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CBC hit pieces intensi

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    So Sheep I suppose you support the convoy rabble spitting on reporters.


      Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
      Yup. I’ve been booted off. Many times. Every single time was for telling the truth. Most times it was something I said that got removed for, “misinformation”, and eight months later it became their truth as well.

      For example. Those of us watching with an open mind, saw that the vax was failing in places like Israel, Iceland, and Denmark, about eight months ago, according to the health numbers. It was clear that the vax was failing miserably. We tried to warn people that these numbers would be coming to Canada in six to eight months. And here we are. Closing in on NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy, like every single other highly vaxxed nation. Read that again. NEGATIVE EFFICACY. If you don’t know what that means, it means if you are vaxxed, you have a much higher chance of catching Covid. Every single person I know with Covid currently is fully vaxxed, some being boosted. This aligns perfectly with the local health numbers, and the worldwide results of this failed joke of a response.

      If the CBC was gone? Well, I would not feel such a desire to bring its watchers the truth any more, obviously. I take seriously the fact that staying quiet when you know the truth, is the same as lying. Without the CBC lying any longer, I won’t feel the strong compulsion and duty to set the record straight.

      For you, chuck, dml, agstar. Well, I share information to show the truth, so that you have every opportunity to recognize this colossal vax failure, for example.

      I asked you folks by the way, about the young woman whose husband was injured from the vaccine, what you would have to say to her. Nothing. No response.

      Your willful ignorance, and your cruelty to not recognize her, and to accept her husbands injury, is evil.

      This is what this is about. Good and evil. Guess which side Trudeau is on? Answer? He is evil.

      Please debate this with me if you want. I do recognize you don’t believe in good and evil, so I won’t hold my breath.
      This message would be Alexandr Solzhenitsyn approved.

      Unfortunately, his views gained him a speedy and prolonged admission into the Gulag.

      Yet his works played an integral part in the collapse of the Iron Curtain, and he lived to see its fall.

      Long live Sheepwheat. May those who wish you harm be the beneficiaries of their own prescriptions.


        This is what this is about. Good and evil. Guess which side Trudeau is on? Answer? He is evil.

        Please debate this with me if you want. I do recognize you don’t believe in good and evil, so I won’t hold my breath.[/QUOTE]

        2 Timothy 3:1-5-1-5 The Message (MSG)

        "Don’t be naive. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They’ll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they’re animals. Stay clear of these people."

        What would King Jesus do - What is he doing now??????

        Since King Jesus came to save humanity, not judge us... seems straight forward to me!

        *"Judge not, Lest you be judged"...

        2Timothy 4:3; [AMP]
        "For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold,"

        Mathew 22: 36 [AMP]...“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 And Jesus replied to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others].’ 40 The whole Law and the [writings of the] Prophets depend on these two commandments.”

        P.S. My cat Copper and Dog Buddy have more compassion for others than many many people who should know better!!!

        Last edited by TOM4CWB; Jan 28, 2022, 10:57.


          May I suggest that we open nominations for the "Cathy Newman" award!!

          It will be a brown, caricatured statue with a big, gaping mouth revealing a completely empty cranial compartment.

          The inscription would read "So what you're saying is..."

          I declare nominations open -


            Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
            So Sheep I suppose you support the convoy rabble spitting on reporters.
            Agree with you there Agstar
            Lot of that crowd hanging around where that one reporter went for interviews looked like rabble rousers.

            Every shot he had was of some nut case. Only had one very short clip of a trucker who looked very normal.
            I guess you can find whatever you are looking for when you have 10's of thousands showing up in Toronto.


              Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
              So Sheep I suppose you support the convoy rabble spitting on reporters.
              Lol. No.


                Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
                Agree with you there Agstar
                Lot of that crowd hanging around where that one reporter went for interviews looked like rabble rousers.

                Every shot he had was of some nut case. Only had one very short clip of a trucker who looked very normal.
                I guess you can find whatever you are looking for when you have 10's of thousands showing up in Toronto.
                There are extremes on both sides of many issues. Of course you’ll find a few when you have so many people. Most vaccinated people I know still believe in freedom and Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedom, but some are highly against it. Just like the fact that you’re bound to find a certain amount of people in favour of the convoy who are more extreme. When a woman against the convoy threatened to spread nails and such on the road to welcome the truckers, do all “anti-convoy” people plan on vandalism?


                  Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                  Lol. No.
                  The fact is tens of thousands of people show up to show thier aggravation in Toronto.
                  Who expected that when this convoy left BC.

                  But same as any other big protest anywhere large numbers just drift down to see what is going on.
                  There will be lots of drunks and rabble show up.
                  Hopefully nobody sends in one of those guys that goes down the street smashing the windows in every building. Instant riot.


                    If only there was just FOX and Rebel News we would get the real story. LOL

                    Faith Gouldy, former "reporter" for Rebel turned out to be a supporter of bigot, racists and white supremacists. What a surprsie

                    Of course the extremists and the fringe element are always critical of anybody who they disagree with or exposes them for what they are.

                    Covid mandates are worse atrocity than the holocaust don't you know.


                      Nobody belittles the HOLOCAST, it's the 30's Germany, "health pass" dividing us, creating a Scapegoat to blame. That's how our present situation compares.


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