Starve them out seems like a brilliant strategy.
Virtually the entire urban population exists within their comfortable cities because they are kept supplied by complicated, fragile, just in time delivery network using almost exlusively trucks.
So in an attempt to starve out a handful of very well supplied truck drivers within a location. Any other truck driver can show their solidarity by starving out an entire city. Randomly, anywhere in the country. Fuel trucks could refuse to deliver to one city, reefers to another, propane to another, dairy to another etc. Even if most truckers won't stand up in solidarity, all they/we need to do is set up selective blockades, turn back all fuel trucks only. Only need a few trucks or tractors to do so. There aren't enough police to ever control them all.
A conspiracy theorist friend of mine ( he literally lives this stuff), who I dismiss almost exclusively, once pointed out that all cities now have only a handful of entrances and exits, with cement walls (sound barriers) along either side, and no way around these few entrances. His theory was that this was to control the peoples entrance and exit when the time comes. This could just as easily be used by the people against the authorities. It wouldn't take very many pieces of equipment to completely blockade a large city.
Virtually the entire urban population exists within their comfortable cities because they are kept supplied by complicated, fragile, just in time delivery network using almost exlusively trucks.
So in an attempt to starve out a handful of very well supplied truck drivers within a location. Any other truck driver can show their solidarity by starving out an entire city. Randomly, anywhere in the country. Fuel trucks could refuse to deliver to one city, reefers to another, propane to another, dairy to another etc. Even if most truckers won't stand up in solidarity, all they/we need to do is set up selective blockades, turn back all fuel trucks only. Only need a few trucks or tractors to do so. There aren't enough police to ever control them all.
A conspiracy theorist friend of mine ( he literally lives this stuff), who I dismiss almost exclusively, once pointed out that all cities now have only a handful of entrances and exits, with cement walls (sound barriers) along either side, and no way around these few entrances. His theory was that this was to control the peoples entrance and exit when the time comes. This could just as easily be used by the people against the authorities. It wouldn't take very many pieces of equipment to completely blockade a large city.