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Trudeau tests positive.

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    Trudeau tests positive.

    Triple dose Trudeau earns a few days off. He tested “positive”.

    I was thinking. The truckers who made a thirty plus hour trip to Ottawa, worked more in a few days, than the Blackface groper has his whole life.

    Stopping the spread, those vaccines! Good thing he got his shots. Imagine how much worse it would have been?

    In other news, I have been cracking into the Regina marketplace for the best local lamb. More to come once finalized.

    He's not that sick. He's been spotted strolling along the beach at Tofino.


      Originally posted by 6V53 View Post
      He's not that sick. He's been spotted strolling along the beach at Tofino.
      I was thinking about that. Only he would be stupid enough to go skiing or surfing. Or maybe he’s on bell island again.


        Apparently the presser/media circle JK was from an UNDISCLOSED location, poor terrified POS!

        Scary truckers want to F him!


          Moe on ctv news just said 78% of new cases are vaxed...
          So end mandates or lock up the vaxed..


            Jordan puts it well, time is now! Premiers ACT!


              Let’s look at the larger picture of Justin Trudeau testing positive. He had a very public booster vaccination, so he is triple vaxxed. Obviously if he is testing positive, the booster shot does not prevent infection from Covid, we can’t say Omicron because there is no proof it is Omicron, it could be Delta. We were also told he was exposed by one of his children being Covid positive, his youngest is 7, his oldest 14. The question is are they vaccinated? If they are, the vaccine did not prevent infection, if they aren’t(which is fine by me) why promote all other Canadian children to get vaccinated?

              Here is the problem I have. The media and the government are still attacking and blaming those who aren’t vaccinated and blaming them for continued spread of Covid 19. They still promote the false narrative that the vaccine stops the spread of Omicron. I wouldn’t have a problem if they were truthful. If they said that while the vaccine will have no affect on the spread of Omicron is does statistically prevent more serious outcomes from the infection. I also have a serious problem with people losing their jobs because they don’t want the jab. This debate is not about facts. This debate is about fear and control. Imagine how the debate would change if the government and the media were truthful. Imagine how the divisions in society between the vaxxed and unvaxxed would diminish. Truth is the only way society can heal but that is not what the government wants!!!


                The thing is. If chuck, forage, tweety, agstar, dml, all want nineteen jabs, I will fight for their right to have them.

                Why then will they not allow for my right to not get the clot shot? I find it so odd.




                    Wait until chuck finds out his hero Elon donated $40k today. Lol


                      So yesterday 84% of hospitalizations were vaxxed. Saskatchewan is 79% vaxxed.

                      Interesting science.

                      Vax is keeping ppl out of hospitals like a dang.


                        Originally posted by GohnJalt
                        Jet setting around on the taxpayer dime as per usual.

                        Is there a way this can be proven 100% and thrown in his black face?


                          Originally posted by jazz View Post
                          Wait until chuck finds out his hero Elon donated $40k today. Lol
                          That donation disappeared?


                            This good description how ALL of those on the WRONG side of this all will react!

                            Prepare for the CROW meal.


                              Anita Anand flying back from Brussels?


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