Well I got my $26.00 canola today I’ll watch for a few days if $30 she’s all going wheat will also go at $15.
Canada and the USA have weak pathetic fools running them.
Sorry chuck your boy will sell us out to save his sole. He is that pathetic.
Keeping Canadian oil in the ground and no pipelines east or west or south was stupid beyond anything. We could pay off all debts in a few years but no we’re going ****ing electric or solar or wind.
Stupid politicians are easy to take out Putin and china will win.
Taiwan is next.
What will our two do nothing.
Here is the crop report.
Canada will be almost out of canola by end of July. So the prices should be good for another year. They played the game to **** farmers and now it’s going to get interesting.
Russia and Ukraine and wheat Black Sea and we have low poor crop in 2021. Wheat just got more interesting.
USA is Dry and satellite images show dust storms and pictures show sand blowing up and piling up like snow.
Cold in Saskatchewan really cold.
One month till I head home.
60 days till seeding. Will a crop get seeded if war. Who knows dangerous times and we’re sitting hurt limp ducks at hunting season.
Skippy showed how pathetic he was to the world maybe we’re next by china.
I’m a little worried.
Weak men who don’t know what bathroom to use are going to get ****ed. Sorry to offend but
Have a great day stay warm I’m off to go golf.