Why is it that when Europe phucks up, my farm pays?
Ran out of nat gas that could be supplied by canada via LNG that is sitting idle and Europe is on its knees to Russia.
This nonsense has affected fertilizer prices that Canadian nitrogen will not see an export port.
Potash is probably cheaper in India than it is here. Can't wrap my head around it.
Phosphorus could be coming from Russia or Morocco somehow has to take a trip through the US for tariffs first.
Why couldn't Western Candian farmers be the low cost producer and export helping the economy instead of being forced to our knees just like the Europeans???
Ran out of nat gas that could be supplied by canada via LNG that is sitting idle and Europe is on its knees to Russia.
This nonsense has affected fertilizer prices that Canadian nitrogen will not see an export port.
Potash is probably cheaper in India than it is here. Can't wrap my head around it.
Phosphorus could be coming from Russia or Morocco somehow has to take a trip through the US for tariffs first.
Why couldn't Western Candian farmers be the low cost producer and export helping the economy instead of being forced to our knees just like the Europeans???