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National truckers strike

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    National truckers strike

    Protest convoys and peaceful protests just met with derision by the ruling elites and their bought and paid for msm.
    Perhaps truckers should go home and just park their rigs for a couple of weeks. quit delivering goods and groceries, quit buying fuel tires and repairs. Quit making payments. Lets see what the ruling class elites would then say. I know truckers and the like will survive a hell of a lot longer than most in the cities. Let financers reposes the trucks, hundreds of thousands on market will drop prices and truckers buy trucks back at pennies on the dollar.
    something has to get the attention of these so called leaders, maybe this will.

    The real head-scratcher is the response from those poor-me-victim types who are crying about the hardship of putting up with the convoy for 2 - yes - TWO days!

    And blaming them for loss of income and freedom to move.

    This, after two years of loss of income and imprisonment resulting from the very government mandates that the convoy is rising to protest.

    Talk about cognitive dissonance, as has been noted here before.

    If these whiners had a lick of sense, they would be backing the convoy and demanding that the Trudeau cabal would drop the mandates or drop the writ.


      Originally posted by wrongway View Post
      Protest convoys and peaceful protests just met with derision by the ruling elites and their bought and paid for msm.
      Perhaps truckers should go home and just park their rigs for a couple of weeks. quit delivering goods and groceries, quit buying fuel tires and repairs. Quit making payments. Lets see what the ruling class elites would then say. I know truckers and the like will survive a hell of a lot longer than most in the cities. Let financers reposes the trucks, hundreds of thousands on market will drop prices and truckers buy trucks back at pennies on the dollar.
      something has to get the attention of these so called leaders, maybe this will.
      You nailed it, Choke off the supply and the TURD will be gone!

      2-3 Vaxed should be on his lying AZZ right now, showed us all the gene therapy does nothing !

      His 3 shot was a few weeks, never fu(king helped at all!

      Constantly says keep safe follow the science...so how the F did he catch? Obviously NOT following his own science!

      And ONLY words are GET VAXED!
      Last edited by fjlip; Jan 31, 2022, 15:51.


        Originally posted by wrongway View Post
        Protest convoys and peaceful protests just met with derision by the ruling elites and their bought and paid for msm..
        The nurses tried that and got fired and replaced by foriegn workers. I am sure the same thing will happen here.

        No this is pointing to a bigger movement that needs to get rolling and we all know what that is.


          Originally posted by wrongway View Post
          Protest convoys and peaceful protests just met with derision by the ruling elites and their bought and paid for msm.
          Perhaps truckers should go home and just park their rigs for a couple of weeks. quit delivering goods and groceries, quit buying fuel tires and repairs. Quit making payments. Lets see what the ruling class elites would then say. I know truckers and the like will survive a hell of a lot longer than most in the cities. Let financers reposes the trucks, hundreds of thousands on market will drop prices and truckers buy trucks back at pennies on the dollar.
          something has to get the attention of these so called leaders, maybe this will.
          Why would truckers go on strike, 90% are able to go in the USA and the other 10% who are unvaxxed can still haul in Canada as the USA won't let them across the border anyways.

          Trucking companies are making money hand over fist.

          All kind of work for any trucker wanting to work. I hear in Wpg they are begging for trucks for snow removal. You can drive all you want if your unvaxxed.

          There are no Trucking Associations in Canada backing this so called convoy because their smart enough to know the Anti-vaxxers were looking for a host to latch onto and want no part of this B.S.

          This whole convoy is an Anti-vaxxer crusade with a big push from Old Stock REFORMERs who are still holding on to a wet dream they had 30 years ago.

          Not to mention their so call New Constitution they wrote on some ass wipe which they expect to be signed.

          What an insult to the Real Trucker Heros who continue to drive and keep the country going.


            I always have a good laugh when the so called freedom fighters start talking tough while hiding behind their computer screens in their basements.

            I hope this post isn't to harsh for you!


              Remember JAIL for selling Wheat...that was freedom too.

              THINK! those who are happy with mandates, over reach, wreck less spending, kickbacks to politicians , media and medical liars.
              Last edited by fjlip; Jan 31, 2022, 17:15.


                Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                Why would truckers go on strike, 90% are able to go in the USA and the other 10% who are unvaxxed can still haul in Canada as the USA won't let them across the border anyways.

                Trucking companies are making money hand over fist.

                All kind of work for any trucker wanting to work. I hear in Wpg they are begging for trucks for snow removal. You can drive all you want if your unvaxxed.

                There are no Trucking Associations in Canada backing this so called convoy because their smart enough to know the Anti-vaxxers were looking for a host to latch onto and want no part of this B.S.

                This whole convoy is an Anti-vaxxer crusade with a big push from Old Stock REFORMERs who are still holding on to a wet dream they had 30 years ago.

                Not to mention their so call New Constitution they wrote on some ass wipe which they expect to be signed.

                What an insult to the Real Trucker Heros who continue to drive and keep the country going.
                Yon had me until you threw in old stock reformers. Preston Manning was the only true statesman I've ever met. Jay Hill was also excellent.

                I agree on the trucker demand. You can write your own ticket.


                  The next step on trucker jab mandates was have to be jabbed to cross provincial borders. That is why all jab mandates need to stop now. Kenny's approach was to negotiate an extension to the essential service protocall for truckers but that still maintains the fiction that the jabs have health benefits. Since they don't, we need to simply drop all mandates.
                  Last edited by ajl; Jan 31, 2022, 17:41.


                    Originally posted by Braveheart View Post
                    Yon had me until you threw in old stock reformers. Preston Manning was the only true statesman I've ever met. Jay Hill was also excellent.

                    I agree on the trucker demand. You can write your own ticket.
                    Old Stock was Harper words. That's who I was referring to.


                      We should all go on strike until we get what we want. FREEDOM!!! Especially from people like jwab ,partners ajl.
                      Last edited by agstar77; Jan 31, 2022, 18:20.


                        Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                        We should all go on strike until we get what we want. FREEDOM!!! Especially from people like jwab and all.
                        Yes go on strike.
                        Don't come back till Jwab leaves...


                          Umm forage, you are the one who took 3 jabs of something with now an 8% efficacy. I wouldnt get too smug.

                          You can call antivax until you are blue in the face, doesnt change the vaccine failure in front of your nose.


                            To all those too fearful to start reliving your normal life...What will it take to return to normal?

                            Our so called ruler standing up and waving his scepter giving us permission? It's been 2 years and there is no indication whatsoever that normalcy is going to return soon.

                            Trudeau and the elites have all but told us that they hate us. worse though is many regular people are actually cheering them on.

                            If anyone has a better answer lets hear it.

                            Calling people trying to do something racists and bigots is doing more harm than good.


                              Originally posted by jazz View Post
                              Umm forage, you are the one who took 3 jabs of something with now an 8% efficacy. I wouldnt get too smug.

                              You can call antivax until you are blue in the face, doesnt change the vaccine failure in front of your nose.
                              You've taken two jabs, have you gotten Covid?

                              Better yet have you ended up in the hospital?


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