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    Russell has had one too many Jefferys.


      Originally posted by burnt View Post
      So a former Blackrock exec explains why Pfizler is fighting so hard to keep it's data out of scrutiny; if there is fraudulent content, it removes the liability shield.

      "Fraud eviscerates all contracts"

      Watch Pfizler crumble right before our eyes when the courts order it to be opened.

      Only thing worse, watch people start to "react" when the evidence leaves them no alternative.
      Pfizer says they have 400,000 pages of data.

      No many companies could create that no matter how your program was set up.
      Sound like a barrier to entry scam.


        Joe Rogan is apologizing and promising to provide more balance to his podcasts. Sounds like Old Neil made him tap out.

        Lynard Skynard went after Old Neil and they went down in flames. Old Neil tough to beat.


          Rogan has always entertained thin edge of the wedge guests. That’s what’s made him interesting to listen to. He’s a decent guy and proves it by his apology and willingness to listen to the other side. Like to see msm do that sometimes. Neil maybe got what he wanted but he’s still a useless old prick. He is all about free speech but wanted to silence someone for views he didn’t agree with. I can agree Rogan could be perceived as dangerous by entertaining anti vaccination bs but silencing people is a downward spiral. Damn I’m torn on all this. I believe in the vaccines but hate government overreach.


            Originally posted by Braveheart View Post
            Joe Rogan is apologizing and promising to provide more balance to his podcasts. Sounds like Old Neil made him tap out.

            Lynard Skynard went after Old Neil and they went down in flames. Old Neil tough to beat.
            The video Joe put out today that I watched he was NOT apologizing at all !!
            He rightfully doubled down standing behind what was said on his podcasts by the doctors and scientists he had on that up until they went against the narrative were regarded as the leading/best in their fields.
            And what they have been saying since day one that were labelled as missinformation and conspiracy theories has been proven right and slowly acknowledged by both the CDC and many government health leaders.
            Spotify has stated the $100 million they paid Joe Rogan is an investment they do NOT regret making and that the artists that are pulling their music will make no impact on earnings.
            Also have heard that Elon Musk has been showing support for the convoy and their mandate protest and that a message was sent to the Go Fund Me people that he would start his own crowd funding forum if anything happens to the near $10million.
            If that is true and the Ottawa mayor acts against the protesters there cud be repercussions to Ottawa regarding Tesla investment??

            Likely just more rumors mostly but he is known for using his $$ and influence to support things he believes in.
            Lots of links saying he bought the web domain name Liar.com and it links direct to the trudeau liberal website!! LOL
            But most rumors and far out conspiracies have been proving true the past few years!!


              I just typed liar.com into 2 web browsers and it does link direct to justin trudeau wikipedia page!!! LOL!!!


                Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                Damn I’m torn on all this. I believe in the vaccines but hate government overreach.
                That statement right there easily represents the views of the majority. Those are the people who are turning against Trudeau and his identity politics. And they obviously aren't a fringe minority. And they don't think they hold unacceptable viewpoints.
                Government crossed the line, and they won't be able to put the toothpaste back in the tube this time.


                  Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                  Rogan has always entertained thin edge of the wedge guests. That’s what’s made him interesting to listen to. He’s a decent guy and proves it by his apology and willingness to listen to the other side. Like to see msm do that sometimes. Neil maybe got what he wanted but he’s still a useless old prick. He is all about free speech but wanted to silence someone for views he didn’t agree with. I can agree Rogan could be perceived as dangerous by entertaining anti vaccination bs but silencing people is a downward spiral. Damn I’m torn on all this. I believe in the vaccines but hate government overreach.
                  Actually, I like Joe for the most part. I like his martial arts philosophy, the way he calls UFC matches and, because I'm into the shooting sports, his views on gun ownership and gun rights align with my beliefs. I don't really enjoy his standup tho.

                  Government overreach is a problem. But, I believe in vaccines as well.

                  In the community here it is not hard to be torn. I have a neighbour who doesn't want the vaccine and it's just fine. We respect his opinion. He makes his decision for himself but, doesn't go around the area causing a scene or disrupting. He is very much missed in places as he's popular but, people understand and respect him.

                  Other neighbours not vaxxed are screaming, causing disturbances etc. Their kids go Ito the Christian School (unmasked) and scoff at the kids wearing masks and mayhem follows. These types have lost the respect of the community and I doubt it will ever be returned.

                  For those of us with family members that are severely immunocompromised and need as much protection as can be afforded, do government mandates outweigh the cries for freedom? Well firmly YES. BECAUSE, THEY AREN'T REALLY GOVERNMENT MANDATES. THEY'RE HEALTH MANDATES. Therein lies the difference for me.

                  A corrupt government imposing a wheat board, or dropping an OIC prohibiting sporting arms and instantly turning law abiding gun owners into criminals overnight (solely for virtue signalling) is government overreach. A health official telling the government, "this is how it has to be", is not.
                  Last edited by Braveheart; Jan 31, 2022, 20:51.


                    Originally posted by jwab
                    If you believe in “this” vaccine you haven’t done your research, only bought in.
                    They're my words. Don't put your demented twist on them.


                      Originally posted by Braveheart View Post
                      Actually, I like Joe for the most part. I like his martial arts philosophy, the way he calls UFC matches and, because I'm into the shooting sports, his views on gun ownership and gun rights align with my beliefs. I don't really enjoy his standup tho.

                      Government overreach is a problem. But, I believe in vaccines as well.

