recent developments however; look towards changes back towards building new N generation plants...

    "Nuclear power was at the heart of Macron's France 2030 plan for re-industrialisation, announced last month. The plan includes a programme to demonstrate small reactor technology and mass production of hydrogen using nuclear electricity in this decade. Introducing the plan, he said he would be able to make his decision on the potential construction of up to six large reactors "in coming weeks", anticipating the completion of a pivotal study by Prime Minister Jean Castex and the transmission network operator RTE.

    According to a report published by RTE in late-October, the cheapest way for France to achieve its net-zero emissions target by 2050 would be through the construction of 14 large new reactors, plus a fleet of small modular reactors, as well as significantly investing in renewables.

    EDF has already stated that it would like to construct six more EPR reactors in France. The group was due to submit a report to the French President in mid-2021, who was then to decide on the construction of the reactors. During a trip to Framatome's Le Creusot plant in December 2020, Macron said the final decision to build new reactors must be taken no later than 2023, when the Flamanville EPR will be in service.

    EDF and Framatome are developing a simplified version of the EPR design, known as EPR2. Its aim is to incorporate design, construction and commissioning experience feedback from the EPR reactor, as well as operating experience from the nuclear reactors currently in service. EDF must ensure the financing and profitability of its proposed EPR2 reactor before starting construction of any plants based on the design in France, the country's state audit office has said.

    Researched and written by World Nuclear News"

    It will be interesting to see if the EU and Britain actually build significant new N electrical generation facilities...talk is cheap... like WAR... easy to bluff...



      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      If Trump was still president would he have raised any opposition to Russia's military aggression or just continued his bromance with Putin?

      For some strange reason some republicans on Agrisilly seem to admire Putin's aggression and authoritarian leadership.

      Is it because Trump was Putin's best "ally" in the US?
      Trump didn't have to say anything. Putin and the rest of the world knew what to expect.
      Nobody had to get him up in the morning to change his diapers before they wind him up and bump him towards the door.


        Why is it that when Europe phucks up, my farm pays?

        Ran out of nat gas that could be supplied by canada via LNG that is sitting idle and Europe is on its knees to Russia.

        This nonsense has affected fertilizer prices that Canadian nitrogen will not see an export port.

        Potash is probably cheaper in India than it is here. Can't wrap my head around it.

        Phosphorus could be coming from Russia or Morocco somehow has to take a trip through the US for tariffs first.

        Why couldn't Western Candian farmers be the low cost producer and export helping the economy instead of being forced to our knees just like the Europeans???


          Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
          Trump didn't have to say anything. Putin and the rest of the world knew what to expect.
          Nobody had to get him up in the morning to change his diapers before they wind him up and bump him towards the door.
          CC you troll your fake news like 'Botox'... on Saudi camels...

          "Saudi camel beauty pageant cracks down on cosmetic enhancements
          Published3 hours ago
          File photo showing camels at the Crown Prince Camel Festival, in the southwestern Saudi city of Taif, on 11 August 2021
          Image caption,
          Judges used "advanced" technology to uncover tampering with contestants in the pageant
          More than 40 camels have been disqualified from Saudi Arabia's beauty pageant for receiving Botox injections and other cosmetic enhancements.
          The contest is a highlight of the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, where $66m (£45m) in prize money is at stake.
          Key attributes include long, droopy lips, a big nose and a shapely hump.
          Judges used "advanced" technology to uncover tampering with camels on a scale not seen before, the state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.
          All contestants were first led into a hall where their external appearance and movements were examined by specialists, it said.
          Their heads, necks and torsos were then scanned with X-ray and 3D ultrasound machines, and samples taken for genetic analysis and other tests."

          You Would almost be funny... like Botox on Camels...



            Lipstick on a pig ....still a pig
            Botox to a camel....still a camel...

            JFC what is wrong with people?????


              If only Canada had a Putin...


                Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                If only Canada had a Putin...
                Maybe a Putin from the start of his career. Not corrupt of today playing a chess game with the world and the oligarchs. Canada already panders enough to it’s oligarchs ( Bombardier, SNC) This said a dose of nationalism wouldn’t hurt this country as the post nation state bs of present administration is driving morale and economic activity into the ground.


                  Blackpowder wants a Putin type leader in Canada? Really? LMAO

                  We already knew how many of you live in some kind alternate universe where you would prefer an authoritarian leader who kills and jails journalists and political opponents and wants to be president for life.

                  That pretty much confirms how far out on the far right fringe some of you are.
                  Last edited by chuckChuck; Dec 10, 2021, 07:43.


                    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                    That pretty much confirms how far out on the far right fringe some of you
                    Well look what the clueless left have wrought in the world so that people have to look for dictators to find any sense of nationalism.

                    Europe and NATO have been poking the bear for decades. Their policy is going to come home to roost when Putin reclaims a former state while countries like Canada are still trying to figure out which bathroom to use.


                      Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                      If only Canada had a Putin...
                      Wouldn't have expected this coming from you BP. Your posts are usually well thought out.

                      Now coming from the Anti Canada wingnuts who deplore Canada on a regular basis here on Agriville, that wouldn't be surprising.

                      Putin is a dictator, who eliminates anyone who poses a threat to his power.

                      Sad to see some on Agriville are confused as to what the difference is between leadership strength and dictatorship are.

                      Doubt they be so brave on Agriville if Putin was monitoring this site.


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