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Capital Gains

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    Read the post again chuck. Future tense not past tense. Jazz is trying to protect himself from future tax changes not what happened in the past.
    But I am pleased to know that you have your crystal ball calibrated in to accurately predict the past.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      I know libertarians often don't want to pay taxes but still want to enjoy the benefits of living in a developed country, .
      When a developed country flushes $1T into a black hole with nothing to show for it and every intention to keep doing it, I am out. Society be damned. Let the woke pay for it.

      I respectfully disagree with ABF, I dont think our kids can out work socialism.
      Last edited by jazz; Jan 13, 2022, 09:40.


        Originally posted by jazz View Post
        When a developed country flushes $1T into a black hole with nothing to show for it and every intention to keep doing it, I am out. Society be damned. Let the woke pay for it.

        I respectfully disagree with AB, I dont think our kids can out work socialism.
        Except socialism is about to collapse under it's own weight. How far they drag the rest of us innocent bystanders down with it in the process is the only question. Work ethic is about the only asset that is guaranteed to be carried through to the other side intact.


          I've always felt Joe Lunchbox pays too much tax. Certain brackets.
          Are taxes moral if the money continually wasted? Is Ottawa today akin to George III?
          Can our resident skimming Karen understand that one?


            You guys seem to forget that you live in one of the richest most successful countries on earth and have a standard of living that the majority of the planet would love to have.

            So here we have a small group of farmers who often complain that everyone else got a bunch of covid support whether they needed it or not and you are pissed because farmers didn't get their share?

            If you are not in favour of governments supporting their citizens during a time of crisis, how can you expect to receive "socialist" taxpayer handouts as well?


              That doesn't make it right to throw it away.


                Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                I've always felt Joe Lunchbox pays too much tax. Certain brackets.
                Are taxes moral if the money continually wasted? Is Ottawa today akin to George III?
                Can our resident skimming Karen understand that one?
                I agree. And there is nothing the average joe lunchbox can do about it, except maybe move to another country.

                Impossible to get ahead paying personal tax rates. And the harder one works, the higher the rates, how is that for a demotivator.

                In spite of the massive waste, patronage, abused social programs etc. I still think we get good value for our tax dollars spent( as with all things, always room for improvement). I don't complain about the total tax bill, I am concerned about how the share is divided, and how it punishes hard work while rewarding the lazy and incompetent. And how it inevitably leads to concentration of wealth.


                  Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                  That doesn't make it right to throw it away.
                  Guys like chuck always use that analogy. Like covid - just imagine how much worse it could have been.

                  If we use that yard stick and compare ourselves with 3rd world countries we will always be the ugly stepsister.


                    Originally posted by jazz View Post
                    Guys like chuck always use that analogy. Like covid - just imagine how much worse it could have been.

                    If we use that yard stick and compare ourselves with 3rd world countries we will always be the ugly stepsister.
                    You need to learn to think like a chuck/socialist. Quit thinking about how much better things could be, but instead, only compare to the worst of worst, and think of ways we can drag ourselves down to that level to even things out. With a little effort, we can easily achieve equality this way. Way easier than trying to improve anything.


                      In spite of the massive waste, patronage, abused social programs etc. I still think we get good value for our tax dollars spent( as with all things, always room for improvement). I don't complain about the total tax bill, I am concerned about how the share is divided, and how it punishes hard work while rewarding the lazy and incompetent. And how it inevitably leads to concentration of wealth.[/QUOTE]

                      If there wasn't the such thing called media I think the image of government wouldn't be so tarnished. We only hear about bad things, never anything positive. "Shirley" there must be something good gov't does.

                      Not defending government at all, I just don't get caught up in it or be bothered everyday only to be complaining about everything


                        Originally posted by Richard5 View Post
                        In spite of the massive waste, patronage, abused social programs etc. I still think we get good value for our tax dollars spent( as with all things, always room for improvement). I don't complain about the total tax bill, I am concerned about how the share is divided, and how it punishes hard work while rewarding the lazy and incompetent. And how it inevitably leads to concentration of wealth.
                        If there wasn't the such thing called media I think the image of government wouldn't be so tarnished. We only hear about bad things, never anything positive. "Shirley" there must be something good gov't does.

