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Otoole gone Wednesday?

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    So you think “black” is what’s going to hide
    The racism?
    How about saying she’s the best candidate
    And leave out the black? Or is she not the
    Best if she’s white? Lol


      Originally posted by Taiga View Post
      Honestly, that is not what the PPC is about (regarding your soCon comment). The PPC party is very much a free choice, libertarian, small government party. Not soCon at all.
      Why are libs scare of so called so cons? I mean, what is the last policy they enacted that was socially conservative in this country. Like ever?

      Manning, Harper, both born again christians. But they both know not everyone by a long shot in Canada is. They therefore separated, (rightly so), their personal beliefs from governance. One can know right from wrong. (Yes liberals, there is right and wrong), and still not impose their will on the populace.

      If only liberals would do the same like they used to. But they govern and blast their personal beliefs, and force them on Canadians. Conservatives didn’t stop funding for kids programs based on people’s beliefs. But the liberals sure did.

      I find that quite comical actually.

      Abortion, blah blah blah, gay rights, blah blah blah. Yet no conservative ever touched abortion, ever. No conservative will remove gay marriage, it would be political suicide. Yet the alt left use this ridiculous, unfounded fear, after decades of nothing happening, no hidden agenda to be found, after harping on it for how many election cycles?

      What do the liberals do? Spread their love around the world to kill babies around the world more easily. The impose their personal beliefs on all Canadians, by forcing all of us to pay for their pet projects.

      Like the CBC.


        Originally posted by riders2010 View Post
        So you think “black” is what’s going to hide
        The racism?
        How about saying she’s the best candidate
        And leave out the black? Or is she not the
        Best if she’s white? Lol
        Her being Black will matter if Trudeau has to face her. That is why I put that in. Imagine him trying the race card on her? Mr black face groper himself?
        Last edited by Sheepwheat; Feb 1, 2022, 21:45.


          Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
          Erin is not a bitter conservative. He’s not a conservative at all. That’s the problem.

          Tell me Leslyn Lewis wouldn’t kick trudeaus arse to the curb. Smart, a woman, black.

          Conservatives do best, when they are unabashedly conservatives. They suck, when they are another liberal party.
          Leslyn, being female would be at risk of being groped or elbowed by Sock Boy


            Originally posted by Taiga View Post
            Honestly, that is not what the PPC is about (regarding your soCon comment). The PPC party is very much a free choice, libertarian, small government party. Not soCon at all.
            Pretty pathetic excuse for a Libertarian party.

            Don't see the immediate privatization of healthcare or elimination of Canada Revenue Agency anywhere in their platform.

            Those are pretty big tenets of Libertarianism because the free market can do everything better than government, so no need for taxes as everything is paid by the citizen.

            Also, on a SoCon note, I don't notice anything about legalizing prostitution or polygamy in their platform. Again, pretty important as Libertarians support the legalization of all victimless crimes.

            So where is the Libertarian part again? The freedom to scream and rant like a moron without consequence? Uh huh...


              Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
              Her being Black will matter if Trudeau has to face her. That is why I put that in. Imagine him trying the race card on her? Mr black face groper himself?
              We d all know that she’d be what we need
              If she said she was disappointed in your
              We all have to get to the point somehow where
              It just doesn’t matter. 3 people apply for
              A job that’s it 3 people not a black or First Nation
              Or a white but just 3 people and rhe best suited
              One is employed.

              I really don’t think inserting a black person
              Just to what? be able to pile up racists in the party
              Would work. But that’s just me.


                Originally posted by riders2010 View Post
                We d all know that she’d be what we need
                If she said she was disappointed in your
                We all have to get to the point somehow where
                It just doesn’t matter. 3 people apply for
                A job that’s it 3 people not a black or First Nation
                Or a white but just 3 people and rhe best suited
                One is employed.

                I really don’t think inserting a black person
                Just to what? be able to pile up racists in the party
                Would work. But that’s just me.
                So have you ever listened to her? She is extremely qualified. If she was purple, she’d be qualified.


                  Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                  So have you ever listened to her? She is extremely qualified. If she was purple, she’d be qualified.
                  Admittedly not a lot partly because she hasn’t been
                  In the spotlight so quite an unknown. But I did
                  Listen last time leadership. And under the limited
                  Prepared scenario she seems very intelligent, educated
                  Well spoken and confident. Leadership races like that
                  Like I said it’s all prepared, judging someone in real action
                  Is easier to gauge after.
                  I did think that she tried to or at least came across
                  As wanting me or the public to feel as though hey look
                  I m black so I know what racism is and I m not a racist.
                  Which I just thought she was simplifying it too much.
                  Her being black doesn’t mean she understands anything
                  About what’s needed to fix racism and doesn’t prove she isn’t one.
                  I almost felt As though it was implied since I m white
                  there s an obvious higher expectation that I m racist.
                  That’s just how it
                  Came across to me but given she doesn’t have much
                  Political experience so maybe she can explain that
                  More clearer or maybe I don’t want her to use that excuse
                  That she s black so I have to assume she’s good to go?
                  If that makes sense.
                  But it wasn’t enough for me to say she wouldn’t be good
                  I just don’t know yet.
                  Last edited by riders2010; Feb 1, 2022, 23:28.