                      In the community here it is not hard to be torn. I have a neighbour who doesn't want the vaccine and it's just fine. We respect his opinion. He makes his decision for himself but, doesn't go around the area causing a scene or disrupting. He is very much missed in places as he's popular but, people understand and respect him.

                      Other neighbours not vaxxed are screaming, causing disturbances etc. Their kids go Ito the Christian School (unmasked) and scoff at the kids wearing masks and mayhem follows. These types have lost the respect of the community and I doubt it will ever be returned.

                      For those of us with family members that are severely immunocompromised and need as much protection as can be afforded, do government mandates outweigh the cries for freedom? Well firmly YES. BECAUSE, THEY AREN'T REALLY GOVERNMENT MANDATES. THEY'RE HEALTH MANDATES. Therein lies the difference for me.

                      A corrupt government imposing a wheat board, or dropping an OIC prohibiting sporting arms and instantly turning law abiding gun owners into criminals overnight (solely for virtue signalling) is government overreach. A health official telling the government, "this is how it has to be", is not.
                      Same exact situation here as well.


                        Originally posted by jwab
                        “ In 1928, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Canada, enacted the Sexual Sterilization Act. The Act, drafted to protect the gene pool, allowed for sterilization of mentally disabled persons in order to prevent the transmission of traits to offspring deemed undesirable.”

                        Maybe they would have decided to sterilize immune compromised people so they didn't pass on weak genes.

                        I guess you’d still agree with what was done since it’s a “health mandate”.

                        Health mandates are implemented by government so that argument is moot.

                        Your arguments have ZERO merit.
                        That was the eugenics movement. Popular for quite a spell, championed by leaders of the day of all political parties, and fully implemented by Hitler. Even the working man’s champion ccf founder TC Douglas was a proponent. It didn’t stop with people neither. My father talks of no scrub laws. Couldn’t use a grade stud or scrub bull. The authorities would check up on everyone and castrate “impure” sires. Much as everyone says Hitler and Nazis were evil (true as hell, holocaust deniers burn in hell) our government in Canada and a lot of the rest of the world was really no better. In fact Hitler got a lot of his groundings in the eugenics movement. Sure it was the zeitgeist but it doesn’t mean it was morally right does it?

                        Here’s a tidbit of information kinda related I guess. So Asperger’s a type of high functioning autism was discovered by a nazi psychologist by the name of Asperger. He identified them as little presidents or generals or something to that effect. Said they were quite capable at certain tasks but lacking in other qualities. Lacking enough that he was responsible for putting enough of them to sleep for good. So that is why many in the autism community scrub that word and prefer high functioning autism. This my friends is why I try to hold the middle ground and though I am not a god type basic human decency and respect for one another should be universal no matter what side of politics you’re on or whatever you pray to.


                          I like the trash talking of the Canadian response on here . How badly we have done . But the US covid death rate is 2.4 times that of Canada per person . And this (failed vaccine and booster) that reduces the chance of dieing from covid 67 times.vs the unvaxed.
                          What would you call a successful vaccine then? It is not perfection , but 67 times better. I will take a 67 times better outcome in anything.


                            Originally posted by sawfly1 View Post
                            I like the trash talking of the Canadian response on here . How badly we have done . But the US covid death rate is 2.4 times that of Canada per person . And this (failed vaccine and booster) that reduces the chance of dieing from covid 67 times.vs the unvaxed.
                            What would you call a successful vaccine then? It is not perfection , but 67 times better. I will take a 67 times better outcome in anything.
                            So two thirds of Manitoba Covid deaths being vaxxed is 67 times better than without the vax. Can you square those numbers please.


                              67 times?? Get out of here with that bullsh*t.

                              January 2022 was MB 3rd deadliest month for covid.

                              MB's outdated stats only say 5x.
                              Once updated (if ever) will be lucky to be even money.


                                Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                                Update of Agriville Bingo! Within 24 hours after I posted the game the caring market orientated posters on Agriville managed to get a one line bingo, posting all 5 terms in one column. By Monday morning, there was a 2 line Bingo. And now we are only 2 words missing from full card! Injust 3 days! Way to go Agriville!

                                Oh, and btw, the convey is a success - because it went to Ottawa to get rid of Trudeau and the Liberals, who are both still there - but the Conservatives lost their leader?

                                Neil Young, mitchell, lofgren, etc are failures because they left spotify and rogan didn't, yet rogan had to appologize and have warnings put on his podcasts and changes to who he interviews, and Spotify has lost 4 billion dollars in share value since and this is a success?

                                Blockading the biggest border crossing in Alberta is a success? Stopping feed shipments to farms in southern Alberta, stopping grain and beef movement south, stopping movement of parts to dealerships? Those who support this action can never complain again about any protest action by vegans or peta, animal rights activists or t expressing their displeasure by blockading farms and holding farmers hostage or tresspassing on farm property if they support blockades of public property.

                                A protest, with no leadership, with no permits, with no plans for food or facilities for participants, with no concrete objectives or in which the participants themselfs cannot agree on what the protest is about, and whose untrackable funding is tied up by go fund me, and now the principle fundraiser is no where to be found as western convoy members are stuck on the john a mcdonald freeway with no food, or fuel and no funds and are begging for help and a protest for which there are no end or exit plans is a success?

                                Funny way many have of defining success, no wonder they think a few thousand people protesting has united the country. The only united are factions within the protest. The rest of the country is laughing at you or worse yet, repulsed!
                                Last edited by dmlfarmer; Feb 1, 2022, 09:41.


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