                        Not defending government at all, I just don't get caught up in it or be bothered everyday only to be complaining about everything[/QUOTE]

                        No one ever reported that it only costs x.xx $ per day per person in taxes to have a functional medical system, or police force, or road network etc. All of which dwarfs the scandalous spending which gets all the media attention. When you visit or learn about other countries without such services, you can appreciate how much we have.
                        But we can still do better.


                          AF someday when you have a little time, spend a few hours on twitter following the socialists, the SJWs, the marxists, the climate radicals, the race hucksters and the modern monetary theorists and what they are calling for. Dont know if they are the majority but they are the loudest and have the most time on their hands and seem to have the govts ear.

                          You might change your thinking about having intergenerational assets exposed after listening this group. Think chuck x1000. None of them should have an chance at ownership of solid assets like these. None of them could probably afford them anyway, but they sure as hell could influence the govt into nationalizing them on their behalf, like the CPP was doing with farmland or the govt own shared mortgage program.

                          I dont beleive the next generation will be set apart by intelligence, ingenuity or work ethic. That will all be drown out by the marxists and over regulation. But hanging on to 100 yr old assets will certainly set them apart the way this world is going.


                            Originally posted by jazz View Post
                            AF . But hanging on to 100 yr old assets will certainly set them apart the way this world is going.
                            It will also make them targets of the Chuck's of the world. They will be the Kulaks. We know how that ended last time around.


                              Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                              It will also make them targets of the Chuck's of the world. They will be the Kulaks. We know how that ended last time around.
                              Not just the kulaks, but all the bourgeois - the middle class, including town folks.

                              Including the useful idiots who thought that Marxist wealth redistribution was a good idea.

                              The only ones who did not suffer was the murderous, blood-thirsty Party Elites who managed to stay on top by stepping on everyone else.

                              But nothing to worry about here; it's not like we're into singling anyone for punishment out based on some "social" status.



                              Anyone who has read Gulag Archipelago should shudder at the thought of government-directed wealth redistribution.

                              The problem of inequity is complex. It can be solved only when those at the extremes of the the inequity resolve the situation by personally determining to take responsibility for their own life situation.

                              For the very wealthy, this would take the appearance of looking at how they can use their excess for the positive, lasting benefit of the unfortunate. There are those who could be given a hand up to a better spot in life.

                              For many of those who have nothing, they should be taking a look at how they are contributing to their own deprivation. Getting a regular handout does not contribute to taking an objective view.

                              Then there are those who are in genuine, desperate need who certainly can benefit from the assistance of the wealthy.

                              How does a society develop the conscience to be truly caring and objective? It comes down to an individual choice.

                              When enough of the population fails to exercise good choices regarding social needs, that's when government, in all their profound compassion, decides it needs to step in and make those choices for you.

                              It's a result of choice on every level.
                              Last edited by burnt; Jan 13, 2022, 13:26.


                                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                                For all you Republicans who wanna be Americans, the bad news is there is no lifetime capital gains exemptions on farmland in the USA.

                                So all you chronic complainers and malcontents that think the USA is better place to live and farm you will be happily taxed more on your capital gains than you will be in Canada. God Bless America and the IRS!


                                "Capital gains taxes are due when farm or ranch land, buildings, breeding livestock and timber are sold. The tax is owed on the amount that the property increased in value since it was purchased. The current top capital gains tax is 20 percent. Farmers and ranchers often pay the top rate (which is assessed on high income taxpayers) because their capital gains can be realized in a single year, for example when a farm is sold."
                                So what happened to all the wanna be americans who tell us the USA is the greatest, especially when it comes to lower taxes?. Except on capital gains I guess?


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