                    Originally posted by bucket View Post
                    It is amazing that the instigator of all this ...Trudeau....gets a pass.

                    He spews hate , he talks down to people, he is over dramatic at every opportunity and he gets away with it.

                    Are all liberals are guilty by association of corruption using the same logic as what is being used on the conservatives?

                    BTW, Jim Watson , the mayor of Ottawa is a first class phucktard. Liberal elitist.
                    I would say they are guilty by association. Hasn’t any liberal with any kind of decency left along time ago. I can’t think of one liberal cabinet minister that is in it for Canadians.


                      Originally posted by riders2010 View Post
                      Admittedly not a lot partly because she hasn’t been
                      In the spotlight so quite an unknown. But I did
                      Listen last time leadership. And under the limited
                      Prepared scenario she seems very intelligent, educated
                      Well spoken and confident. Leadership races like that
                      Like I said it’s all prepared, judging someone in real action
                      Is easier to gauge after.
                      I did think that she tried to or at least came across
                      As wanting me or the public to feel as though hey look
                      I m black so I know what racism is and I m not a racist.
                      Which I just thought she was simplifying it too much.
                      Her being black doesn’t mean she understands anything
                      About what’s needed to fix racism and doesn’t prove she isn’t one.
                      I almost felt As though it was implied since I m white
                      there s an obvious higher expectation that I m racist.
                      That’s just how it
                      Came across to me but given she doesn’t have much
                      Political experience so maybe she can explain that
                      More clearer or maybe I don’t want her to use that excuse
                      That she s black so I have to assume she’s good to go?
                      If that makes sense.
                      But it wasn’t enough for me to say she wouldn’t be good
                      I just don’t know yet.
                      I’m with you here on this as well. She’s educated to the hilt. Magna Cum Laude and a phd in science and a lawyer. Her French is a work in progress. Some make a deal of her skin colour but don’t think that should matter over the fact she is smart and willing to serve the people. We bitch about Trudeau playing identity politics but some are doing the same with Lewis. Need to move beyond that.


                        Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                        I’m with you here on this as well. She’s educated to the hilt. Magna Cum Laude and a phd in science and a lawyer. Her French is a work in progress. Some make a deal of her skin colour but don’t think that should matter over the fact she is smart and willing to serve the people. We bitch about Trudeau playing identity politics but some are doing the same with Lewis. Need to move beyond that.
                        I agree, we support Lewis because we think a woman of color will end the ridiculous narrative propagated by CBC. It might do that, but its not the right reason to elect a leader.

                        She deserves a prominent role in the caucus, but she has little experience in HoC and in scrums. I see videos of PP just being pulled aside by media and his answers off the cuff 10x better than Trudeau does with a script in front of him. He is the guy.


                          O tool actually knows what the party needs
                          He’s a very decent guy maybe the most Able to
                          Connect with everyday people that we’ve seen
                          In a long time. But he didn’t listen to PM brian Mulroney
                          Or at least he wasn’t able to do what the former PM
                          Said which was if you’re the leader you lead any of those
                          In the party that can’t get over that the party needs to
                          Go more to the centre needs to be punted.
                          The extremists in the party back stabbed him all
                          Along because he isn’t far out right wing.
                          Most of that extremism comes from western
                          MPs who can’t figure out increase your western vote
                          From 70 to 80 % doesn’t get you the government.
                          You have to be a national party. The east sees this
                          Backstabbing by the extreme and they don’t want it.
                          It’s just the way it is.
                          Western MPs are so enthralled and too effective
                          with creating the Us vs them that people can’t
                          Forget it.
                          On his merits I hope he doesn’t get defeated I
                          Would rather the party clean up the backstabbing
                          And say your either in or your out. That would
                          Give Canadians across the country an understanding
                          If what the party really stands for.
                          If people want extreme they can vote for bernier
                          That option is there. The extreme want to hide
                          And yet control the Conservative party people
                          Just aren’t that dumb overall.
                          I actually think he should be given that chance
                          To really rule the party but maybe he’s not
                          Strong enough or maybe just to much extreme
                          To overcome. Jmo

                          You could punt any western mp and still get the
                          Western vote!!!! Chuck could even be a conservative
                          Mp and win!!! Lmao


                            I always wondered why Saskatchewan was like it was in the seventies and eighties….after reading what a couple posters write its quite understandable now.


                              The NDP years in Saskatchewan were awful you wanted so bad to leave you couldn’t wait to get a suit case after grade 12 and leave.

                              oTool is done today.


                                Originally posted by blackjack View Post
                                I always wondered why Saskatchewan was like it was in the seventies and eighties….after reading what a couple posters write its quite understandable now.
                                Now you know why Calgary and Edmonton have skyscra-pers and Regina and Saskatoon dont.


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