Originally posted by jwab
At this time most people who hold bitcoin have life changing problems. Syria, Venezuela, India, Palestine, some African countires.
Basically people who do not trust their government due to conflct, inflation, corruption, instability or tyranny hold bitcoin.
So far one country, El Salvador has made bitcoin legal currency alongside the US dollar. This is the experiment a person can keep an eye on.
Canada is bankrupt. One podcast claims the CPP is insolvent.
The big suprise in North America is yet to come. The baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age. Most pensions are underfunded and inflation is eroding them every day.
Canada was printing 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS PER WEEK. 40% of the entire money supply in the history of the USA was printed in the last 18 months.
I am not an expert in economics, but grade 8 math tells me trouble is coming.
I consider bitcoin diversity in a portfolio.
I look at it forensically. WTH is going on to make one bitcoin worth $CAD60,500 no….wait….$60,100…?🙂