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Erin O’Toole has to unhitch Conservatives from the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ or get run over

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    Originally posted by blackjack View Post
    Again with the half truths chuck chuck my mother in a home crippled up basically from 90 years of farm and ranch wear and tear…..my dad married 65 years and most of her friends have passed on…..never got vaccinated because of her beliefs…her words I’ve lived a good life we need to let the younger generations live theirs.
    So you wouldn't mind if she died alone from dehydration in her shitty diaper after days of no food and water?


      O'Toole's support of the rally has come a little late, and it shows. IMO what started as a trucker vaccine mandate protest has evolved into a protest of the terrible handling of the Covid problem. All around the western world people have grown sick of the loss of their freedoms. This is not about the Vax. This is about the lockdowns, the shutdowns, the lost jobs, the closed businesses, and the inability to move freely. Add to that the high price inflation and the carbon tax. When people see the Amazons and the Walmarts of the world growing and the small business suffering people reach a boiling point. For me I am triple vaxed and believe in the vax but the fact that so many farm shows and other things were still cancelled really bugs me. We were sold a bill of goods that the idea was to get the vaccine and be able to participate.
      As for O'Toole, I believe he is on his way out. His performance since the last election has been a huge disappointment. I think you are going to see a leadership change pretty soon.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        You have to wonder about all the people hitchin their wagon to the "freedom" convoy.

        85 -90% of truckers are already vaccinated and can cross the border without worry.

        The other 10-15% can still work in Canada.

        Vaccines are our best defense against more sickness, disruption and more stringent lockdowns.

        When tens of thousands of seniors living in long term care died from covid, many under the most horrible conditions possible, where were the "freedom" fighters? Did they mount a convoy to protest the shitty conditions and the thousands of horrible deaths in many nursing homes?

        If there was ever a cause that needed more attention it was the many needless deaths by neglect in poorly run overcrowded nursing homes. Not only did the elderly lose their freedom and dignity, their families suffered as well. This continues today.

        Our seniors with aged immune systems are the most vulnerable, even when fully vaccinated. They are isolated and alone without a voice.

        You would think with all the outrage from a small number of truckers who don't like vaccine mandates that that would be a small issue compared to taking care of our seniors.

        But apparently there are a small number of people who think vaccines mandates for them are the most important issue. Its a sad commentary on the selfishness of a segment of our population.
        Chuck2 do you know anybody that lost their jobs because of vaccine mandates? I know quite a few. One was an LPN who was 7 months pregnant. Another was an LPN with 20 years of service. You of course would just say get the jab. Rural postal service in Alberta is very slow due to lack of staff. Still waiting on a cheque that was mailed Jan. 3. The person who mailed it lives 40 minutes away, grain buyer. I pick up my cheques now. Both LPN’s observing what occurred in hospitals made an educated decision not to be vaccinated and that is their choice imo.

        I have absolutely no issue with seniors getting vaccinated, in fact I am in favour of it. Both my mother and father in law fully vaxxed. Most deaths occurred in people over 65 with 1 or more co morbidities, statistical fact.


          Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
          Over $6 million in support and people still sending money. MSM trying hard to smear the cause saying the money will all be mismanaged but they can't stop it.
          You send any Chuck?
          NDP are some of the biggest supporters.
          People are pissed.
          Have taken all the BS they can stand.
          Happy to see people finaly rebelling.
          In your dreams. You are living in a fantasy world. The convoy will be over next week and the mandates will still be on in the US and Canada.

          "And in any case, the convoy has devolved into a promotional vehicle for all manner of anti-vaxxers, take-back-my-country types and conspiracy hucksters, including such luminaries as Donald Trump Jr."
          Last edited by chuckChuck; Jan 27, 2022, 09:16.


            Chuck2, simple question what benefit is it to the health of Canadians to force the remaining 15% of truckers to be vaccinated? They have been crossing the borders as essential workers for the last 2 years. What does it accomplish now?????


              Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
              Chuck2, simple question what benefit is it to the health of Canadians to force the remaining 15% of truckers to be vaccinated? They have been crossing the borders as essential workers for the last 2 years. What does it accomplish now?????
              Mandates have driven the hesitant to get vaccinated which is good for everybody.


                Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                So you wouldn't mind if she died alone from dehydration in her shitty diaper after days of no food and water?
                Leave. Just leave.


                  Can't argue with the " take back my country types".


                    Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
                    Quick question Chuck2, why do you think most people got vaccinated? In the people I meet a third got vaccinated so they could travel, a third got vaccinated so they could go to their kids hockey games and restaurants and bars and the remaining third did so because they believed in the vaccine. Chuck2 what do you find when you ask people this question?
                    You Are missing a large portion of the population.
                    I would say most of the working age people I know who have got the vaccine did so because their job or their education demanded it. What neighbor who has a rare blood disorder and her doctor told her do not get vaccinated under any conditions, was faced with the choice of losing her job or getting the vaccine.
                    Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Jan 27, 2022, 09:42.


                      Even though some one like you doesn’t deserve a reply she pays for her care into a system that provides care for the elderly.


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