The caveat is that even holistic farmers need to import nutrients. Even if your farm is big enough to have it's own hay and straw, those nutrients are "exported" from the hayfield or grain field to the feeding area (hopefully on the range or pasture). The holistic management course I took promoted buying your hay and straw so you're just importing nutrients from someone else's farm. It's hard to keep a good mineral cycle without some land somewhere being shorted.
My above statements are my own observations and are relevant to farming here is the northern parts. I don't believe there's such a thing as regenerative agriculture.
Re Gabe Brown, is his a sustainable farm? None of us really know because we don't really know his business. I can guarantee if he didn't have the oil patch families that live in Bismarck buying his products he wouldn't have what we think he has going.
My above statements are my own observations and are relevant to farming here is the northern parts. I don't believe there's such a thing as regenerative agriculture.
Re Gabe Brown, is his a sustainable farm? None of us really know because we don't really know his business. I can guarantee if he didn't have the oil patch families that live in Bismarck buying his products he wouldn't have what we think he has going.