Originally posted by agstar77
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I sold less than a full truck load of wheat that was overage to a recent sales contract… done on Tuesday this week, then yesterday… was given a further 20 cent a bushel premium… on wheat that in CWB days would have been a #3…
Was paid over 20,000$… for that less than one truckload of wheat…
it was settled in one day, and the money directly deposited into my bank account.
More for this wheat than we had been paid for any Canola … less than 2 years ago…
Aggie… your concept of freedom is a jail cell for anyone who disagrees with your deluded communist sorry miserable life draining regulations …that you still seem to dreaming …about …
Cheers, a toast to Common Sense and freedom to choose what happens to: both our bodies and wheat….!!!
Absolute Power corrupts absolutely… no better example of this than PM Trudeau today!