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Actions any of us can take to ensure a peaceful resolution to the current situation.

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    Since the Prime Narcissist has dug in and doubled down, it's clear that the the only solution is for the Liberal party to remove him and take a fresh course.

    To that end, the most effective action would be to call every Liberal MP and ask that they initiate a party leadership review.

    Won't be easy, because the NDP crackpots appear to be fully in support of the Liberal dictatorship, so he can keep control even with a minority gov.

    It won't be easy since Trudeau and his henchmen will threaten, plead, sermonize his caucus to maintain control.

    Narcissists don't quit. We were involved in a very ugly family situation a few years ago where everything appeared to be beautiful and harmonious. It wasn't.

    The father, found to be extremely physically abusive, was charged with several degrees and counts of assault after the children finally summoned the courage to break their bondage to hm and speak out.

    When my wife and I responded to the children's call for help, we received the full force of the father's hatred and he did his best to make us look like the bad guys. He hated any challenge to his sick world.

    The abuser was a very good talker and managed to suck so many people into his support network and do his subversive work for him. It was sickening to watch, but his reign of terror over his children did come to an end.

    What was so incredible was the dedication his children showed to him even after everything was exposed and after his sentencing. He had a great gift to always paint himself as the victim or hero of any circumstance.

    The power of a narcissist is beyond normal comprehension until it is witnessed first hand. Psychologists will claim that it is untreatable. Just cut that sick person right out of your life.

    Justin Trudeau displays the classic behaviors of a narcissist. Ask JWR and Jane Philpott.

    The Liberal party is in thrall to a very sick man. And so is Canada.


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        This Lightbound guy is so done. He called out Trudeau.

        A Liberal MP doesn't criticize the Sock Puppet and expect to survive. He said as much -



          And some Conservatives have quit and criticized the CPC caucus over their support for the occupation.


            Originally posted by burnt View Post
            This Lightbound guy is so done. He called out Trudeau.
            Probably an independent by the end of the week but there may be more like him. And the media covered it now it’s all over social media.

            He’s from Quebec so that won’t be easy for the sock retard.


              Originally posted by jwab
              maybe the "old cons boys club" should see if she or Mr. Lightbound are interested in a leadership role
              such a breath of fresh air to hear the likes of her and joel light bound
              and don't think her passionate speech didn't influence joel
              as his will inspire others
              trudeau, Otoole and the likes are finished
              so inspiring listening to young intelligent passionate speakers like them!
              Last edited by Guest; Feb 8, 2022, 13:35.


                Dont you liberal ccksuckers even think about it.

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                  Originally posted by jazz View Post
                  Dont you liberal ccksuckers even think about it.

                  Playing devils advocate. Having children there appears like human shields. However, pulling the child protective services card is not great optics for the cops. I don’t think cbc can spin that one in their favour.


                    Originally posted by jazz View Post
                    Dont you liberal ccksuckers even think about it.

                    Carbon Monoxide? So it is OK for the blue collar working class Canadians who drive trucks every day, and sleep in them at night, and all the rest of the equipment operators to be exposed to potential CO as a routine part of our daily jobs, but suddenly unaccpetable because they are in Ottawa?

                    What about all the working homeless living in their cars across the country, many with kids, maybe we should tackle that not so small problem now that it has been highlighted that we care about such things.


                      Could someone help me understand the PM with his comment? I believe he said "Mandates are the way to avoid restrictions".

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