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    Originally posted by GohnJalt
    On my 4th pass now, but everytime the wild oats comes back thicker than ever. They tell me that means its working, and its my neighbour down the roads fault Africa for not using 24D even though wild oats isnt a problem there. Those selfish farmers should be locked up, my 24d would work on wild oats if they just used it too. I trust the science.
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    See leading causes of death in the world displayed in real time with this powerful simulation module.


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      The most comprehensive listing of Country Health Profiles and World Health Rankings for all leading Causes of Death ever assembled in one place....


        Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
        Was in Subway other day.
        Owner was refusing the unmasked.
        I thought, "well, they must not be hungry".
        Then he barked at me to adjust my mask properly. Instantly I thought "who the hell are you"?
        I realized, at least for me, it's an authority complex issue at times.
        So for some, being ordered around has a negative result. Now you have to keep increasing pressure to get diminishing results. Eventually you'll reach a max number of compliance. And you'll have to ever increase civil over reach.
        I think we're at this point.
        The hurt to the economy will increase with ever fewer vaxed.
        Our govt is the largest and most insulated employer/influencer in history. You can't phone a fed agency without hearing a long recording wishing me safety. Sincerely reinforcing fear.
        I think we brace for increasing and sustained inflation and shortages due to the naivety of govt. No one seems to understand how a real economy functions.
        And I don't think we are being presented comparative, relatable risk/reward numbers for anything covid related.
        As a leader, I do keep my actions measured and reasonable. I'm vaxed, I don't comment negatively or tell others what to do and I mask when others do.
        And I don't care how loud my outside voice is to be understood through masks and a total wall of plexiglas.
        But I'll remember that owner when I need a sandwich again.
        "Let them truckers roll!"
        BP, I fully understand your feeling, but think about it from the business owner standpoint. If they are caught allowing people to do things against the rules they will be fined or shut down. What choice does he have? Yesterday I was at Costco and watched 2 men barge in without masks, when asked the one kept going without even acknowledging the ladies at the door and the other pulled a neck warmer up to the bottom of his chin and kept walking. The door keepers clearly were intimidated as these were big guys one all decked out in camo. It is not fair to these employees trying to feed their families or the businesses trying to stay afloat when they are trying to follow rules they aren't responsible for.

        Interestingly I have a converse story. Local guy has a business that sells health supplements and vitamins. ( he used to sell chem for local input supplier so kinda an about face there) Anyhow he has chased people in our community out of his store for wearing a mask. No masks allowed in his store. Neighbors and people he has known his whole life?? How is that for good business ?? This guy has staged protests against masks and vaccines at the local school and very vocal against everything covid. This week his father died, older guy for sure but was still farming and active. Cause of death according to the family is a "lung infection", may not have been covid but my guess is they just cant admit it.


          I love going into places and you get in there, and no one is wearing a mask and lol at you like you are a moron.

          And how many of you have gone in somewhere, and the staff all SCRAMBLE to mask up. It’s a farce.

          It’s hilarious. If Moe removed the stupid mask mandate and vax mandate, I may vote for him again. But he has to be the first in Canada, or no vote from me.


            Sheep there was just some article this am about a bunch of restaurants going under in Sask this month.

            Vaxxed too scared to eat in there and unvaxxed barred from entry are creating a perfect storm of final bankruptcies in that sector. The failure is total, masks, lockdowns, distancing, vaccines, passports etc are all a total fail.


              Originally posted by jazz View Post
              Sheep there was just some article this am about a bunch of restaurants going under in Sask this month.

              Vaxxed too scared to eat in there and unvaxxed barred from entry are creating a perfect storm of final bankruptcies in that sector. The failure is total, masks, lockdowns, distancing, vaccines, passports etc are all a total fail.
              I know so many vaxxed ppl with Covid right now it isn’t even funny. I do not know an unvaxxed soul with Covid. The vax gives a false sense of bullet proof ness. If you are vaxxed, you don’t need to isolate if you’re positive. Unless you have symptoms. This encompasses a whole swath of teachers in our local schools. It’s spreading like wild fire. Yet it’s not the unvaxxed spreading it, nor are the unvaxxed getting it.

              I saw that restaurant article on our alt left media this morning. It’s a gross brutalizations of that industry. A needless business killer.


                Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
                If you ever want to feel like the jews in pre war Germany dress up like a mennonite and go to buisnesses that reqire a vax pass to sit down.
                What you see is 90% nasty because everyone knows they are unlikly to conform.
                Thats why they have moved for all of history.
                They are genetically non comforters.
                In the past the mobs that are enforcing whatever the current reforming socialist are preaching take to shooting them.
                Teach them a lesson about being non conformist.
                Right forage?
                So while Mennonites declared themselves Conscientious Objectors during WW2 my ancestors as well as many other posters on Agrville ancestors were fighting over seas for Canadians and the world to protect our Freedoms.

                Those non conformist Convenient Christians are now declaring their Freedoms are being taken away from them.

                All of a sudden those Freedoms everybody else fought for, have become so important to them now.

                Funny how they forgot "Freedom doesn't come Free"

                Right Ferbrains?


                  Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                  I know so many vaxxed ppl with Covid right now it isn’t even funny. I do not know an unvaxxed soul with Covid. The vax gives a false sense of bullet proof ness. If you are vaxxed, you don’t need to isolate if you’re positive. Unless you have symptoms. This encompasses a whole swath of teachers in our local schools. It’s spreading like wild fire. Yet it’s not the unvaxxed spreading it, nor are the unvaxxed getting it.

                  I saw that restaurant article on our alt left media this morning. It’s a gross brutalizations of that industry. A needless business killer.
                  That sums up the situation here as well: 'vaxxed' are sick super spreaders and the vaccine free doing just fine thank you. This is shutting down the economy wherein the 'vaxxed' can't come to work because they are sick and the vaccine free are not allowed to work. Welcome to venezuela north.


                    Covid has hit our area hard. Affected my immediate family as well. Lucky it was minor enough being my youngest who couldn’t be vaccinated at the time. The rest of us never tested positive but we were all vaccinated. Guy who’s a year younger than me who was unvaccinated at the time contracted Delta. He’s alright now but requires oxygen at night. He said it was nuts at the hospital with all the cases they were shipping off to Saskatoon.

                    My opinion and belief is the vaccine hasn’t buggered up any of my family members or friends who got it and it works. However it is your right not to take it. That is your right however foolish I think it is. I am more concerned with the totalitarian flare our governments have taken up to battle Covid which is difficult to shake after it passes. Fighting amongst ourselves about tinfoil theories and bible passages justifying not getting the Vax and doom and gloom of mass death from the pro Vax alarmists distracts from the shitstorm a coming after the fact.


                      https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/what-hospitalization-data-really-say-about-covid-19-vaccines/ar-AASXMtC?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531 Things that make you go Hmmmmmm!
                      Last edited by agstar77; Jan 20, 2022, 11:11.


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